Independence Day July 4th, 2017

Without moral and intellectual independence there is no anchor for national independence! David Ben-Gurion Comment: When any government decides what is moral and what and how we should think we will become dependent on it. God through His scriptures has already decided what is moral and what is not! Any government that will last has to hold these values close to itself and the people they serve! Political correctness or policed thoughts are contrary to our Constitution and our Founding Father’s framework for our government. We thank every American who is or has served in our military and have made the sacrifices to preserve our Union! We thank our law enforcement officers for protecting us from anarchy and preserving law and order in our land! To our clergy who everyday remind us that without the Blessings of God we will fail. To you and everyday citizens who work and raise their families and have made America great! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

By Faith!

For the execution of the voyage to the Indies, I did not use intelligence, mathematics or maps! Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) Comment: If not for the fact that he preceded Plymouth Rock by over 100 years and 300 years prior to our first 4th of July celebration I would have assumed Christopher was born in Washington D.C,! There were no maps of the new world and he bumped into North America on his way to the Indies! If you read some of his journals of his voyages he was an evangelist and God had him on a journey to find a land and nation that would support and protect the Jews and promote the Gospel around the world! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Are You a Remnant? Romans 9:29

Paul was quoting the Old Testament here in Isaiah 1:9. Jesus quoted the Old Testament a lot! In Romans here Paul uses the word Sabaoth! This word means the armies of Heaven! Remember the war angel Michael? They are still employed by God! Isaiah uses the word remnant while Paul uses the word seed. The Hebrew word for our English word remnant means a people who survived an onslaught of an enemy! They are simply survivors! A seed is also a survivor in the sense that it was not consumed but lived to produce more fruit! So what in the world are we surviving from? I am glad you asked! God’s Judgment due to our sin! Love cannot exist without judgment! If God winked at sin and looked the other way there would be no need for Salvation! The earth would just be consumed in wickedness! We are all who are in Christ Jesus survivors from judgment! Whether it be Noah and his family or Joseph in Egypt or Lot and his family! There are only survivors in Heaven! It is interesting that the word Lord used in Romans refers to God using His authority for good! Lucifer the fallen angel had authority in Heaven but he used it for evil and was cast out of Heaven! How do you use the authority you have? For good or evil? Israel is a survivor today as it exists as a State under threats from all around her! In the last battle on earth Armageddon Israel will be surrounded by Gentile armies as they try to destroy her! God will dispatch His armies and consume them! No survivors! Do you want to be a survivor or remnant? Then you need a Savior! He is a Jew and His name is Jesus Christ! Remember according to the Covenant if God cannot be faithful to Israel He cannot be faithful to you! The Covenant promises include the Jews and the Gentiles! What you do with Jesus Christ determines whether you become a survivor or a Sodom and Gomorrah! James and Hamsa Sasse.