Is God a Racist? { Continued}

Revelation 14:6 “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation and kindred, and tongue and people.” Commentary: Interesting how God is inclusive and exclusive! He takes his love to all yet those that reject him exclude themselves from all the benefits on earth and in heaven! God has sent his evangelists from every nation through all generations to proclaim the Good News! Here in the Book of Revelation just before the 7 year Tribulation period in history and the 7 plagues released upon the earth in judgment God sends his Word to every creature on earth! An angel is a messenger with a message! The final warning goes out! The angels listed in Chapter fourteen are really preparing his people for Jesus second coming at the end of the tribulation! Preserved and saved from the coming plagues on earth! Who is more compassionate than God and his Christ? What a different world we would have today if man did not reject his Word! We would not have the Coronavirus! People like in China would not have eaten bats and other birds of prey as instructed to avoid in our Bible! What a different world if the inhabitants of earth would have let Christ take their judgment on the Cross! How simple! How easy! Yet man wants to do it his way! Judgment and death! It cost Christ everything to take your penalty for sin! When I feel physical or mental pain I think of the Cross! Then my pain goes away! All the plagues of mankind were taken and paid for on the Cross! Christ will stay the plagues in your life! No plagues will come nigh thee! The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom! Believers in Christ have benefits that those who have rejected him do not have! Heaven starts here on earth for those in Christ! Heaven continues after earth for those in Christ! Those in Christ return to earth with him at his second coming! Hell not heaven begins on earth for those that reject Christ! Then hell continues for them after earth! Greater is he that is in you than he who is in the world! James & Hamsa Sasse.

A Plagueless Life!

Revelation 22:18-19 “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of this prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these thing’s, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things written in this book.” Comment: Since we are in the middle of a plague I thought it appropriate that we talk about the last chapter of the last Book of our Bible! People claim that the first and last chapter of any book are the most important! So what is God saying to us in these two scriptures out of the Book of Revelation? What revelation can we get? Let me make it simple for us! To reject Jesus Christ will execute the judgments of these scriptures! Any ideology to replace Christ or reject him bringing an addition or subtraction of Christ is lethal! You hear all the ideologies opposing Christ today and over history! Christ is not the only way to heaven! There is no God! We evolved! Jesus Christ did not exist! I will be God and make my own gods! God did not create me I believe in Darwinism! I will decide who lives and dies! Abortion! God is who you make him to be in your mind! Hinduism! We create God! I reject that Christ died for me so I will die for God by martyrdom! Islam! I will be greater than God! I will be God! I will die for him! You have to work your way to heaven by good works! My salvation is based on my works! The list goes on and on into infinity! I believe in reincarnation! I will come back again over and over so I will never have to face the judgment of God for my sin and never have to accept his salvation! Easter ia about God reconciling our sin to himself his way! By the way of the Cross! His plan for our redemption completed at the Cross! The blood of God shed for our sin! The source of plague is sin! When Jesus died on the Cross the dead rose from the grave! The worst part of verse 19 is to have your name blotted out of the Book of Life! Separated from God forever! Every name is written in the Book of Life because Christ died for all! He arose from the dead for all! So what would cause your name to be blotted out? Rejecting Christ with any ideology that supports your rejection of him! Whatever excuse you can make to seal your fate! Satan tricked Eve into thinking God is no good! He does the same today as he deceives the world so they may join him in Hell! Reject Christ then your Savior becomes your judge! Jesus Christ is optional only to a fool! A fool has said in his heart there is no God! Instead of mocking and cursing God why not praise him? Use the breath he has given you to honor him! Praise him for the suffering he took for you and your sin on the Cross! It is a Holy Cross because he has made you Holy! He has prepared a place for you in Heaven free from suffering, death, hell and the grave! No more plagues! He took your curse on the Cross! God is not the author of plague but Satan is! His objective is to destroy you! God to save you! Who have you chosen to follow? Do not discount your life and follow the destroyer of all life for God has paid a great price to redeem you! The protection of Christ is your reward! Jesus name is above every name in heaven and earth! That is why he holds the Book of Life! Is your name there? John 3:16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son! For what? That whoever believes on him shall not perish! No plague! And then have everlasting life! What part of forever do you not get? I cannot think of a better way or time to accept Jesus Christ than in the midst of a plague! The plague will pass but his name endures forever! Inoculate yourself from sin! Invite Jesus to come into your life! James and Hamsa Sasse.

A Falling Away? II Thessalonians 2:3-4

A Barna Survey says that church attendance has been declining nationwide over past ten years! The March 25, 2014, report says regular church attendance has declined from 43 percent in 2004 to 36 percent in 2014. Why? Now let us read II Thessalonians 2:3 and then we will break the Greek words down for a better understanding! “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, that the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” Comment: So why Pastor’s are pulling out what hair they have left on their head trying to figure out drop in church attendance the scriptures themselves provide the answer! So what does the term “Falling away” mean? The Greek means to abandon the first to rule! The author of creation! To abandon Christ himself! You see your drop in church attendance is a refection of a culture that is abandoning Christ! The word man used in this scripture is irrespective of gender! It is a spiritual condition! Sin meaning missing the end of your true purpose! The word perdition is an interesting word! The Greek translates this word as the condition of men after death exempt from Salvation! So a drop in church attendance is prophetic as we near the end of time! It is not to say we and Pastor’s should not try to be better in our presentation of the Gospel but also not to deny scriptures to popular culture to be please the crowd! It goes on in verse 4 to say they make themselves God! That is the most dangerous position for any culture to be in! We see reflections of this in our culture with promotion of socialism, global warming, abortion, open borders, anti-Semitism, Christian mockery and more! The greatest destruction of the world as history has shown us is when man makes himself God! Atheism along with Darwinism are two outstanding examples! So keep the faith in Christ and understand these signs are prophetic and means Jesus second coming and the rapture of his church is near! James and Hamsa Sasse.