Who is Worthy? Revelation 5: 1-14

Worthy to do what? To open the seven seals of the book in the hand of the Father! To bring judgment upon the earth! So who was not worthy to open the book? This book is your Bible my friend in heaven! All judgment is rendered according to His Word! The strong angel was not worthy! The elders, angels, saints, four beasts, patriarchs, disciples, Jews, Gentiles, not anyone in heaven except one! Who? Who is worthy to render judgment on earth from heaven? The one that took your judgment upon himself for your sin while on earth!  When Jesus took the book out of the hand of the Father a celebration broke out in heaven! A new song was written! The prayers of the saints were released! The song of redemption was sung in heaven! God now closes his plan of redemption on earth and judgment is released on those that have rejected Christ! Seven judgments come upon the earth! Your decision on Christ has current and eternal consequences! Your eternity rests on what you do with Christ! Today on earth there is redemption and judgment! However the redemption chapter will close one day on all of us! Were you wise to receive him or were you a fool to reject him? Have you made the right choice? If you have not time will run out on all of us here on earth! Time is forever in heaven but the time of judgment ticks forward on every human born on earth! You can stop that clock of judgment by starting your walk with Jesus today here on earth!  James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

The New Green Deal?

The left has moved so far to the left that they no longer live on planet earth! Surely Ocasio-Cortez is from Mars! Is she on drugs? What are they teaching our children in these public schools? How is the green new deal working out for France! Riots in the streets! How did it work for the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela or any place else it has been tried? Socialism is a proven failure! The global warming myth is being used to tax your income to death! These predictions of global destruction by the left are always predicted 50 or more years in the future when no one us will be around to see if it were true! She just killed the Amazon deal for New York at a loss of 25000 high paying jobs and she is proud of it? No fossil fuel? Tax the hell out of it! No motor transportation? No aircraft? No trains? No trucks? No heat in your home in the winter? No air conditioning in the heat of the summer? No cows? No milk? No food? She would make the best Geico ad ever invented! She will make your life so simple even a caveman can do it! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Your Best Life Now? Revelation 21:4

If this is our best life now why would we want to go to Heaven? It would be unnecessary! Why would we want to leave this life of war, famines, earthquakes, murder, abortion, rape, incest, sexual abuse, pestilences, disease, death, terrorism, political upheaval. divorce and all the rest of our problems? Jesus warned us not to fall in love with this world! You can see why! The new heaven and the new earth will no longer be separate from each other! Why? No sin! No border walls! The old world is passed away! No threat of nuclear destruction in the new earth! There will no more be a sea with storms interrupting our lives where with no distractions we have perfect communion with God! In the new Jerusalem the church is in a perfect state of communion! The church is triumphant! Our blessedness does not depend on our own works but is kept and released to us by our Christ! No more sin, afflictions, tears and sorrows! Death is defeated! No more persecution of the Saints! The best earth now pales to the new heaven and the new earth! The River of Life flows with the refreshing water that quenches all thirst! Living water! No more floods and polluted water! No more air pollution! No global warming! No more politicians! Praise God! No more drug addiction! No more taxes, funerals, grave diggers or crematories! No illegal immigrants! No more persecution of Christ and his followers! The wheat and the chaff are separated forever! The second death has no power over us as we are redeemed by his blood! The blood shed at Calvary! For you and for me! Our payday is not very far off! So close I do not want to fall in love with this world but to Christ! One day your health will expire! Your effort to sustain yourself will end! Then who have you trusted with your eternity? Yourself who has just died? Are you going to raise yourself from the dead? Christ said that he is able to do exceedingly above all that we could ever ask or imagine! If we trust God in the here and now he will lead us in paths of righteousness and to a place he has prepared for us! Your work is never finished here on earth but the work of Christ on your Cross is complete and eternal and transcends time and matter! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Who Get’s In? Revelation 21:8

The best way to answer this question is to describe who does not get in? The first listed are the fearful and unbelieving! Fear and unbelief go together like bacon and eggs! They simply do not believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ! They substitute an ideology for Christ and the Kingdom of God! Rather they replace Christ with themselves! Good examples today would be Darwinism and socialism! Atheism! Too many to list here! A true believer in Christ has no duplicity! They do not try to add or take away anything in our scriptures! We do not try to marry any sin with Christ! As the reformers said Christ and Christ alone! The abominable are those that are foul and stink because they have replaced the worship of Christ with their own self-worship! They replace God and make themselves the object of worship! Hello Satan! Murderers are those that kill mankind who are made in the Image of God! Whoremongers translated from the Greek means a male prostitute! It is any immoral human sexuality committed outside of marriage! Do you see how tricky the Devil is? This is why the push for homosexual marriage! However it is illegitimate because God describes marriage as between one man and one woman! It is like Satan trying to marry Christ to get into the Kingdom of God! Sorcerers are drug users and dealers! We get our word pharmacy from this word! Idoltry is simply idol worship.  They are also known as image breakers! They create their own images and worship them! Self-worship! Brimstone is hot sulfur like that molten liquid that flows out of an active volcano! So are all these sins pardonable? Yes except one! To reject Jesus Christ is the only unpardonable sin! Why? Because he is the God that has pardoned you for he sacrificed himself to redeem you! All you have to do is to confess your sin and repent! Walk away from your sin! Let Christ take your sin! He did on Calvary!What if our criminal justice system worked that way? The murderer repents and the judge releases him back into society! How would we know he repented? He would never murder again! The second death is mentioned in this verse! The first death is our physical death! If like the thief on the Cross accept Christ before our first death then we escape the second death or the eternal judgment of separation from God forever! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Election or Predestination

Psalm 69:28 Comment: In the doctrine of predestination it is believed that God out of love for his only son before creation of the world and man gave a love gift to his son! The gift was to redeem future men that would love him and serve him forever! Notice that this gift was not based on the goodness of men but is based on the love of God! It has nothing to do with our merit! For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God! I agree with this part of the doctrine of election! However the part I have a problem with is the idea that God picks certain rotten apples out of the barrel of humanity and let’s the others go? That is God decides which ones he will save! If this were true then why did God give us 23 scriptures in the Old and New Testament warning us to be careful that our names not be blotted out of the Book of Life? David expresses the thought and prayer that God would blot the names of the wicked out of the Book of Life! Also this is expressed in the Book of Revelation and other places in your Bible! If this part of predestination were true that just a select few names were there then their names would never be blotted out and the warning is unnecessary! I believe that every human ever born or ever will be born is listed in the Book of Life! Even those ten’s of millions of babies who have been aborted! What get’s your name blotted out is to reject Jesus Christ. Remember Christ warned Judas it would have better for you that you had never been born! Why! Babies like the aborted have no opportunity to reject Christ! However the murderer’s of the aborted have had their names blotted out! Your name is written down in Glory however  Hitler got his name blotted out! Why? Because he embraced the atheist doctrine of Charles Darwin and rejected Christ! Can I have it both ways? No the scriptures say you will love the one and hate the other! You are going to have  to make a decision about Christ! Like every man that has lived before you or after you! Do not delay for your default setting is Hell! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Milk Toast Christian? Revelation 2:7

Comment: Are you lukewarm? Neither hot or cold? The word overcometh used all over both the Old and New Testament is not really understood as used in the English language! I might think about getting an “A” grade on a test as an overcomer! I could also think of getting a poor grade and not failing as an overcomer! Jesus said throughout the Book of Revelation and other New Testament scripture said that he that overcometh I will give…….. A promise of a reward! So what does overcome mean in the original Greek and Hebrew? The Greek word is “Niko”, which means to subdue and conquer! Victory like those wearing the Nikki athletic sports equipment! The Hebrew word appears first in Genesis 49:19, and it means to collect a troop of warriors for an attack! It is a military term or offensive maneuver! So who are we conquering? We must have an enemy? Wait a minute? Jesus said to forgive your enemies! By doing this you conquer Satan who inspired your enemies to attack you! We wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers of darkness! When we get to Heaven will we be sitting on a cloud reading our Bibles? At Jesus second coming he will be returning to earth leading an army to conquer and subdue the earth! You will be in his army! We are to conquer also while still on earth! Conquer Satan! With the Word of God! Conquer in His name! After you leave the earth will Satan be better off because of you and get a promotion or will you have vanquished him? To overcome means you are on the offensive! There is no victory if you are on defense! Holding the fort? Jesus said go out into all the world to preach the Gospel! Is your voice muted in our culture? Are you a politically correct pawn used by Satan for his gain? Wait! I have a 501c tax exemption! I could lose money if I speak out! I cannot speak out against homosexuals, lesbians and transgenders! I know my Bible says it is evil but I have to sell my books and be popular! I need the money! My books sell if I promote the idea of wealth, fame, fortune, prosperity and success in this world! If my best life now is all there is why would I ever want to go to Heaven? My pyramid scheme of selling these books is great because those suckers give me all their money! I end up rich they end up poor! I win! There are no substitutes for reading your Bible! I am not saying there are not good books about the Bible but what I am saying is the Word of God came to you through His Blood! And the blood of martyrs! None of these authors of these books are going to give their lives for you! Most just want your money! If God gives me some revelation I can post it on a blog where it is free to you for benefit! I freely received from God why should I charge you? The most valuable possession we have has already been paid for! Eternal life by the Blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Before & After! Isaiah 11:2, Revelation 4:5

Isaiah has a picture of Heaven! He has a vision of our Messiah in Heaven hundreds of years before his incarnation to earth at Bethlehem! The six spirits of God are resting on Christ making the number seven a sign of completion! Revelation chapter four is the same picture in Heaven of our Messiah except this is after his ascension from earth back to Heaven! However in verse 5 we see thunder and lightning which represents judgment! Christ here in Revelation is preparing for his second coming back to earth to judge the living and the dead! His first coming was as a lamb or sacrifice but his second coming he is the judge of all. Judgment to those that have rejected his sacrifice for their sin! Jesus first coming was as a lamb but at his second coming as a lion! The Holy Spirit is the active agent in Heaven and on earth! A crucial part of the Trinity! The Holy Spirit came upon Mary to impregnate her with our Messiah! When Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan River the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus! This is why baptism is an important ordinance of the church! Then when Jesus ascended back to Heaven he promised to send his Holy Spirit to his church at Pentecost! Jesus role in Heaven was different before his incarnation! His role on earth was different! At his second coming his role will be different! However he is the same God with the same mission to redeem the earth and administer final judgment on those who have rejected him! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Never Too Late!

Two residents of this nursing home were in their 90’s in age and both their spouses had passed on! Long story short they both fell in love and decided to get married! They began to send out wedding invitations to the few people they knew that were still living! They invited all the residents at the nursing home! They asked the mobility driver at the nursing home to take them to a local pharmacy. He dropped them off at a local Walmart pharmacy. They asked the pharmacy technician if they stocked walkers, canes, pickup sticks, heart medicines, laxatives, constipation medicines, sleeping pills, pro-biotics, vitamins and diapers? The technician confirmed to them all these items were available! The couple was so excited and announced to the pharmacy that their store was going to be their Bridal Registry Store! Pastor Oscar Cope

New House! New Home!

2 Corinthians 5:1  “For we know that, if our earthly house made of dust and dwelling place of our deceased possessions of this temporary dwelling place of our Spirit were dissolved, we have a dwelling place in God’s family, a house not made with hands, eternal with a return of benefits received in God’s resting place.”  Comment: At death we all reach the same age as dust! This could be the socialist dream of equal outcome for everyone! Except they will rush this outcome with poverty and misery! A government appointed physician? How long will we last? The same failing public schools! If they are for equal outcome why then kill millions of babies in the womb and prevent the opportunity of life? What about the offspring of those millions of babies also prevented from life? We have a missing generation of our population! God has a better plan! To have a full productive life here on earth and in heaven! A life lived for him! For others! To continue with him in heaven a dwelling place prepared for us there! So what will we look like in heaven? Hopefully better than we look down here! We all start at the same age down here on earth! At birth except for the aborted! We all end up at the same age dust! So what kind of new body will we get in heaven? We have a few clues from our Bible! Jesus was resurrected from the dead at age 33. His material body looked the same even with the scars from the crucifixion! At the transfiguration the disciples recognized Jesus, Moses and Elijah! Enoch and Elijah were translated directly to Heaven! God will give us a new body yet recognizable in Heaven! However this new body will never get sick or die! Those in hell will also be recognizable! Remember the rich man and Lazarus? We are fearfully and wonderfully made! In the image of God! The world will get worse but God has a plan to redeem you from the darkness of this world! Hell is occupied with a belief system of no God and no redemption! By rejecting God they created their own dwelling place called hell! It is a rejection of God! God’s plan is for us to reach our full capacity as he has designed us! To be like God! Created in his image! God did not evolve! Hell evolved from man’s rejection of God their creator and savior! Never sacrifice tomorrow for today! God sacrificed himself today for your future! But you have to seize eternity today in Christ! My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com