Truth in the Persecution! James 1:2

No one can attack something without taking it seriously in some way. No one attacks Zeus anymore. No one gets emotional over the Flat Earth Society. Yet Christianity calls forth the deepest emotions–even and especially in the ones who reject it! Gene Edward Veith Jr. Author, speaker, Editor World Magazine. Comment: Truth will always bring persecution in this world because Satan and his disciples hate truth! As a Christian if you are not being persecuted you are not doing your job as a follower of Jesus Christ! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Evolutionist’s View of Christmas!

You see, its been our misfortune to have the wrong religion! Why did we not have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion [Islam] too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness? Adolf HitlerĀ  Comment: The evolutionists or atheists on the political left in America have the same attitude towards Christianity today! Get rid of these nativity scenes! Push Christ out of our schools! Get rid of these Crosses across our land! Take prayer from our children and teach our public school children the ways of Darwin! Islam is better or Hinduism anything but Christ! If we can get rid of these Jews and Christians we will reach our utopia! History repeats itself! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Creation & Christmas!

Colossians 1:15-16 “Who (Christ), is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature. For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers, all things were created by him:” Comment: It says in Hebrews 1:6, that he is the firstborn of the dead! Christmas is more than a manger scene in your front yard! Jesus created the world, saved the world and is Head of all Creation! If you had a request running an employment agency and your customer requested God you would send Jesus! Jesus is Creator of everything and thus judge of everything! He is owner of his Creation! Jesus came into the world as a baby in Bethlehem to die for our sin as a perfect sacrifice! No sin in him! Six times in the scriptures Jesus is declared the firstborn of God! Jesus pre-existed Creation and author of Creation! He is the first cause of Creation! The Trinity pre-existed everything with no beginning and no end! Our first parents Adam and Eve were not born but created! Jesus was born into the world for our redemption! God created us yet his creation you and me rebelled against him! Satan is the author of all rebellion! He will try to steal God’s Creation from you with his lies and deceptions! Jesus pre-existed his birth and post-existed his death! He conquered death for us! Our first natural birth cannot save us! We need to be born again! Born of the Spirit! A supernatural birth is needed! The virgin Mary had a supernatural birth! Impregnated by the Holy Spirit to produce the pre-existent Christ into the earth! We were born to live but Jesus was born to die! Our sin required the death of a sacrifice! God himself! Then raised from the dead for us! Science confirms Creation in that all humans DNA is 99.9 % similar! The .1 percent difference distinguishes us by hair color eye color , race and gender. The .1% also identifies us from each other! Much like a fingerprint! You are unique with no one exactly like you! You might say thank God? Your DNA is the blueprint for your soul and is sacred! This is why abortion is so horrible! We were created in the Image of God! Jesus showed us the invisible God! The missing link to eternal life is Jesus Creator of all! Jesus was without sin because he was God the perfect sacrifice! Christmas is a special time to wonder and stand in awe to God’s perfect plan! Imperfect man must embrace the perfect Savior for redemption from sin and death! For eternal life with Christ forever! To reject Christ is the only unpardonable sin because he took your judgment for sin for you! If you reject the Christ of Christmas then you take your own judgment separated from God in Hell! Christmas is about life! How could anyone say no to him? Even the demon possessed man living among the tombs chained to himself said yes to Jesus! He chose yes and not to follow Satan the two thousand pigs into the sea! Satan wants you for Christmas but only if you reject the Christ of Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Web Site Traffic November 2019

November was a great month! Visitors to web site were 7714. Visitors to our Blog were 4557. Top Country Traffic Nations were: USA, France, South Korea, Israel and Italy. We are thankful to God for your participation in this work to reach the lost for Christ and encourage fellow believers! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Aviation Pioneers! Isaiah 60:8

“There will certainly be no lack of human pioneers when we have mastered the art of flight… Let us create vessels and sails justed to the heavenly ether, and there will be plenty of people unafraid of the empty wastes. In the meantime we shall prepare, for the brave sky-travelers, maps of the celestial bodies. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), Mathematician. Comment: Remember studying Kepler’s Law in school? At least fifty years ago they taught his laws of physics. Kepler was a scientific prophet who lived about 300 years before our first manned flight in America by the Wright brothers in 1903. So how were the scientific men of Kepler, Newton and others different from today? The words they used gives it away! They used the word “Create”. Not evolved from the word evolution! Kepler used the word “heavenly”. These are Biblical references! These science experts believed science and God were inseparable! Then Charles Darwin the atheist came along! Since he believed there is no God science was separated from his non-existent God of his theory! Just as all the Axis power leaders of WWII embraced Darwin so does the American political left in America today! Their attitude is if it is science it must not be religious! If it is religious it cannot be science! So they are missing the factor in the equation of true science! Religion + Science = God. They deny the God of Creation who is the creator of all science! Kepler, Newton and others saw science through the eyes of God! We cannot fly without a sky! God created the birds to show man they can really do this! We were created in the Image of God! Birds can fly and so can we! Ben Shapiro is a smart Orthodox Jew who challenges the secular Jews here in America with their atheistic ideology! He has an article on YouTube titled, “Why the Left Hates Science.” It is just over an hour but every Christian should watch this college debate! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.