Baptized in Power! Mark 1:8

What was John the Baptist doing here? John was saying I dip you in water but there is one following me who will baptize you in the Holy Spirit! With power and authority in Jesus name! Jesus one part of the Trinity is going to send another part of the Trinity after my ascension to empower you to do miracles! To accomplish the will of my Father while you are living on earth! To do things you could never do on your own! Power to cast our Demons! Heal the sick and raise the dead! A supernatural power and love to defeat Satan the enemy of all men! To command the works of the flesh to bow down to the Spirit of God! To push back the darkness with his light! To free men from the slavery of Satan! Did you notice in the next verses Jesus is baptized by John! Jesus even though God in the flesh needed the Holy Spirit to complete his work on earth! To prepare himself for the Cross! The spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness! Would he have gone there on his own? The natural man of the flesh would never do the will of the Father on his own! In fact man will oppose the will of God on his own! We could never do what God wants us to do! With the power of the third part of the Trinity living in you all things are possible! The Trinity will never operate outside of itself! The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one because they are in perfect agreement with each other! No sin in them! Sin always causes division! That is why we have Heaven and Hell! Sin causes war! War with God and men! Our cultural war here in America today is about disagreement with God! Never mind what the Bible says we will make our own laws that oppose God’s law! Satan drives them into rebellion against God! Marriage is not between a man and a woman we will make our own laws where two men can marry! Never mind the fact that transgenders have a 60 percent higher suicide rate than the rest of the population! We want our own way and I despise God for making my gender! If there was ever a case for The ordinance of water baptism it would be found in the first chapter of the Book of Mark! If anyone ever tells you water baptism is not important it would be the equivalent of you getting psychiatric advice from a mental patient! Easter is all about God redeeming men! Could there ever be a more important topic? James and Hamsa Sasse.