Trump Re-elected 2020!

How do I know? Because one of God’s prophets in the Church of Jesus Christ made the prediction of his election and re-election back in 2007! His name is Kim Clement! I know of him personally because he spent a week in our home church back in the 1990’s back in Macon Georgia! I knew then Kim was the real deal! His recorded message on April 4, 2007 in Redding California is available on YouTube! Watch it for yourself! God’s prophets predict things decades and even hundreds of years before the time of the events as those Messianic prophecies in Isaiah and other Old Testament Books of your Bible! Kim passed on to the Lord in 2016. Go to YouTube and type in the search box; “Trump reelected 2020- Kim Clement Prophecy 2007.” This video is only 2 minutes and 53 seconds long! Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Super Bowl Qustion?

The New England Patriots won the Super Bowl again! They have done this more than any other team in the NFL! Now if we could duplicate this team into another team exactly alike with the same players at every position my question is who would win this Super Bowl game? This would be the Super Bowl of Super Bowls! So what would be the final score? You say it would be a tie? No according to the rules or the law of the game it would go into overtime until there was a winner! So here is my point! The outcome of the game all things equal would be determined by law! If the same two teams broke the law during the game they would be penalized! It could be a 5 yard or 10 or 15 yard penalty of a team or a player could be ejected from the game or fined or both! Our outcome in life is determined by law! In fact living in countries that have no laws are the most dangerous places to live on earth! Then if our laws are not enforced great danger comes to our nation! If I murder someone and the death penalty is not rendered to me then others are encouraged to murder also! This is why God gave us the Law way back in the Book of Exodus some five thousand years ago! Our judgment or acquittal is based upon law! So why is this important to me today? Because the penalty of sin is death! We all physically die because we have all broken the law! However the eternal penalty of separation from God can be changed if we receive Salvation given to us by His Son Jesus Christ done on a Cross some two thousand years ago! God paid the penalty for our sin! If you reject this gift from God then you pay your own penalty! Think about this? If you were a Denver Bronco fan at Denver watching the Patriots play your team and the Patriots broke the law but the Broncos were given the penalty what would you do? You would riot in the stands with the rest of the Bronco fans! Yet on Good Friday when they put Jesus on the Cross for our sin yet he was innocent the crowd shouted Crucify Him! This great injustice was endorsed by the crowd and carried out! We all put Jesus on the Cross! Jesus took your just penalty for your sin upon himself so that you would be free from the law of sin and death! It does not get any better than this! That is if you receive his gift made on your behalf! His life for yours! What fool would reject this? Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Just Call Me Angel? Revelation 9:11

Commentary: So in chapter nine we have an angel from heaven and an angel from hell! Wow! Can they be in both places! They are from very different places! Remember Satan or Lucifer is a fallen angel! An angel is a created being just like a human! That is why we are not to worship an angel! Jesus Christ is not a created human being! He pre-existed creation and is actually the creator of heaven and earth! He has no beginning and no end! So in the apocalypse described in Revelation  we see this angel from heaven releasing the angel of hell unto the earth for judgment of the inhabitants of the earth who have rejected Christ! This angel by definition is a King or monarch over the people of Hell! The word Abaddon is an inserted Hebrew word meaning angel of death and desolation. The Greek word Apollyon means a destroyer. So where did hell get all of its population? From the same place heaven got its population. From the earth! Since Easter is approaching what happened to Jesus during those three days in the heart of the earth? He preached to the captives! Jesus went to hell for you and me and preached to the captives there! It was an evangelistic crusade! Did he get any converts? Do you remember the rich man and Lazarus Jesus told us about in the Gospel of Luke? Lazarus the poor beggar while on earth was now in heaven! The rich man was in hell! A great gulf separated heaven and hell and no one could cross over! A border wall! The rich man wanted the Lord to go to his five brothers and warn them of this terrible place he was suffering in! The Lord said they have Moses and the Prophets! The rich man said if one would go to them raised from the dead they will listen! The Lord said if they will not believe Moses and the Prophets they will not believe one raised from the dead sent to them! Remember Jesus said Moses spoke of me! So the first place Jesus went when raised from the dead was hell! Even those in hell will confess Jesus is Lord and Savior but it will not help them! The disciple Judas betrayed Jesus so if Jesus could not save him who could? Those that have rejected God while on earth and now in hell do not have the moral capability to repent! So during this seven year Tribulation period before Christ’s second coming we see the judgments of the wicked on earth are punished by God releasing the inhabitants of hell back unto the earth so that the wicked consume each other! Their fallen condition perpetuates hell on earth! God through his Son Jesus Christ perpetuates heaven on earth as people repent of their sin! Jesus Christ the God/Man has power and authority over Heaven, earth and Hell!  Would we be so foolish as those in Hell and some living on the earth to deny his power who determines where we spend eternity? To reject his love is a serious mistake that can have eternal consequences for our soul! Christmas explains that God was born for us and Easter explains that God died for us and rose from the dead for us and lives in Heaven waiting for those who will call upon his name and repent while living here on the earth!   James and Hamsa Sasse.

Post Marked for Heaven?

Revelation 7:3 Commentary; Again a true servant is consumed with the will of another! He does not have his own will! Not my will but thy will be done! The word sealed in the Greek means to stamp with a private mark to seal for security and preservation! To keep secret until the right time! Your letter will not make it to heaven unless it has the right stamp! After the Saints are sealed in their foreheads which I believe is the mind of Christ Satan is cut loose in Revelation 9:4 to consume his own! In rebellion against God Satan has always longed to destroy the inhabitants of the earth and has done a pretty good job but now he gets his big chance! To slay 1/3 of men on the earth is a good start! However he recognizes the Saints and to his dismay cannot touch them! Demons have great spiritual awareness! Remember during Jesus ministry they recognized Jesus as the Son of God! Jesus cast out Demons on a regular basis! Satan today knows who you belong to! Satan eats his own kind! He consumes them in sin! Sin is the cancer of the soul! If you are sealed and post-marked for heaven then he cannot touch you! As Easter approaches we have to ask ourselves are we sealed for redemption or judgment? God knows and Satan knows but do you know? Satan’s deception is to get you to believe the lie that it does not matter! The lie there is no heaven and no hell! There is no God! If you find out the truth after death it will be too late! The Romans sealed Jesus tomb but on the third day the stone was rolled away and God conquered death and the sin of humanity that caused it! Satan was defeated and the fear of death that consumes men! He is risen! Are you? Seal your mind with the blood of the Lamb and put on the mind of Christ! Then Satan will know who you belong to and most important you will know you belong to Christ! Deception of sin will be exposed and truth will live in your heart and mind! Truth is embodied in the God/Man Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Transgenderism & Evolution

Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: male and female created he them.” Commentary: So what is behind the transgender movement? A rejection of God and man’s futile effort to replace God with themselves! Man becomes God! However there needs to be a theology based on a pseudo science to justify their rebellion against God! Man needs a reprobate mind to accomplice this! Abandoning God is the recipe for success! The teaching of evolution in our public school systems has everything to do with these abnormal ideologies! If you believe a dinosaur got feathers and became a bird and an ape became a man you are either on drugs or are insane! If this craziness were true then no problem a man can evolve into a woman and a woman can evolve into a man! This is a complete denial of reality and is no wonder the transgenders have a suicide rate many times above the national average! You are in denial of who God made you to be! Evolution and Charles Darwin has its founding in atheism! So when taught to your children they come out of public education as atheists! Can you understand what is happening to America today in the extremism in ideologies carried on in the political spectrum today? Promotion of crazy things that defy common sense? Like the Green New Deal? If young people believe there is no God then they must do God’s job all on themselves! That is what Hitler reasoned! We must speed up evolution by millions of years bringing it to its proper conclusion by getting rid of the undesirables! Killing the unborn and the elderly! Killing the handicapped and mentally retarded! Breeding a master race and eliminate all other races of people! Hitler wanted evolution on steroids! God is the creator of all life! Humans and animals! So we are responsible to God to protect life and do our best through science to preserve life! Life becomes of no value when we decide what value to put on it or not put on it and we then make God in our own image! That could be anything we want it to be! Either no God or millions of gods! Evolution is like a mad dog with no leash on its potential for destruction! Must we repeat the destruction of the 20th Century as followers of Darwin waged wars around the globe with hundreds of millions of casualties? If we would accept God for who he is and obey him with the authority he has then our lives could be preserved and peace will prevail over America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Rapture + Tribulation = ?

Revelation Chapter 8 Commentary: Why seven years? Why seven angels? Why seven trumpets? Why seven judgments? Why 1/3 of earth destroyed? Revelation chapter eight takes place after the Rapture of His church! These events are consummated after the rejection of God and His Christ by the inhabitants of earth much like in the days of Noah! His church is removed from the earth at this time! The millenniums of years of Salvation for men are now closed in history! The door of Grace has been concluded! The seven angels represent one day each of creation! The seventh day the Sabbath is included in this week! God worked six days and then he rested on the 7th day! America has come to the point where many are now working on the 7th day violating the Sabbath! Creation has been rejected by many millions of citizens here in America and has been replaced by the Theory of Evolution!  Many are the followers of the atheist Charles Darwin! The seven years of the tribulation and the seven angels represent one day of judgment for each day of the rejection of Creation! The altar in Heaven and the golden censer and the prayers of the saints are worship going on in Heaven! At this time worship of the true God has ceased in the earth! The seventh day of worship is no longer honored in the earth! The Saints have been removed! Each of the seven trumpets represent each of the seven days of creation! One trumpet blows for everyday of judgment to the earth for their rejection of Creation! Why is only 1/3 part of the earth destroyed rather than the whole earth? First Jesus is returning at his second coming at the end of the seven year Tribulation period! Second the present population of the Christians in the earth is 1/3 of the total world population! At the Rapture and the beginning of the seven year Tribulation 1/3 of the earth’s population will be removed! Those resources left behind by the Christians will be destroyed by God so that the unbelievers left on earth can not use those resources! The thirty minutes of silence in Heaven takes place after Christ opens the seventh seal! The inhabitants of Heaven now contemplate the close of Salvation on the earth and the judgments to be released! A moment of silence for the judged! Remember if we do not live to see these events then judgment for every human begins at physical death! So how do I escape! By taking and receiving the one who took your judgment on the Cross at Calvary! By honoring the God of Creation and rejecting the godless atheism of Evolution!  Right now today Jesus is either your Savior or judge! Which is it? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Warning on Evolution!

A Heavenly Master governs all the world as Sovereign of the universe! We are astonished at Him by reason of His perfection, we honor Him and fall down before Him because of His unlimited power. From blind physical necessity, which is always and everywhere the same, [no variety adhering to time and place could evolve], and all variety of created objects which represent order and life in the universe could happen only by the willful reasoning of its original Creator, Whom I call the Lord God. Isaac Newton (1643-1727). Physicist, Mathematician, Astronomer and Inventor.

Science & Faith

I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by men who were inspired. I study the Bible daily. Opposition to godlessness is atheism in profession and idolatry in practice. Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind that it has never had many professors. Isaac Newton (1642-1727). English physicist, mathematician, astronomer and inventor.  Comment: This is true about atheism however what Isaac did not see coming was Charles Darwin in the 1860’s selling his atheism as science! Darwin packaged his atheism as a pseudo science and then it was instituted into our American school public education! Now atheism through Darwin has many professors here and around the world! Taught as science in all our public education institutions! Evolution is the product of atheism and socialism is the product of atheism and Darwinism! Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and many more world leaders today are the product and followers of Darwinism or Evolution! The left wing of the Democratic party are Darwinists! The political battles going on in America are founded on the belief that there is either a God or there is no God and man has to determine is own destiny! If there is no God then man must chart his own destiny! God cannot figure out Global warming so we must intervene for God and tax the hell out of the inhabitants of the earth! Since God is not here were must re-distribute wealth to those too lazy to work for it and steal the wealth and ingenuity of smart people and pay the lazy the fruits of their labor! The better off must pay for the health insurance of the lazy who will not work! Life is so unfair since God does not exist we must intervene in the affairs of men and right every wrong! Never mind we are wrong just let us correct you! We have made ourselves God so now certainly everything will be better! Vote for us and we will right the wrongs created by those that believe in God! If we can just get rid of those who believe in God we will then have a perfect world and the utopia our past socialist founders through the destruction of the world could not achieve! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Prophetic Warning on Evolution!

Blind metaphysical necessity, which is certainly the same always and everywhere, could produce no variety of things. All that diversity of natural things which we find suited to different times and places could not arise from nothing but by the idea and will of a Being, necessarily existing. Isaac Newton (1643-1727), Physicist, Mathematician and Inventor.