Jesus Makes a Confession About You? Revelation 3:5

“He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white rainment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.” Commentary: Some Saints at the Church at Sardis get their names mentioned as honorable mention to the Father by Jesus! Some get their names blotted out of the book of life! Do you confess Jesus daily from your lips at work or at home? In the market place where you go? Are you ashamed of him? If his name is never on your lips your name will never be on his lips! Jesus has to be more than a cuss word to you! Do you hear his words once a week but never speak his words? In any church some will go to heaven and some will not! When the Saints go marching in I want to be in that number! How about you? Surely my church membership is enough? No organization or denomination can save you! No Pastor can save you! His job and your job is to point people to the Savior! No amount of money given to a ministry can save you! Only Jesus can save you! There is only one road into heaven but many roads out of heaven! I have decided to follow Jesus as the old hymn says written in India! Everyone will follow someone but only the name of one will lead you to heaven! Eternal life comes under only one name! A name above every name! Jesus Christ! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Sin Has No Name? Ezekiel 3:18

There is a generic name for the wickedness across America named from our pulpits! The generic name for wickedness is sin! However the sin is never named? Satan seems to have no name either? Did you ever hear the name Satan or Devil used coming from our American pulpits? Political correctness seems to rule the day even in the church? Sin has names and they are all listed in your Bible! They are names like homosexuality, gay marriage,lesbianism, transgenderism, idol worship, adultery, fornication, gambling, forbidding to marry, divorce, drugs, abortion or child sacrifice and the list goes on! God told Ezekiel that if he did not warn the wicked then their blood would be on his hands! How do the wicked in 21st Century America know what to repent of? Like the Muslims who think they do not need to repent because they do not sin so do the rest of the wicked have been deceived by Satan! When is the last time your heard the Ten Commandments recited from the American pulpit? Jesus named the Devils and then cast them out! Can we not name the Devils in American culture? When Jesus saw the woman caught in adultery he told her to sin no more! You cannot win a war against an enemy you cannot identify! If America cannot name her enemies both foreign and domestic then we will lose the fight! Resist the Devil and he will flee from you! No resistance in the church? Jesus name is above every name! Above the names of sin! We can count our blessings and name them one by one but we cannot name our enemy? One day we will stand before Christ to give an answer! No excuses then! The Anti-Christ will have a name represented by the number “666”. Sometimes referred as the Mark of the Beast! You see Satan will hide behind a number to camouflage his name! People then will easily submit to taking his mark after all it is just a number! It is time for the leaders of the church in America to take the camouflage off Satan and expose his names for what they are! We in the church do not need to be part of a cover up politically correct scheme to protect Satan! If we do not call out Satan it will do us no good to call out the Savior! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Church at Philadelphia (Continued)

Revelation 3:10 Greek Translation “Because thou has kept my spoken word of my patience with endurance towards people not surrendering to circumstances, I also will keep you from the time and season of Satan trying to test you to fall, which shall come to the inhabitants of the earth trying and testing them to fail.” Comment: Volumes could be written on this one verse! In fact the Book of Revelation is a compilation of all scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments put together! Remember the Word of God as recorded in your Bible was first spoken before it was written down! Remember his spoken word created this world! The power of God comes from taking his written word and then speaking it! That is why in our Constitution so much value was placed on free speech! Satan will always work through any culture to suppress free speech! Political correctness in our culture is one example! It is designed to suppress free speech! Don’t wear your religion on your sleeve! In other words shut up! Do not take Jesus to the public places! Keep him in your own little corner in church on Sunday! Jesus said to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! There will always be an effort by Satan to silence the truth! To silence you! Notice what speaking the words of Jesus did for the Church at Philadelphia! It brought them endurance and patience towards people not surrendering to circumstances! Jesus said to them that since you have spoken the Word of God I will keep you from the wicked one Satan who wants to test you and cause you to fall! I will protect you from the second death or denial of me because you have chosen me! A rapture will come to everyone! Some to everlasting life and some to everlasting judgment! The coming future event of the rapture of his church from the earth will protect us from the seven year tribulation period led by the Anti-Christ! The greatest destruction in all the earth will happen during this period in history before Christ’s second coming! If you will confess the spoken word of God Jesus will come to you! He will rescue you! What will the tribulation prove? That Satan is real and evil! That God is true and righteous! That God’s word is accurate and the prophecies are true! That Salvation and judgment are a reality! That if you confess the Word of God with your mouth redemption and power will follow you all the days of your life! With your mouth you will either confess your way to Heaven or confess your way to Hell! Your confession is your destiny! Jesus said if you will confess your sin I will forgive you and I will confess your name to my Father in Heaven! The Church at Philadelphia understood this! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Power in the Name (Continued)

Revelation 2:12-17. Comment: When a King of a Nation marries a wife she becomes the Queen! The Greek name “Pergamos”, means “Married to Power.” The new queen only has power because she is married to the King! Most of the world wants to have power! Political power! Financial power! Military power! Religious power! Why? Mostly to dominate and control other people! My Bible says his church his bride is married to Christ!That gives us power! Power not to bring people into bondage and slavery but to free people from the bondages of sin! Has the church had abuses with it’s power? Yes! Jesus is very careful who he gives power to! Knowing man has the potential for using his power for his own gain at the sacrifice of people he is very selective with his power! No mortal is perfect and God understands this as their creator! The Church at Pergamos was married to Christ! Jesus commends them for holding fast to their faith even though Satan’s seat was very close to them! Much about the mission field is walking into Hell and delivering captives from the fire! Our three years in India enabled us to experience this! The fire is all around you yet not burned! Mission work is a fiery furnace experience! Antipas a member of this church was martyred yet they kept their faith in Christ! However Jesus was disappointed in some church members who held unto the Doctrine of Balaam? This caused some members to commit fornication! Some church members clung to the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans! You cannot be married to Christ and Satan at the same time! You must divorce one and marry the other! Jesus asked them to repent or he would fight against them with the sword of his mouth! That is judgment would come to them according to his Word! So 21 centuries later what Doctrines in the American church oppose the Word of God? The Doctrine of Darwinism! That is atheism! Evolution! The Doctrine of Socialism! Founded by Marx, Engel, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and others who were all followers of Darwin! Homosexual’s, lesbian’s and transgenders are Doctrines that oppose the Word of God! The list goes on but the more obvious examples! Do not forget drug use with 73000 casualties last year here in America! How about abortion! The casualties are millions yet if we stay married to Christ and not to the prostitutes of our culture Christ will carry the day for us! Jesus holds all power for good and he will and does have the last say because he is God! All judgment is rendered unto him yesterday, today and forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Power in the Name! (Continued)

The Church at Smyrna is the second of seven churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation. (Revelation 2:8-11). If you look at an old world map it is second closest church to the island of Patmos. The Greek name for this city Smyrna means; “Anointing oil.” Jesus commended this church and found nothing wrong with it! I wonder why? Smyrna was the suffering church! When you suffer for Christ and his Kingdom there is an anointing from him that comes over your life! We do not look for suffering but if you follow Christ it will come to you! Jesus told them he saw their tribulation, poverty and the blasphemy of their oppressors! He commended them for being put in prison for his name! He encouraged them to be faithful unto death! He told them a crown of life awaits them and that they will escape the second death! Jesus said we must be born again! This is how you escape your first death! Then Jesus has taken your judgment for sin for you and then you escape the second death! Remember God’s whole Kingdom is based on suffering and sacrifice! So what evidence would there be that I am saved and in Christ? If I would sacrifice my own life for others! If you are not saved you will sacrifice others for yourself! Just the opposite behavior! Look at your own life! Which is it? We are not saved by our works but the works of Christ however my works will reflect who I am following! Jesus or Satan? Satan has sacrificed you with his sin! Jesus has sacrificed himself for your sin over 2000 years ago on a Cross at Calvary! You cannot save yourself but by his power and his name all things are possible! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Power in the Name! (Continued)

On the previous post we talked about the meanings of the names of the seven churches that the Apostle John mentioned in the Book of Revelation. That is the names of the cities these churches resided in. We spoke of the meaning of the Greek word Ephesus. Now let us look at the city of Thyatira. What does the Greek word Thyatira mean? The word means; “To be controlled by a woman.” Jesus had many good things to say about this church however he corrected them on the woman named Jezebel! (Revelation 2:20) She was using the power of sex to seduce church members! Nothing new here! The name Jezebel means a worshipper of Idol’s! One truth I found out while living in India is that Idol worshippers make themselves God! Sex is a gift from God! Like any gift it can be used to either honor God or dishonor him! We face the perversion of sex here in America today in that the popular culture promotes gays, lesbians and transgenders as something honorable! The evil today is no different than it was in the 1st Century! The church today faces the same challenges! The good news is we have the same Christ! Jesus name is higher than the name of a controlling woman! Just like the city of Ephesus we cannot lose our first love to Christ! Will you exalt any name above the name of Christ? If we demote God then we promote Satan! The choice is ours to make but our choice determines our outcome both today and eternally! Chose Christ today and forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Power in The Name!

The seven churches in the Book of Revelation listed in Chapter two are Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. Now each of these Greek names of these cities has a meaning! Even though Alexander the Great conquered these area’s centuries ago these cities were then under Roman rule! Remember the feet of clay of the image in the Book of Daniel Rome was the last of four Kingdoms to usher in the Christ! Let us look at the first city Ephesus! Why was this city listed first in Chapter two? Logistics! If you look at a map of the old world you will see this city is closest to the Island of Patmos where the Apostle John wrote these letters from. Smyrna is number two listed as the second closest to the island! So what does the name Ephesus mean? The Greek word means ; ‘To Let Go.” Jesus commended the Church at Ephesus for many things but when it came to discipline of the Church Jesus said you have let go of your first love! If you study the name and the meaning of these seven cities you will find a connection to the character of the people living there even believers! Whether the character is good or bad! This is not new to me for the three years we spent in India I found the same was true there! Hindu’s, Muslim’s and Sikh’s when they came to Christ would often change their names! They would take on a Christian name such as John, Peter or Paul or Mary. They would even publish their photo in the local newspaper announcing to the world of their name change! I have found the character of a person is related to the character of their name! Sadly most people do not know the meaning of their own name yet their character will reflect that name because their name is called to them everyday of their lives! My brother Thomas was a doubter! He doubted me because my name James means a suplanter! There is one name that is above every name! His name is Jesus Christ! There is power in his name because he is God! When we cast Demons out of people in India we could only use one name that would work! Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Vanity Fair! Revelation 2:13

Jesus said Antipas is my faithful martyr! Antipas was the Bishop of the church at Pergamos during the reign of Roman Emperor Domitian. The Apostle John ordained Antipas as Bishop of the church at Pergamos. Antipas was burned inside an idol which was a bull shaped copper structure. His crime was casting out demons worshipped by the local population! Some of the hero’s of the Faith are listed in Hebrews Chapter eleven! Stephen was a faithful martyr listed in the Book of Acts! Antipas was most likely a Greek who converted to Christianity. Antipas is the shortened name of Antipater. Remember that was the name of one of Alexander the Great successful Generals. (397-319 B.C.). Remember Herod the Great was known by this name! Jesus will avenge the blood of the Saints! Why did Jesus call Pergamum Satan’s Seat? Even Ephesus with all of its advantages with the Great Temple and bustling port, could not match the importance of the once royal seat of the Attalids! Situated on a scenic acropolis Pergamum was embellished with the largest number of Greek and Roman Temples in the whole of Asia Minor! Examples are Zeus, Athena, Apollo, Demetia, Dionysis and Aphrodite. On another site was housed the largest Aesclepium of the Empire. Its library of two hundred thousand volumes rivaled the renowned library in Alexandria! The eminent Doctor Galen was among her favorite sons! Roman Emperors came to seek healing at the famous Aesclelpium!  Aesclepium was honored as the god of healing in the classical world. When the cult of “Dominus et Deus”, was initiated at Pergamum, the great Basilica was erected, adding to the rostrum of numerous idol Temples! The visitor today Bergama (Turkish name of the present day city), will see the immense structure at the edge of the bustling center. Basilica became the monument of vice and cruelty! Every citizen was forced to burn a few grains of incense here and worship the Emperor of Deus. Then they would proceed to their preferred practice a common syncetistic act which never lacked its double-faced devotees! For anyone who refused to submit to this profane practice death was imminent! Where as the Temple of Zeus was referred by the early Christians as the “Seat of Satan”, the appellation was later transferred to this center where some Christians felt compelled to pay obeisance! Source: Thomas Cosmades   Comment: Remember God’s church was established in the midst of all this evil! The venerable Polycarp followed Antipas in martyrdom! Christ and his Cross was raised up over “Satan’s Seat”, to defeat Satan the eternal enemy of man! This battle rages on today between the One True God and the millions of the gods of men! James and Hamsa Sasse.


As with Christianity, the worst advertisement for socialism is its adherents! George Orwell, (Pen Name), Eric Arthur Blair (1903-1950), English Novelist, Born in Motihart, Bihar, British India.  Comment: Mr. Blair is no longer with us but I would remind him and others that the difference between the world and the Christian is that we who are in Christ are forgiven sinners and those outside of Christ are unforgiven sinners! This condition is what separates all people between Heaven and Hell.  James and Hamsa Sasse,