Global Warming?

Atheism is so senseless! When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amount of heat and light. This did not happen by chance! Isaac Newton (1643-1727), Physicist, Mathematician and Inventor

Prayers of the Saints!

Revelation 8:3-5 Comment: Chapter 8 begins with 30 minutes of silence in heaven! Now there are women in heaven what this is referring to is a listening time for the prayers of the Saints both men and women to be confirmed!  At this point in the Tribulation period Jesus is no longer interceding for the Saints on earth but taking their prayers and confirming them with the will of God to execute judgment on the earth! At this point Jesus role is changed from Savior to Judge! Notice the unity of the prayers of the Saints in heaven and on earth! These prayers are not about saving poor uncle charley down here on earth! These are prayers for judgment to fall on the earth and revenge the persecutors of the Saints! The prayers of the Saints at this time are input to Christ to release judgments into the earth! Their prayers are affirmed by the heavenly incense which God has provided shows he is in agreement with the cries of the Saints! At this point the door of mercy has been closed! Have you closed the door of mercy on your life? Jesus is knocking and wants to open the door for you! When physical death comes to us as it will for everyone the next second you will appear before the Throne of Christ! You will appear either to a Savior or a Judge! What you did with Christ while still living on this earth will determine your outcome! Joined with Christ forever or separated from him forever? The choice is yours to make! You determine your place in eternity by your own choice! Heaven or Hell? It is that simple! My prayer is that while there is still time you will turn your life over to Jesus Christ and surrender to his mercy! James and Hamsa  Sasse.

Saved for What? Revelation 7:14

There are two kinds of people in this world! Those set aside for God’s mercy and those set aside for God’s judgment! It is determined by the choices made by those individuals! We are either sealed by the blood of Christ for redemption or we are sealed in our own blood for judgment! In chapter seven of the Book of Revelation we see God withholds judgment upon the earth until his servants are sealed! We see 144 thousand Jews are sealed for redemption! Wow! Can you imagine the Apostle Paul multiplied 144 thousand times here on the earth? One hundred forty four thousand evangelists! We also see many Gentiles will be saved during this seven year tribulation period after the Rapture of the Church! God always leaves a seed in the earth whether it be Noah and his family or thousands of evangelists near the second coming of Christ! So what are they saved for? Yes saved for heaven and saved to reach the lost here on earth! Evangelism explosion as James Kennedy led while he was living here! We do not want to go to heaven alone! That would be selfish! This is why God sent his Holy Spirit into the earth to equip us to reap a harvest! God wants the whole earth saved however some reject him! Can you imagine the Jewish Anti-Christ having to cope with 144 thousand Jewish evangelists? How precious are lost soul’s worth to you? Are they worth dying for as God did for you? Back during the Alaskan Gold Rush a couple of men left their family and friends to move up north to strike it rich! They staked a claim in the remote part of Alaska near a stream and began panning for gold! Then they found a lot of gold in the stream! They were so focused on the gold they forgot to get provisions for the long cold winter ahead! Without warning weeks of extreme cold and blinding snow hit their camp! They had constructed a small cabin but no provisions! Two years later a prospector found their cabin and opened the door finding two skeletons sitting in chairs next to a table! On the table were about a dozen bags of gold! There was also a note left on the table apologizing to their families how they were so focused on getting rich they neglected to take care of themselves and their families! The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous! Are you laboring in vain? Vanity fair is a place called Hell! Heaven is a place where God alone can be trusted for our earthly provisions and heavenly rewards! If you are waiting until heaven to worship your King you will not be there! Begin to worship Christ today here on earth and it will continue along with you forever! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.

Message to Hitler on Abortion!

Destruction of the embryo in the mother’s womb is a violation of the right to live which God has bestowed upon this nascent life. To raise the question whether we are here concerned already with a human being or not is merely to confuse the issue. The simple fact is that God certainly intended to create a human being and that this nascent human being has been intentionally deprived of his life is murder! Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1909-1945), German Pastor executed by Hitler eight days before the end of WWII.

How Shall I Know?

Ezekiel 7:4 “And my eye shall not spare thee, neither will I have pity: but I will recompense your ways upon you, and your abominations shall be in the midst of thee, and you shall (know) that I am the Lord.” Comment: The key word here is “Know”. The Hebrew word “Yada”, means to know and understand as a man does with a woman in a sexual relationship! Intimate knowledge! Here is the real deal! You are going to know God in one of two ways! You are going to know him either through Salvation or through judgment! You can keep warm in the winter around a pot belly stove but you cannot live in the fire! No middle ground here! No fence riders! Political correctness will not save you! If your friends are ashamed of you because you came to Christ God is not ashamed of you! Better to find new friends! I would rather let God mortgage my future with making payments for my sin than call my note due in foreclosure and judgment! Think you not to take your own judgment at death? The decision is up to you! If you believe the lie that there is no God and no Heaven or Hell you have been deceived by the deceiver Satan! There are two components of God’s love! Salvation and judgment! You cannot have one without the other! Heaven and Hell! Righteousness and evil! Light and darkness! Life and death! Heaven is only an option because Christ took your judgment on the Cross for you! Why do people want to tear down Crosses and other historical monuments? They reject the God who took their sin upon himself! Then they are left with their own sin with no recourse! Then they are cut off! Never to be grafted into the Tree of Life! Without Faith it is impossible to please God! Take a step of faith today and received God’s gift of redemption for your soul! Then you will know God the right way and experience his love! James and Hamsa Sasse.

A Falling Away? II Thessalonians 2:3-4

A Barna Survey says that church attendance has been declining nationwide over past ten years! The March 25, 2014, report says regular church attendance has declined from 43 percent in 2004 to 36 percent in 2014. Why? Now let us read II Thessalonians 2:3 and then we will break the Greek words down for a better understanding! “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, that the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” Comment: So why Pastor’s are pulling out what hair they have left on their head trying to figure out drop in church attendance the scriptures themselves provide the answer! So what does the term “Falling away” mean? The Greek means to abandon the first to rule! The author of creation! To abandon Christ himself! You see your drop in church attendance is a refection of a culture that is abandoning Christ! The word man used in this scripture is irrespective of gender! It is a spiritual condition! Sin meaning missing the end of your true purpose! The word perdition is an interesting word! The Greek translates this word as the condition of men after death exempt from Salvation! So a drop in church attendance is prophetic as we near the end of time! It is not to say we and Pastor’s should not try to be better in our presentation of the Gospel but also not to deny scriptures to popular culture to be please the crowd! It goes on in verse 4 to say they make themselves God! That is the most dangerous position for any culture to be in! We see reflections of this in our culture with promotion of socialism, global warming, abortion, open borders, anti-Semitism, Christian mockery and more! The greatest destruction of the world as history has shown us is when man makes himself God! Atheism along with Darwinism are two outstanding examples! So keep the faith in Christ and understand these signs are prophetic and means Jesus second coming and the rapture of his church is near! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Judgment Withheld! Revelation 7:3

Hold judgment until the servants of God are sealed in their foreheads! First of all what is a servant? By definition it is one who is in the permanent will of another! Jesus said not my will but thy will be done! A slave is committed in the will of another! A even deeper meaning in the Greek means to be bound or tied with a chain or a cord! Like the Trinity a three stranded cord is not easily broken! So the will of the master becomes the will of the slave! They look alike and act alike! You cannot tell the difference between them! My will must never be in the way of God’s will! I should only be committed to the will of my Father! Like a skydiver for once I jump out of the aircraft I am committed to whatever outcome comes! No turning back! No regrets! My past is behind me! If I forgot my parachute I look for a haystack! I look ahead not behind! Jesus is looking for these kind of servants in the earth! Not those that say I will serve you if it is convenient or profitable! If it benefits my career! As long as I can keep my old friends and be popular with the world! I will serve you if you can do something for me! Do not ask me to sacrifice for you and others! If my excuses invalidate me it is time for a change! By definition of a servant are you a servant of Jesus? This day will never pass by you again! It will be lost forever! You will never see this day again! The thief on the Cross saw his error and repented on his last day on earth! The other thief rejected Christ and mocked him! Which thief are you? The thieves did not chose the Cross and were guilty! Jesus chose the Cross for you and was innocent! He chose the Cross for the guilty which is me and you! Is it too hard for you today to chose Jesus? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Judgment Begins When? Revelation Chapter 6

Comment: Well you say from first Peter it says judgment begins at the House of God! That judgment is the persecution against the church by the world! That is the judgment by the world against the children of God! The Judgement in Revelation chapter six is the judgment of God against those that have rejected Christ and his church! It is called the Day of the Lord! It is also called the Judgment of Christ! The day of this event something else also happens! We have the Rapture of the Church caught up from the earth and the same day we have the seven seals opened by Christ to judge the earth in rejection of him! This day will mark the beginning of the seven year Tribulation period on earth involving the conflict between Christ and the Anti-Christ,  the False Prophet and their followers! This Tribulation period is concluded with Christ returning to earth at his second coming with the Saints from Heaven! To set up the 1000 year rule and reign sometimes known as the Millennium Kingdom! Notice in verse 16 the wicked of the earth cry out and say who shall escape the wrath of the Lamb? The sacrificial Lamb of our Salvation has returned to earth as a Lion of Judgment with his second coming!  We will also have Jews and Gentiles saved during this tribulation period but they will be martyred for their faith and some are today martyred in the earth! Billions have people in the earth have lived and died but those that trusted Christ have Salvation and are Heaven right now! Those believers in Christ will return to earth following him at his second coming or at the end of the Tribulation period! So we as believers follow Christ while here on earth and in Heaven after we go there and will return to earth with Christ at his second coming!  Who are you following today? Only one of two possibilities! Following Christ or the Anti-Christ? Heaven or Hell? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Socialism & 20th Century!

Socialist leaders responsible for the death of millions of people were not really leaders! This is not a complete list but the more notable of them: Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Augusto Pinochet, Mobuto Seko, Mae Tse Tung, Nicoloe Ceausescu, Kim Il Sung, Fidel Castro, Mengistu Mariam, Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. What psychologists have found studying these leaders is that they did not lead people but followed the crowd! Whatever pleased the crowd the leaders promoted! These people appealed to the base instincts of the crowd eager for revenge and hate! A wicked leader will appeal to your wickedness! He will deceive you into believing what you want so bad is really the path for your destruction! My grandfather sixty years ago gave me some good advice when I was a teenager! He told me never follow the crowd! Remember Jimmy the crowd crucified our Lord! A good leader will lead you away from the destruction of your ways and not affirm your sin! How different Jesus was in that he promoted forgiveness and love! As the political debates begin for another season of endless debates and empty promises the question is what messages appeal to you? Free stuff? Give aways? Get even? Revenge? Give away someone’s wealth to those who did not earn it? Theft? Abortion? Anti-Semitism? The list goes on but if that leader is following you and your base instincts of sin to be popular with you maybe we need to take a look in the mirror? We do not want to repeat the 20th Century! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Salvation in Tribulation!

Book of Revelation. Comment: The good news of the coming seven year Tribulation period is that many Jews and Gentiles will come to Christ during this point in the future! They will be martyred by the Anti-Christ but make Heaven and escape the second death! They will be washed in the Blood of the Lamb and given white robes as a covering! Notice when Christ opens the seven seals of the Book judgment is released upon the earth! Yet those that have accepted Christ in the earth are sealed in his blood and are redeemed! You see the question is not about physical death for we will all pass through this event but the real question is what awaits us on the other side of death? Christ has sealed you from judgment if you are in him! So in your life right now you are either sealed in salvation through Christ or you are unsealed in judgment! Is you name written down in the Book of Life? This truth holds true whether in the Tribulation period or before it right now! God’s truth transcends time! God has not changed but we must change! In fact you do not have the power to change yourself but God does! If we confess our sin he is faithful and just to forgive your sin! Notice here that the angels were instructed to withhold judgment until the servants of God were marked or sealed in their foreheads! The unbelievers will also take a mark on their foreheads to identify them that belong to Satan! So at this time everyone living on earth will have a mark identifying to whom they belong! Two distinct marks that will reveal who they are! No more hiding in the closet! We as a believer are sealed by Christ right now! Sealed for salvation by his blood! The unbelievers unsealed ripe for judgment! So what would these marks look like? Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? The homosexual capital of the world at that time! Interestingly today who is promoting homosexuality? The Anti-Christ will be a homosexual! Satan is promoting this in preparation for the one world government leader! So when the death angel passed over these cities what was the sign that caused the death angel to pass over them and spare the residents of the cities? Remember this is Old Testament! You had to take the blood of a lamb and strike the two side posts and the top post of your front door! This blood was in the form of a Cross! Remember Rahab and the red scarlet cloth hung out her window to escape judgment! The mark on the forehead will be in the shape of a Cross and red color but more important they will have the mind of Christ which is internal and eternal! What will the Mark of the Beast look like? His number shall add up to 666! Six is the number of man! I believe the False Prophet will represent Islam! The Trinity of Islam is Allah, the Quran and Mohammad! Allah is a man made God and the Quran is a man made book and Mohammad is not God but a mortal! James and Hamsa Sasse.