An 84 year old French Priest just got his throat slit by a Islamic Jihadist! The Crusades in Europe were about Christians rising up to defend the slaughter of their cultures by Islamic Jihadists! It was a defense against Muslim invaders! Bad politics by European leaders and also American leaders allowed these Jihadist to enter their cultures! The purpose of any government is to protect her citiizens! They have failed miserably! The population will only take this slaughter so long then they will turn on these Jihadists with civil war! No government will be able to stop this because the people will turn on the government if they try! This is exactly what the Jihadist want! This is their goal! They want to import Syria and Iraq into Europe and America! Obama is really helping them by importing thousands of Syrian refugees into America! The very millions of refugees he created by pulling American troops out of Iraq! The bottom line is Obama is helping Islamists spread Islam! Really sad and tragic for the civilized world! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Tag: war
Christian Civilization!
There are historic situations in which refusal to defend the inheritance of a civilization, however imperfect, against tyranny and aggression may result in consequences even worse than war! Reinhold Niebuhr, American Theologian (1892-1971)
Human Effort!
After two world wars, the collapse of Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Colonialism and the end of the cold war, humanity has entered a new phase of its history! Hans Kung (Swiss Theologian 1928- ) Comment: Seven good reasons why Jesus is the answer! Islam is the latest human effort to replace Christ! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
The War on Women! Daniel 11:37
No bathroom for women? Daniel in chapter 11 describes the character of the Anti-Christ and world events that lead to his short 7 year rule over the earth! The spirit of Anti-Christ has always been with us! Daniel says the Anti-Christ will have no desire for God, women or any God but will magnify himself above all. The Hebrew word for desire would mean you would delight in, consider precious and goodly and pleasant or desirable! Why does Satan hate women? How is this expressed in American culture today? It says in my Bible in the Book of Genesis that God will crush the head of the serpent through the seed of the woman! That is the Savior of the world Jesus Christ will be birthed through the woman! Remember God loves you but Satan hates Jews, Christians and women! It is a trinity of hate carried out in the world through political, religious and economic systems! Some examples of war on women in America is abortion, divorce, sodomy, promotion of homosexuals, lesbians and now the latest transgender bathrooms! The war is against God Himself and Satan attacks Him through His children! Why do Islamic nations oppress women with multiple wives and enslave them? What does this all mean to Jews and Christians? Persecution will increase in the End Times! I believe the Rapture of His Church is not far off! All this identity loss is attributed to the plan to move the world into the one world government! When this happens currencies over the entire world will be worthless! You will have to take the Mark of the Beast to buy or sell! You will have to deny Christ in order to receiver this mark! If you miss the Rapture you can still receive Christ but it will cost you your physical life! Why not give your life to Christ now and miss the Hell on earth today and have Heaven on earth today with Christ dwelling in you! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Coronation at Bethlehem! 1 Samuel 16:13
Samuel the Priest anointed David at Bethlehem to replace King Saul. The estimated date is around 1030 B.C. About 1000 years later another King was born in Bethlehem! The Jews recognized that the Messiah, the Christ would come through David’s lineage. One of the key titles given to Jesus during His earthly ministry was “Son of David.” David was more than a King he was a warrior! Jesus was more than an earthly King! He is King over heaven and earth! He pre-existed Creation! He is Prince of peace but He is also a warrior! He will lead the armies of Heaven when He returns for His Millennium Rule here on earth! Those that do not submit to His rule will be ruled with a rod of iron! The war here on earth is a war between good and evil! Between light and darkness! Between Christianity and Islam! The coronation of Jesus at Calvary made a way for us to repent of our sin! Man has declared war on God! Peace will come when man accepts the King! Left to our own capacity sin will rule us! Submit to the King and let His peace reign in you! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Hope for the Hopeless!
Original sin is the only rational solution of the undeniable fact of the deep, universal and early manifested sinfulness of men in all ages, of every class and in every part of the world! Charles Hodge (1797-1878) Comment: As long as man uses religion to justify his sin the world will as always continue towards destruction. Only Christianity claims we are all sinners and require repentance through the atoning blood of Christ! To deny the sacrificial blood of Christ is to continue the unending shedding of the blood of men as history has shown us in declared and undeclared war against God and each other! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Hitler was Gay!
There is new evidence that Adolf Hitler was a homosexual! Doctors who treated Hitler were interviewed by the U.S. Army after World War II, and the notes from those interviews have been made public. Army interrogator Herman Merl, who was a medical technician interviewed Hitler’s doctors, Karl Brandt and Hitler’s primary physician Theodore Morell, wrote “Homosex” in the space provided for Hitler’s sexuality. The doctors told Meril that Hitler did not sleep with girlfriend Eva Braum in her bedroom, and he himself received female hormones. Meril wrote, Eva Braum=separate rooms and “female hormones-injection 50 thousand units. He added, “His sexual life and intercourse with Eva Braun was told to me.” Merl wrote that Hitler was hysterical, a megalomaniac and might have had Parkinson’s disease. Hitler was also injected with bull semen for testosterone. Source; William Bigelow, May 2013, Breitbart News Agency. Comment: I have previously posted on our Blog that Satan has a Trinity of evil! Just as God has a Trinity so does Satan. Satan has declared war on Jews, Christians and women! Remember the seed of the woman would crush the head of the Serpent! The war on women includes abortion and the promotion of gays! Our political party and leadership in the United States and in particular the White House with President Obama has declared war on Jews, Christians and women! Obama and his wife Michelle do not sleep in the same bedroom? Even when they travel! Obama is responsible for promoting the gay agenda and supporting Islam in the slaughter of Christians around the world! Our relationship with Israel is broken along with our former allies! When you go to the polls in November you have an opportunity to reverse the downfall of America! I believe Ben Carson is the man to reverse our slide! However that decision is up to you. Your vote or lack of a vote will have an outcome! Choose this day who you will serve! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Warning to America!
Even after the Paris attacks Obama says he still plans to bring in ten thousand Syrian refugees to America? This is an act of suicide! As of October 2015, he has moved 1293 Syrian refugees into America! Where are they? One governor has already refused to let them into his state! We should all move there! Obama is out to fundamentally change America! He has and is and we are loosing our freedom! He has declared war on law enforcement across America! As thousands of these Jihadist flow into American streets you are going to have to make changes in your life here! First you are going to have to avoid large crowds! You are going to have to avoid football games, basketball games, sporting events like the Boston Marathon! You need to avoid concerts, large congregation churches, shopping malls wherever large crowds gather! I believe house churches will come back to America! Do your children attend schools that have armed guards? Avoid gun free zones like the plague! Our hospitals and nursing homes will need more security! Order your gifts on Amazon and other on-line retailers! Our power plants, transmission lines, communication towers, gas lines, fuel refineries and cell phone towers will need increased security! Obama pulled us out of Iraq and now 1/3 of Iraq is under ISIL control and thousands of Christians martyred! We now have 4 million Syrian refugees! Obama will never admit a mistake so his solution is to bring his foreign policy mistakes back to America! Last Americans need to arm themselves! Obama at the same time is trying to take our arms away from us? America? Do you get it? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Angel Worship? Psalm 148: 2-6
Do you have a guardian Angel? There are about 300 scriptures in your Bible on Angels! First remember Angels are created beings. The Trinity created them and you and me! They also created the Heavens and the earth! The Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit all pre-existed all creation and are authors of creation. There is some debate as to whether Angels were created prior to the six day creation on Genesis chapter one! We do know Adam and Eve were tempted by Lucifer so the Angels had to exist before them! Lucifer is a fallen Angel. Since Angels are created beings they have a free will to obey or disobey! The same choice we have! One third of the Angels rebelled against God and were cast out of Heaven. However two thirds of the Angels stayed faithful to God! It seems just the opposite on earth as one third of the world’s population is Christian and the other two thirds reject Christ! However the Christians replace one third of the Angels who rebelled! Also remember Angels are immortal! That is why the lake of fire awaits the fallen Angels. Angel’s primary purpose is to worship God! So likewise with mortals! God can dispatch Angels at His will! Whether to announce the virgin birth to the shepherds or deliver Paul and Silas from prison! Gabriel is the messenger Angel, Michael the war Angel and Lucifer the Praise Angel who rebelled and now is Satan! These are the three primary groups but the others we will not discuss here. Sort of like the Trinity of Angels! Again the Saints replace the worship to God that Lucifer abandoned through rebellion! You cannot dispatch Angels but Christ will if needed! You do not pray to Angels! You cannot depend on created beings! Angels are servants of God and obey His will to accomplish His purpose! Trust God and His Christ and He will come to your rescue if needed! He could send millions but one would be enough! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Islam and War India
The Moplah rebellion in 1921, (also known as the Mopla riots) was a British-Muslim and Hindu-Muslim conflict in Malabar Kerala. It involved forced conversion to Islam! There were clashes that provoked arsonists who took to the streets burning and destroying government property! At first the focus was on the British but then turned into a Jihad against Hindus. A wave of a great number of killings and massive forced conversions to Islam swept the region! The most serious acts of violence spread the Madras now Chennai. Source; Encyclopedia Britannica. Comment: The biggest number of deaths caused by Muslims occurred in North India Centuries earlier when millions lost their lives! A new religion evolved out of this conflict and will be covered in a later report. For those who say Islam is a religion of peace have to completely deny history! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.