The New Green Deal?

The left has moved so far to the left that they no longer live on planet earth! Surely Ocasio-Cortez is from Mars! Is she on drugs? What are they teaching our children in these public schools? How is the green new deal working out for France! Riots in the streets! How did it work for the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela or any place else it has been tried? Socialism is a proven failure! The global warming myth is being used to tax your income to death! These predictions of global destruction by the left are always predicted 50 or more years in the future when no one us will be around to see if it were true! She just killed the Amazon deal for New York at a loss of 25000 high paying jobs and she is proud of it? No fossil fuel? Tax the hell out of it! No motor transportation? No aircraft? No trains? No trucks? No heat in your home in the winter? No air conditioning in the heat of the summer? No cows? No milk? No food? She would make the best Geico ad ever invented! She will make your life so simple even a caveman can do it! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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