They Got It Wrong!

In truth, there was only one Christian and he died on the Cross! Friederich Nietzsche (1844-1900), German Philosopher, Hero of Adolph Hitler. Comment: His criticism of Christianity involved fascism and evolution. The truth is there is only one Christ and billions of Christians in history! In fact today one third of the earth are Christian! Being a Christian is to make Christ my Savior yet I will never be Christ! I can display Christ like behavior but that does not save me! Only Christ! Mahatma Gandhi got wrong in the same way when he was quoted as saying, “I would be a Christian were it not for a Christian.” Being a Christian will never save me or you! Only Christ can do that! To trust Christ not a Christian for your salvation is critical! Our job is to point people to Christ! We are saved sinners! Saved sinners in Heaven and unsaved sinners in hell. Hitler was a product of Darwinism! In 1859 Charles Darwin set the 20th Century up for a World War! Fascism comes out of Darwin! Hell comes out of Darwin! What did and will happen with Darwinism is that the followers will lose patience with natural selection and implement political policies that in their minds speed up natural selection! This is what we see with abortion! Hitler thought that the way to speed up natural selection is to remove the undesirables from the face of the earth! He though this will speed up evolution by millions of years! Why is this important to the Christian? Because Darwinism did not die with Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Marx, Lenin or the Emperor of Japan! It is taught in our public schools here in America as a science? The political left is promoting Darwinism or Evolution characteristics! Nietzsche has hundreds of quotes and I will select other quotes where he bashes Christianity! Paul said be ready to give an answer for our faith! What you will discover is the twisting of the truth of our Savior and why the same rejection exists on the political left today here in America! Jesus was raised from the dead so he conquered death for you and me! Any ideology outside of Christ will promote death! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Who Are They? Revelation 2:6

Who are the Nicolaitians? The word in the Greek means the conqueror of the people! Specifically in the Church of God! They are only referred to twice in the Book of Revelation. Both the church at Ephesus and the Church at Pergamos had the same problem! (Verse 2:15). The Nicolaitians were Bishops and prelates of the church gaining a triumphal victory over the laity! This is the very sin that brought forth the Reformation! It is mostly responsible for all our denominational and non-denominational churches around the world! The Nicolaitians compelled and forced church members to submit to the arbitrary dominion of men who have become the ones which the eternal hates! The Apostle Peter warned us that those who are leaders among God’s people must not dominate the faith of others but rather exhort them to do right! (1 Peter 5:1-3). The Nicolaitians are people in the church who have established a hierarchy of power and dominion under a government of ecclesiastical rulers! Comment: Yes! God hates these folks! Correction is very different from condemnation! We take the word disciple from the word discipline. Jesus used the techniques of correction and commendation very effectively! We as parents either tend to over correct and under commend or over commend and under correct! Everything I do cannot be right and everything I do cannot be wrong! That is why I need a Savior! My experience in ministry over the past 45 years has shown me people do not like to submit to authority! This is the nature of Satan! Most people will submit to authority if commended and corrected in love! However some will never! Hell is reserved for these folks! Why will some never submit? Because they want to replace God! This explains why the world is a war! War on God! Jesus asked the churches at Ephesus and Pergamos to repent! Sunday our Pastor Oscar Cope made an important point to us in his sermon! He said that the beginning of repentance is the end of judgment! James and Hamsa Sasse.

They Do Matter! Decoration Day May 1868

They died for you that is why they matter! No life is wasted if it is expended to defend others! That is what the “Cross” is all about! From the Concord Church to Benghazi American’s have sacrificed their lives for you! General John A. Logan ordered his posts in May of 1868 to decorate graves of the civil war fallen, 620000, with the choicest flowers of springtime! We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance! Let no neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic! Please take time to remember the fallen American’s over our history who changed history for you so that you can live in freedom today! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.