Look Forward not Back!

The greatest weakness in the church today is that the servants of God keep looking over their shoulder for the approval of men! R.C. Sproul   Comment: Jesus had his moments of popularity and then they killed him! Approval of men can lead to the disapproval of God! Favor with God does not guarantee me favor with men! Liberation theology is really a denial of the Holy scriptures! The church in America today is walking on a tight rope! God does not oppose men but our sin! God has created man and has provided us a way to be acceptable to him! This is why Christ went to the Cross! We live in a world today where people work very hard to deny their sin! Cultural norms today in America promoting gay marriage, lesbianism, transgenderism and abortion oppose God’s laws! It is useless to make a law that opposes God’s laws! Church leaders who join Satan in promoting these sins  is blasphemy! If our desire is to be popular with men we can never please God! We can either identify our sin as defined in scripture and repent of them through Christ or we can deny our sin and reject the Christ who sacrificed himself for your sin! It is a matter of who do you reject? Reject your sin or reject Christ! Reject your sin and accept Christ! You cannot have it both ways! Which is it going to be? One way leads to eternal life and one way leads to eternal damnation! Where you want to spend your eternity is up to you! Heaven or Hell! The big lie is to deny Christ for then you are denying Heaven and Hell! No bigger fools have lived on the earth! The bed we make we have to sleep in! Either let God make your bed or you can do it yourself! Chose this day who you will serve! James and Hamsa Sasse, GodWhoisGod.com

Only One Foundation Will Stand Forever!

What the world calls virtue is a name and dream without Christ! The foundation of all human excellence must be laid deep in the blood of the Redeemer’s Cross and in the power of his Resurrection! Pastor Frederick Robinson (1816-1853), English Pastor  Comment: What are the names and dreams of men that lay in the dust of history? The list is great! Kingdoms that rise and fall! Hundreds of millions laid in the dust promoting the political and religious systems of this world! There is a grave for every ideology that opposes Christ! They put Christ in the grave and thought like everyone else that lived would evaporate into history! However Christ made history never to be achieved by any living mortal! Hope beyond the grave is realized to all who trust him! A forgiven mortal is good but a resurrected Saint is power! Power to live a life of Holiness not otherwise possible to mortal men! Power to live unselfishly and to love people with the love of God! No more taking but giving! No more to be served but to serve! Born again to live again for Christ! Do you have a sure foundation? If your foundation is someone or something other than Christ you will perish with it! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Faith to Leave Your Job? Mark 1:16-20

Jesus had just began his ministry in Galilee! Now he needed some recruits for the ministry! People he could train to carry on the ministry after his death, burial, resurrection and ascension! He found these rag tag fisherman alone the shore line of the Sea of Galilee mending their nets! They were tired of fishing and anything looked better than what they were doing! Ready for a new career! I am sure they did not know the cost of following Jesus? Jesus said count the cost! It cost him everything so would the cost be less for his followers? With the exception of John who was boiled in oil and exiled to a slave labor camp on the island of Patmos they were all martyred! John wrote the Book of Revelation there on this remote island so his time was not wasted there! While living and dying these men and women built the Kingdom of God while here on earth! You have to give up in order to gain! You have to plant a seed! We plant the Word of God! Faith in God enables us to do more than we could ever think or ask! However we must prove faithful where we are right now and in submission to authority before God will assign us bigger things to do! If we are faithful in small things we will be faithful in much! Regardless of your rank in the Body of Christ you will always be a servant! Regardless of your position you will always be a follower of Jesus Christ! Promotion does not come from the east or the west but from God! No one can take this promotion away from you! Once you are on the receiving end of one of Jesus miracles you understand his love and power! Power to do good! Jesus is able to overcome our human weakness! We have the power in the name of Jesus! Never trust yourself but trust Christ! We can let ourselves down and others but Jesus will pick us up! He is more than able! He makes us able! Our faith in Christ enabled us to spend 3 years on the mission field in India! We had enough money to buy a one way ticket to India! When I went to India I found people who were living on more faith than I was! I saw the place where Thomas the doubter was martyred in the 1st Century there in India! I saw some who were selling ministry books and cassette tapes for income to minister there! Some were sleeping along the roads there at night with the stars of the sky as their ceiling! You cannot please God without faith! Not a blind faith in yourself but a trust in Christ with the best outcome based upon his promises of eternal life! Jesus is still looking for disciples! Not perfect just like the fisherman but willing to follow him regardless of the cost! Jesus paid it all! Pastor Paul Cho told us in Korea that our primary mission to India was to help the local Pastor’s! To work across all denominational lines! To strengthen leadership! We did that and so can you but you might have to leave your job! Do you have this small step of faith? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Families Moving Church Membership!

As more denominations and Pastor’s are endorsing homosexual marriage, transgenderism and lesbianism families are leaving these congregations to leaders who support the Biblical standard of marriage between a man and a woman! Suggest you find out where your church leader stands on these issues! Do not assume anything because the church with a few exceptions never challenges our culture with a Biblical standard! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Who is Worthy? Revelation 5:——

Who is worthy? They looked everywhere in heaven and on the earth but could find no one worthy to open the seven seals of judgment on the earth! Then a revelation came that only the Lamb of God was worthy to open the seals to release the judgments! Why was Christ only worthy? Because he took our judgment upon himself at Calvary! If you do not let Christ take your judgment then you take your own judgment! Christ released the judgments upon the earth to judge those who have rejected his judgment for them! This is the one and only unpardonable sin! Why? Because if you reject Christ and the judgment he took for you then you have rejected the only one who could pardon you from your sin! This Easter do not let the season pass without receiving the Passover lamb as the sacrifice for you! Remember he makes us worthy!!James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Demon’s in Church? Mark 1: 23-25

Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath at Capernaum and began to preach! The congregation noticed something very different about Jesus! Jesus had power and authority where the scribes did not! The demon’s in the church got very nervous! They shouted out to Jesus to leave them alone! We have nothing to do with you! Have you come to destroy us? Put the scribes back in the pulpit they never bothered us! They talked about God but had not his power! We know you are the Holy One of God! Even the demon’s believe! Leave us alone so we can control more men! Jesus commanded the demon’s to leave! WOW said the congregation! Even the demon’s obey him! Today 21 Centuries later they are still trying to get rid of Jesus! Take prayer out of the schools! Take the 10 Commandments down off that wall! Remove Crosses throughout the land! Happy Holidays! No mention of Christ and Christmas! Nothing has really changed about this on going cultural war! Gays can be legally married we can change the laws of God! Defy creation! You were born a man you can become a woman! Satan knows he can only win if he sanitizes American culture from Christ! So the war goes on! The battle between good and evil! Destruction for Satan is being cast into the Lake of Fire forever! His days are numbered but he will try to take as many soul’s with him as he can! Satan trembles at the name of Jesus! Political correctness is an attempt to silence you of the mention of his name! Jesus the most loved and most hated name on earth! Easter is about the redemption of men who are at war with God! When we surrender our sin God will lift us up and Bless us! Without confession redemption is rejected! After the thousands of wars fought on planet earth by man the only real chance of peace is for the Prince of Peace to live in your heart! Then Satan has to flee and occupy another unbeliever! James and Hamsa Sasse, GodWhoisGod.com

Believe in Who? Mark 1:15

We see here that John the Baptist was thrown into prison by Herod. After this Jesus begins his three year ministry beginning in Galilee. Did you notice what Jesus said here? He said to believe in the Gospel! Believe in the good news! The word gospel in the Greek means a reward with the good news! Wait a minute? Why did not Jesus say believe in me? He did later but here at the beginning of his ministry he had not gone to the Cross yet which would be three years later! So what is the Gospel here he is talking about? He is referring to what had been written about him in the Old Testament! He said Moses spoke of me! Believe in my creation as described in the Book of Genesis for evolutionists will come later to try to discredit me! Believe in the Gospel of the New Testament soon to be written! Believe the Gospel of the Book of the Revelation which will be written in about 60 years later that will explain and prophesize my second coming! Believe the Gospel of both the Old Testament and the New Testament! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Prepare the Way! Mark 1:1

John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus but he was not the way! The same holds true for Evangelism in the 21st Century! We prepare the way that leads to Jesus for the lost! We lead people to Christ on a road that leads to Salvation and Eternal Life! The word way in the Greek means a road in which one travels with a certain manner and style of life! Only one way that reveals the will of God for your life! It is a relationship to live by! It is a road leading to the providence of God for your life cleared of obstacles that would block your blessings! A road with no distractions from your purpose! A toll road where your fare has already been paid! All roads do not lead to God! All roads except one lead to Hell! Only one road leads to Heaven! This way is a road prepared by God for the children of God! Simply said Jesus is the only way! Easter is a reminder to us or should be that he is the only way to eternal life! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Baptized in Power! Mark 1:8

What was John the Baptist doing here? John was saying I dip you in water but there is one following me who will baptize you in the Holy Spirit! With power and authority in Jesus name! Jesus one part of the Trinity is going to send another part of the Trinity after my ascension to empower you to do miracles! To accomplish the will of my Father while you are living on earth! To do things you could never do on your own! Power to cast our Demons! Heal the sick and raise the dead! A supernatural power and love to defeat Satan the enemy of all men! To command the works of the flesh to bow down to the Spirit of God! To push back the darkness with his light! To free men from the slavery of Satan! Did you notice in the next verses Jesus is baptized by John! Jesus even though God in the flesh needed the Holy Spirit to complete his work on earth! To prepare himself for the Cross! The spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness! Would he have gone there on his own? The natural man of the flesh would never do the will of the Father on his own! In fact man will oppose the will of God on his own! We could never do what God wants us to do! With the power of the third part of the Trinity living in you all things are possible! The Trinity will never operate outside of itself! The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one because they are in perfect agreement with each other! No sin in them! Sin always causes division! That is why we have Heaven and Hell! Sin causes war! War with God and men! Our cultural war here in America today is about disagreement with God! Never mind what the Bible says we will make our own laws that oppose God’s law! Satan drives them into rebellion against God! Marriage is not between a man and a woman we will make our own laws where two men can marry! Never mind the fact that transgenders have a 60 percent higher suicide rate than the rest of the population! We want our own way and I despise God for making my gender! If there was ever a case for The ordinance of water baptism it would be found in the first chapter of the Book of Mark! If anyone ever tells you water baptism is not important it would be the equivalent of you getting psychiatric advice from a mental patient! Easter is all about God redeeming men! Could there ever be a more important topic? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com