No Respect!

Young or old it is the same for me! When I was young when Halloween would come around my father would buy a mask for my little brother and sister but he would send me out just as I was! Never forget the first house! A little old lady came to the door wearing thick glasses! She looked at my brother and sister and complimented them on their masks saying every year these masks get more imaginative! Then she looked at me and told me this is the best mask I have ever seen over the years and it looks so original! Now that I am old I open the door for the kids and they look up at me and give me candy! I went to get a face lift! The surgeon said he could not help me! Why not? He told me he has nothing to work with! I went for a DNA test and they told me I was not human! Right out of the gate things went bad for me! My name Dangerfield is not my real name! My father would not give me the family name because he said I would be a danger to society! My first name Rodney was also an accident! At birth my father said I looked like I was beaten with a Rod! My mother told me a stork left me at the back door! My life is proof accidents happen! Insurance companies will not sell me life insurance? I asked them why? They told me I have already met with an accident! I tried out for a wise man in a Nativity scene! I got turned down! They told me I did not look wise enough? They told me to come back for Easter and try out for Judas! Life is tough! You have to keep a positive attitude even when things are not going your way! Rodney Dangerfield