Patriot on Faith!

My most cherished possession I wish I could leave with you is my faith in Jesus Christ, for with him and nothing else you can be happy, but without him and with all else you will never be happy! Patrick Henry ( 1736-1799) Governor of Virginia

Faith in God!

One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it! But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying! Joan of Arc (1412-1431), French Teenage Patriot, Martyred Burned at the Stake. She had prophetic visions that enabled the French armies to push back the English armies and taking back lost territory in the 100 years war. She asked her executioners to hold up a Cross in front of her as the flames engulfed her body.

Science & Faith!

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind! Albert Einstein (1879-1955), Physicist. Comment: God created the sciences! Science supports creation the Biblical model! Everything we see, hear and touch is the result of a creative God! Science confirms the scriptures and the scriptures proclaim the sciences! Both support each other because they have the same foundation! James and Hamsa Sasse,

Faith to Leave Your Job? Mark 1:16-20

Jesus had just began his ministry in Galilee! Now he needed some recruits for the ministry! People he could train to carry on the ministry after his death, burial, resurrection and ascension! He found these rag tag fisherman alone the shore line of the Sea of Galilee mending their nets! They were tired of fishing and anything looked better than what they were doing! Ready for a new career! I am sure they did not know the cost of following Jesus? Jesus said count the cost! It cost him everything so would the cost be less for his followers? With the exception of John who was boiled in oil and exiled to a slave labor camp on the island of Patmos they were all martyred! John wrote the Book of Revelation there on this remote island so his time was not wasted there! While living and dying these men and women built the Kingdom of God while here on earth! You have to give up in order to gain! You have to plant a seed! We plant the Word of God! Faith in God enables us to do more than we could ever think or ask! However we must prove faithful where we are right now and in submission to authority before God will assign us bigger things to do! If we are faithful in small things we will be faithful in much! Regardless of your rank in the Body of Christ you will always be a servant! Regardless of your position you will always be a follower of Jesus Christ! Promotion does not come from the east or the west but from God! No one can take this promotion away from you! Once you are on the receiving end of one of Jesus miracles you understand his love and power! Power to do good! Jesus is able to overcome our human weakness! We have the power in the name of Jesus! Never trust yourself but trust Christ! We can let ourselves down and others but Jesus will pick us up! He is more than able! He makes us able! Our faith in Christ enabled us to spend 3 years on the mission field in India! We had enough money to buy a one way ticket to India! When I went to India I found people who were living on more faith than I was! I saw the place where Thomas the doubter was martyred in the 1st Century there in India! I saw some who were selling ministry books and cassette tapes for income to minister there! Some were sleeping along the roads there at night with the stars of the sky as their ceiling! You cannot please God without faith! Not a blind faith in yourself but a trust in Christ with the best outcome based upon his promises of eternal life! Jesus is still looking for disciples! Not perfect just like the fisherman but willing to follow him regardless of the cost! Jesus paid it all! Pastor Paul Cho told us in Korea that our primary mission to India was to help the local Pastor’s! To work across all denominational lines! To strengthen leadership! We did that and so can you but you might have to leave your job! Do you have this small step of faith? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Science & Faith

I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by men who were inspired. I study the Bible daily. Opposition to godlessness is atheism in profession and idolatry in practice. Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind that it has never had many professors. Isaac Newton (1642-1727). English physicist, mathematician, astronomer and inventor.  Comment: This is true about atheism however what Isaac did not see coming was Charles Darwin in the 1860’s selling his atheism as science! Darwin packaged his atheism as a pseudo science and then it was instituted into our American school public education! Now atheism through Darwin has many professors here and around the world! Taught as science in all our public education institutions! Evolution is the product of atheism and socialism is the product of atheism and Darwinism! Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and many more world leaders today are the product and followers of Darwinism or Evolution! The left wing of the Democratic party are Darwinists! The political battles going on in America are founded on the belief that there is either a God or there is no God and man has to determine is own destiny! If there is no God then man must chart his own destiny! God cannot figure out Global warming so we must intervene for God and tax the hell out of the inhabitants of the earth! Since God is not here were must re-distribute wealth to those too lazy to work for it and steal the wealth and ingenuity of smart people and pay the lazy the fruits of their labor! The better off must pay for the health insurance of the lazy who will not work! Life is so unfair since God does not exist we must intervene in the affairs of men and right every wrong! Never mind we are wrong just let us correct you! We have made ourselves God so now certainly everything will be better! Vote for us and we will right the wrongs created by those that believe in God! If we can just get rid of those who believe in God we will then have a perfect world and the utopia our past socialist founders through the destruction of the world could not achieve! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Divided We Stand?

I was listening to a lecture by Dinesh D’Souza at a major University here in America! The topic was the threat of Islam to Western Civilization. He covered the history of Islam and the differences between traditional Islam and Radical Islam! After all his analysis he concluded that the biggest threat to America is not external but internal! That is American’s are in disagreement about who we are and our purpose in life! Some believe we have a God given purpose guided by the scriptures of the Bible. Some believe there is no God and men chart their own destiny! Men evolved from nothing and our purpose is only found in ourselves instead of outside of ourselves! This is the battle line that our divisions here in America are based upon! The political parties formed reflect this cultural war! When we look at history all the way back to the beginning of Creation the war has always been between good and evil! Right and wrong! This war goes back even before Creation when Lucifer who became Satan was cast out of Heaven for his rebellion against God! This war continues with each new generation! One day it will be settled with the return of Jesus Christ to judge the living and the dead! Until then we have to make a decision for or against Christ! That decision is crucial to your future! To be popular and offend God is unwise! To please God will bring persecution from the world! However the joy of this personal relationship with Jesus Christ surpasses anything this world could ever offer you! Stay true to your faith and witness God delivering you out of all your troubles! James and Hamsa Sasse.