Selective Abortion & Racism!

In view of the large families of the Slav native population, it could suit us if girls and women there had as many abortions as possible. We are not interested in seeing the non-German populations multiply…We must use every means to instill in the population the idea it is harmful to have several children, the expenses that they cause and the dangerous effects on women’s health… It will be necessary to open special institutions for abortions and doctors must be able to help out there in case there is any question of this being a breach of their professional ethics. Adolf Hitler 1942

Socialism and the Church!

The fact that the Vatican is concluding a treaty with the new Germany means the acknowledgement of the Nationalist Socialist State by the Catholic church! This treaty shows the whole world clearly and unequivocally that the assertion that National Socialism is hostile to religion is a lie! Adolf Hitler   Comment: The only thing that keeps socialism alive and well as a political option is the silence of the church in America! Since the 501c Tax exempt status was given to American churches by the then Senator Lyndon Johnson there has not been a better plan by Satan to silence the church in America! How did Hitler get the endorsement of the church? Why? Because the church was silent too long and allowed him to come to political power! Then once he had the power they the church were left with only two options! Resist and die or endorse and live! Many Pastors were executed by Hitler! We can never exchange money for the loss of our freedom here in America! Silence on any sin is an endorsement of evil! Whether it be abortion, homosexuality, transgenders, lesbians or the socialist policy of open borders and sanctuary cities and State Control of everything! I chose to speak up now rather than wait until it is too late! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Politics and Religion!

“The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventors of the Jews.” Adolf Hitler “There is nothing more abominable and miserable than religion!” Vladimir LeninĀ  Comment: What can we learn from the lessons of history? History repeats itself even the destructive parts of it! First what is Bolshevism? It is an ideology or doctrine of the violent overthrow of a capitalist government. It was born out of Russia with the Revolution of 1917 by the socialist communist party in Russia! Millions died in this revolution which really carries on today! The founders of socialism were all Jews! They were also atheists! There founders of socialism were names such as Engels, Marx, Lenin and many more! They along with Hitler and Mussolini were all followers of Charles Darwin and his Theory of Evolution! Darwin was also an atheist and his theory was based on the big assumption there is no God! Russia, Germany and Italy formed the Axis power against the Allied Nations of WWII. So why did Hitler and Stalin turn on each other during the early years of WWII? Remember Italy, Germany and Russia were all socialists! Dinesh D’Souza best explains how this can happen by examples! In Islam the Shiites and the Sunni’s! In Christianity the Catholics and the Protestants! Even though their doctrines were close yet war broke out among them! Also with the socialists! Here is how they get tripped up! Marx, Lenin, Stalin Mussolini and Hitler all agreed as per socialism doctrine all social classes must be eliminated! However except their own? So why is socialism a proven failure over history still promoted today especially in the American political left? So why does the American left go after Christians and Orthodox Jews? Because our Bible opposes socialism! Let us focus just on one point of socialism because I will go too long on this posting! Why the promotion of the gay and lesbian agenda by the Democrats? It is to destroy a social class! To remove the distinctiveness of gender! How about no borders and sanctuary cities? To destroy a social class of people! What about abortion! Thirty six percent of all abortions are done on African American women yet they only make up 13 percent of the population! To destroy a social class! Why the attack on Christian’s and their business enterprises? Why drag them into the courts all the time? To destroy a social class of people! Why the war on Trump! If the Christians gain ground socialism will be pushed back! The Republican Party is primarily made up of Christians and Orthodox Jews! The Democratic Party is made up of Atheists, socialists and followers of Charles Darwin and his evolution! One half the Jews in America are atheists and the other half Orthodox Jews! The Orthodox Jews vote Republican and the atheist Jews vote Democrat! As long as half the population remains Christian then the socialists cannot win! Why did President Johnson put in the 501c Tax exemption Christian churches? To silence the leadership of the church and take them out of the fight against socialism! So when will socialism win out? After the Rapture of the church! Then a one world government will be formed headed by the Anti-Christ a Jew and homosexual which will last for 7 years with the greatest destruction registered in world history! It will climax with the return of Christ and his reign over earth for a thousand years! Praise God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Democracy Produced Adolf Hitler!

We enter parliament in order to supply ourselves, in the arsenal of democracy, with it’s own weapons. If democracy is so stupid as to give us free tickets and salaries for this bear’s work, that is it’s affair. We do not come as friends, nor even as neutrals. We come as enemies. As the wolf bursts into the flock, so we come. Joseph Goebbels, Propaganda Minister for Adolf Hitler. Comment: Democracy cannot save America! Here is a quote from one of our Founding Father’s of America: “We have no government…capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge and licentiousness would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale going through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.” President John Adams.

Anti-Semitism in Europe

“A Jew cannot be a true patriot! He is something different, like a bad insect. He must be kept apart, out of a place where he can do mischief–even by pogroms, if necessary. The Jews are responsible for the Bolshevism in Russia, and Germany too. I was far too indulgent with them during my reign, and I bitterly regret the favors I showed the prominent Jewish bankers.” Kaiser Wilhelm II, German Emperor, (1859-1941) Comment: Adolf Hitler did not wake up one morning and decided that he hated Jews! The German culture over about 400 years was set up for this! It started with Martin Luther! When his revelation of “Christ Alone”, spread across Germany and Europe he thought the Jews would get on board! They did not! He was angry about this and his resentment went to printed words across Germany! This hatred spread into the following generations! This leads us to another important question! Can a Jew be Anti-Semitic? Absolutely! This seems like another contradiction but true! We know from our Bible that the Anti-Christ will be a Jew! So not only can a Christian be Anti-Semitic but also a Jew! How does this happen! Biblical ignorance leads the way! Remember Jesus our Jewish Messiah was hated by the Jews! So much they had him Crucified! However without the crucifixion there would be no Salvation for men! So the Jews that hated him helped to bring the Salvation of men! The Russian Revolution and the rise of Fascism and Nazism was a political ideology promoted by atheistic Jews such as Charles Darwin, Engels, Marx, Nietzsche, Lenin, Stalin and others that set the stage for WWII. So the world has a choice to either follow the Jewish Messiah or an atheistic Jew who opposes the Jewish Messiah! Life really boils down this this choice! Which Jew will you follow? One choice leads to life and one choice leads to death! Salvation of the world has come through the Jews! However being Jewish does not guarantee your Salvation! Only following a Jew named Jesus Christ! We know from the Book of Revelation that many Jews will come to Christ during the seven year Tribulation period of history! Why? Because when the Jewish Anti-Christ sets up his world reign over the world in the re-built Jewish Temple at Jerusalem he will turn on the Jews and set himself up as God ruling from the Jewish Temple! Then they will realize they have been deceived by this false Messiah! Satan is the great deceiver and he started his work in the Garden of Eden! We all need spiritual discernment which is available through your Holy Bible! For those that study his word there are no surprises and deceptions are exposed! Through our Bible we see the love of God to man and why he had to sacrifice himself for our sin! Our Bible was written by Jews! All of these Jews both Old and New Testaments point to our Jewish Messiah! Who do you say he is? Your eternity weighs in the balance! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Destroying American History No Problem with You?

All the critics say where will it stop? Will Mount Rushmore come down? Looks like Christopher Columbus is next? Well the Christian will say this will not affect me and my family? What about your Bible? Your Bible is a history Book! During Adolf Hitler’s rise to power Bibles were burned in the streets of Germany! Germany moved from the Martin Luther founder of the Reformation Movement to Adolf? The enemies of America want our history erased and changed! The success story of the Judean Christian foundation of America is more than the left can tolerate! They are working hard to turn America into an atheist culture removing all Christian heritage! There are also other things going on here! I have mentioned before the move to the one world government which means you have to destroy all Nationalism! Nationalism is the enemy of the globalists! The world is preparing to install the Anti-Christ one world leader while we as Christians are preparing to meet Christ! These are the two opposing forces at work in the world! All of humanity is working to install one or the other! The Anti-Christ will only reign 7 years with Christ returning to take over! If you are working for the Anti-Christ you will be laid off work soon! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Gun Control in America?

“To conquer a nation you first must disarm it’s citizens!” Adolf Hitler 1933. Comment: Our Founding Father’s had the God given wisdom to write our Constitution to arm our citizens to prevent a government takeover of them! The Democratic Party and the left are desperately trying to make laws that would disarm us! Why? Are they getting their advice from Hitler? No government can take complete control of a people if the masses are armed! The cost would be too great for a takeover! I am thankful to be born in America and live under our Constitution! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Hitler Admirer!

“Hitler is one of the greatest men, the old trust him, the young idolize him. It is the worship of a National hero who has served his country….Within a few years, Adolf Hitler will emerge from the hatred which surrounds him and will be one of the most significant figures that ever lived!” John F. Kennedy, Prelude to Leadership, The European Diary of John F. Kennedy, 1937-1945, Regnery Publishing Company Inc., Washington D.C., Page 74.