Power in the Name! (Continued)

On the previous post we talked about the meanings of the names of the seven churches that the Apostle John mentioned in the Book of Revelation. That is the names of the cities these churches resided in. We spoke of the meaning of the Greek word Ephesus. Now let us look at the city of Thyatira. What does the Greek word Thyatira mean? The word means; “To be controlled by a woman.” Jesus had many good things to say about this church however he corrected them on the woman named Jezebel! (Revelation 2:20) She was using the power of sex to seduce church members! Nothing new here! The name Jezebel means a worshipper of Idol’s! One truth I found out while living in India is that Idol worshippers make themselves God! Sex is a gift from God! Like any gift it can be used to either honor God or dishonor him! We face the perversion of sex here in America today in that the popular culture promotes gays, lesbians and transgenders as something honorable! The evil today is no different than it was in the 1st Century! The church today faces the same challenges! The good news is we have the same Christ! Jesus name is higher than the name of a controlling woman! Just like the city of Ephesus we cannot lose our first love to Christ! Will you exalt any name above the name of Christ? If we demote God then we promote Satan! The choice is ours to make but our choice determines our outcome both today and eternally! Chose Christ today and forever! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com