Church Leaders! Time to Sacrifice!

Franklin Graham as of 2020 has a net worth of 12 million dollars! He is considered one of the highest paid pastors in the world who earns an annual salary of $622,252 dollars with additional increments from Samaritans Purse! During the time of his father, he is said to have earned a yearly salary of $450,00 thousand dollars for his work at BGEA. Source: The Commentary: This is why I have difficulty supporting big ministries! Just not enough self-sacrifice from leadership! We have the political elites! The social elites and the religious elites! These ministries have no personal connection with you unless you give big bucks to them! Then you become an elite! They will never be there for your funeral! For your marriage! They do not know who you are! If you passed them by on the street they would not recognize you! It is so impersonal! Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil! This includes ministries! Jesus could have made billions of dollars healing the sick and raising the dead! He could have published books and made millions! But he did not! We all have to be a good steward of what God has given us! My spiritual leader will never be a millionaire! Jesus ministered to people that had more money than he did! The rich young ruler! Just give me your money and then you will make heaven! No! Give it to the poor! If the Lord tells you to give to a ministry then do it! I do not want your money! I want to help build your spiritual man! Sacrifice is a Kingdom principle! Jesus is our CEO! He owns it all! Let us turn back the clock about 60 years ago here in America! I grew up on a little farm near a little town Pilger Nebraska! The town had about 500 people then! In that town were five churches! We attended a Methodist Church. On Sunday morning these churches were full of people! Then between the little town and our farm about six miles south of Pilger were a host of country churches! What got my attention on Sunday morning when my parents were getting us ready for church was the sound of church bells across the land! The bells are silent now? Every pastor across America of every small church by the tens of thousands was responsible to God and to the church members of that flock! They had a shepherd they personally knew! Not so today! We were tied together community by community by a common bond! Not so today! Our rich heritage is lost today that made America great! TBN has become the Walmart of religion! They are not answerable to you! They do not know you! America is a foreign land today where there is no spiritual connection with leadership of the Pastorate! Just like Washington D.C.! Jesus disciples are numbers on their income sheets! If you wonder why America is fragmenting apart so fast then these are some reasons shown here! Support your Pastor and the small church! I have noticed God shows up there too! He is no respecter of people but whoever calls on his name shall be saved! The elites do not care about the little guy but Jesus does! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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