Super Bowl Qustion?

The New England Patriots won the Super Bowl again! They have done this more than any other team in the NFL! Now if we could duplicate this team into another team exactly alike with the same players at every position my question is who would win this Super Bowl game? This would be the Super Bowl of Super Bowls! So what would be the final score? You say it would be a tie? No according to the rules or the law of the game it would go into overtime until there was a winner! So here is my point! The outcome of the game all things equal would be determined by law! If the same two teams broke the law during the game they would be penalized! It could be a 5 yard or 10 or 15 yard penalty of a team or a player could be ejected from the game or fined or both! Our outcome in life is determined by law! In fact living in countries that have no laws are the most dangerous places to live on earth! Then if our laws are not enforced great danger comes to our nation! If I murder someone and the death penalty is not rendered to me then others are encouraged to murder also! This is why God gave us the Law way back in the Book of Exodus some five thousand years ago! Our judgment or acquittal is based upon law! So why is this important to me today? Because the penalty of sin is death! We all physically die because we have all broken the law! However the eternal penalty of separation from God can be changed if we receive Salvation given to us by His Son Jesus Christ done on a Cross some two thousand years ago! God paid the penalty for our sin! If you reject this gift from God then you pay your own penalty! Think about this? If you were a Denver Bronco fan at Denver watching the Patriots play your team and the Patriots broke the law but the Broncos were given the penalty what would you do? You would riot in the stands with the rest of the Bronco fans! Yet on Good Friday when they put Jesus on the Cross for our sin yet he was innocent the crowd shouted Crucify Him! This great injustice was endorsed by the crowd and carried out! We all put Jesus on the Cross! Jesus took your just penalty for your sin upon himself so that you would be free from the law of sin and death! It does not get any better than this! That is if you receive his gift made on your behalf! His life for yours! What fool would reject this? Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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