Free Speech Attacks from the Left!

The left has successfully pressured some businesses to no longer sell My Pillow products created by CEO Mike Lindell. This is an attempt by the left to silence anyone who disagrees with them! This is not America! When a business is not neutral in regards to the customers they serve then we are headed to an authoritarian state! However you can do something about it! They want to cancel Mike a Republican but we have 75 million Republicans here in America! So we ordered one hundred and fifty dollars of pillows from Mike today! We do not need these pillows yet to support him we spent the money! As a Christian we need to put our money where our mouth is! You can order his pillows by either going on his web site: or by calling 1-800-876-0227. Use promo code Dinesh. I am going to list the stores that have boycotted Mike by taking his products off their shelves! I would suggest to you that you boycott these stores and call their companies and complain to them about these unconstitutional moves against freedom of speech! These are the following stores to boycott: Dollar General, Shop HQ, Mattress Firm, Kohl’s, Kroger, BJ’s, Wayfair, Bed & Bath & Beyond, TSC/The Shopping Channel, H-E-B, Affirm, Fingerhut, Kinney Drugs, Colony Brands, Bluestream, Coborn’s, Cheweydot com, JCP. Commentary: These actions by the left are promoting socialism and the one world government headed by the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet! It says in the Book of Revelation that you will not be able to buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast! We as 75 million Republicans and supporters of Christ can stop this political tyranny by buying Mikes pillows and boycotting these stores! If we do nothing then one day they will cancel you! They will come to your house and give you a mark where you can buy or sell only without this mark! God Bless America! james & Hamsa Sasse.

Science & Faith!

We have members in our church that own a trucking company. All applicates for employment must take a lie detector test. Some of the questions are such as : Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? One of the most interesting questions was do you believe there is a God? Most of the applicants said yes and the lie detector confirmed they were telling the truth! However occasionally one applicant would say no! Every time an applicant said no the lie detector would scream that they were lying! Even an atheist is lying when he says there is no God! We have an internal and external witness within us that tells us God exists! God’s creation within us and all around us with the sun, moon, stars, oceans, rivers, mountains, forests, plains, confirms his existence! Our denial only confirms that we are not truthful and his confirmation of our existence is proven by science itself! We have an internal witness and an external witness that we cannot deny if we are honest! Pastor Adrian Rogers, Love Worth Finding.

Cancel Culture!

You cannot undermine police authority and complain about rising crime! Thomas Paine [1737-1809], Through his writings he was most influential to inspiring the patriots of the American Revolution to declare independence from Great Britain.

Cow Farts & Global Warming!

The Global warming ideology and the Green New Deal require a cap on cow farts! With the political left back in power cow farts are back on the menu! The elite millionaires and billionaires have too much time on their hands so they dream up stuff for us tossing and turning late at night that will save our planet! Cow farts is one of their nightmares! Greenhouse gases! While Bill Gates, John Kerry, Al Gore fly through the sky at 500 MPH in their biz jets dumping tons of carbon gases into our atmosphere they look down from their port hole windows at 35 thousand feet wondering how they can control these poor humans and animals to produce less gases! Bill gates wants to get rid of cows! Are we next?We need synthetic or artificial beef! Never mind it tastes like a dog biscuit we just have to get used to it! Never mind he has millions of dollars invested in Chevron Oil and other non-renewable energy companies! Like Texas getting used to a winter without power taking the green house gases bait in their energy policies! Get used to it! Under Biden gasoline has jumped 50 cents per gallon in our area! Wait until every gallon gets a carbon tax and we have to now import our own oil from the Middle East! Supplies dwindle and prices through the roof! We will just have to get used to it! After all because of you we will punish you! We must after all save the planet! Darwinists always turn creation on its head! The planet becomes more important the man who lives on the planet? God created the planet for the benefit of man not the reverse! John Kerry married into wealth! The Heinz Ketchup company owned by his wife! So how did they make their fortune? Selling ketchup over decades to millions of people who put it on beef steak! On hamburgers and beef hot dogs ! On roasts and every other meat! So now war on cows! Bill Gates owns over 230 thousand acres of land raising corn and other products to feed to beef cows yet he claims he is a vegetarian? Global warming is a myth used for political purposes! For what? To control you! To accept and get used to high energy prices to support their false ideologies! The elites want to think for you! To the elites you are stupid and need regulations and high taxes so you can pay them to think for you! They know better how to spend your money than you do! You are stupid! Yes to believe them you are! The political left wants you dependent on them! If you the little guy get big idea’s they will use their political power to crush you! Crush your small business with lockdowns and more regulations! If you start making money like the big wall street firms and you are the small guy then they will shut you down! We will control you! Your conservative Biblical based idea’s are not fit to be heard so we will shut you down off social media platforms! We only want one voice that is our voice to be heard! No longer wanting debates on idea’s! President Trump you are banned off Twitter for life! You support the small guy and we will shut you down! We will impeach you! You have lost 2 billion dollars since becoming President and we will work to destroy the rest of your business empire and remind your 75 million supporters we will do the same to them! Socialism requires authoritarian rule! No dissenting voices allowed just like China, North Korea, Russia, Cuba and other dictatorial regimes! Free speech and the second amendment was what set America apart from the despot regimes of this world! Why the war on fossil fuel? Control! Drive energy prices up so high you will have to ride public transportation systems! You will become dependent on the State! Loss of choices! Why try to destroy small businesses? They will have to rely on the State! You cannot buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast! This prophecy in the Book of Revelation is coming soon! The one world government is coming soon led by the Anti-Christ and his False Prophet! Freedom is about choices! Our freedoms are being chipped away one by one! No prayer! No public worship! Look we live in a fallen world but we serve a risen Savior! We listen to his voice and no other because he is truth! Jesus is returning soon to keep his promises to us! To keep choosing Jesus now will become much harder here in America than ever before yet trust him even in the darkest night! He will shine his light on you! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Green Energy & Texas!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the bar maid from Brooklyn says unless we implement the Green New Deal we will all be dead in 12 years? Well the politicians in Texas believed the lie and shut down two thirds of their electrical energy supply through natural gas, coal and nuclear with deadly results! With 4 million people out of lights and heat in Texas if you took a poll they would tell you death will happen now not 12 years from now! These are the destructive policies of the political left! Texas has 23 percent of the Natural Gas Reserves here in America! While the gas is left under the ground in the State of Texas the people are freezing above the ground! Biden through executive orders has cut off our energy production with consequences! Instead of being energy independent we become dependent on nations who hate us for our supplies! This results in higher energy costs to you the consumer! As supplies dwindle energy prices will spike! Gasoline prices in our area are already going up! Thousands of homes in Texas now have broken water pipes so even if the water comes on you will flood your house until the plumbing is fixed! Renewable energy is unreliable! If the sun does not shine or the wind does not blow you are screwed! Germany is suffering right now with people freezing in their homes because acres of solar panels are buried under two feet of snow! Think what would have happened in Texas if everyone would have electric cars? First of all the grid could never handle it and if the entire grid were replaced today costing billions of dollars then they could not re-charge their vehicles and more people would freeze to death! Right now thousands are sleeping in their cars with engines running and heaters on! Carbon monoxide deaths are happening in Texas! Because of green energy rolling blackouts are also prevalent in California! If we continue to elect idiots to rule over us we will have idiot outcomes! By the way Texas what happened to global warming? James & Hamsa Sasse.

Signs Of His Second Coming!

Many false Christ’s! Wars and rumors of wars! Famines! Plagues! Earthquakes! Beginning of sorrows! Persecution of Christians! Betrayal of family! False prophets deceiving many! Violence grows! Love waxes cold! Why Lord? These signs listed in Matthew 24 by Jesus show us the signs of the return of Christ back to earth to rescue his followers, take charge of the earth to rule and reign over it for a thousand years and to punish the wicked who have rejected him with judgment and condemnation to an eternal hell! I want us to look at Matthew 24:13-14. I have taken the original translation in the Greek and translated it back into the English. “Jesus said, But he that shall endure suffering with a load of miseries staying behind with patience towards your persecutors unto the end or the completion of your goal and conclusion you shall be saved through your spiritual and eternal salvation granted immediately by God through your belief in Christ and the Gospel the good news of salvation through Christ and the preaching of the Kingdom of God out of your moral and personal necessity to the entire world and where you are living for a witness unto all nations: and then shall the end or completion of your mission on earth shall come.” Commentary: So how do I know I am saved? By preaching the Gospel to those that have rejected Christ and hate you for following Jesus! James & Hamsa Sasse.