Looking for God? Exodus 3:4

“And when the Lord saw that he turned away to see, experience and understand, God called and invited him out of the midst of the bush and said, Moses! Moses! And he said, Here am I.” Commentary: Are you looking for God? Wise men still seek him! Everyone seems to have a different experience about this! I did not look for God until I came to the end of myself! My troubles came because I was not looking for God! People that have found God seem to have even more troubles! However the challenges are very different because you are not alone! Jesus said my yoke is easy my burden is light! Why? Because you have yoked with Jesus and he carries your burdens now! Never alone anymore! Moses soon learned after finding God he would be challenged more than ever before but now his faith was in God and not in himself! Challenges like delivering Israel out of Egypt! Like delivering a couple million stubborn Jews through the Wilderness for 40 years! When God is with you all things are possible! God will take you to a place where you could never go on your own! He will do things through you that would be impossible on your own! He will do miracles in your life greater than the burning bush! He will raise the dead and heal the sick! He is capable of doing more than you could ever think or ask! How and why? Because he is God! Everything you see, experience, taste or feel in this world is possible only because he created you! He formed us at creation like a flash of light yet it seems like it takes us forever to find him! Moses was a refugee not fleeing from his people but longing to go back to them! Forty years on the back side of this desert longing for home! Cut off from his people! Hopeless tending to his sheep much like the shepherds above Bethlehem some three thousand years later! A life with no purpose! Living a life of insignificance! One day blends into another day! Time seems lost! The government has seized him now! He is on trial! They have crucified him on a cross! This ministry is over now! Let us go back to fishing! His body is in the tomb now almost 3 days! We should get some flowers for the tomb! We must hide here for the Romans are looking for us! Keep the door locked! There is a knock on the door? Do not answer it! It sounds like Mary? It is a trick it must be the Romans! She says he has risen! Must we hide from God? Open the door! I will not believe her unless I see the scars on his hands and side! Moses deliver your people! How? By my power, ability and Spirit! They will not believe me! Do you believe me Moses? I have given you my rod of authority! We know you are from God Master for only God can do these miracles! Surely you are the Son of God! Do not touch me for I have not ascended to my Father in Heaven! Wait here for my Holy Spirit which I will send to you to do the same works I have done and ever greater works! Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world! Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Poor Joe!

Can we ignore politics? The church has over history but we end up with two diabolically opposed Kingdoms! The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan! When the church retracts evil protracts! Why does Joe sniff women and then puts his paws on them? We have a dog in the neighborhood that does the same thing! Only Democrat Bill can finish the job! It seems like everyone is running for President these days! Has Donald started something? We have a woman running from California that lived with the married man of San Francisco for 10 years who was mayor and gave her the political appointments for her services? We have a self proclaimed American Indian who has been debunked as an Indian woman? We have a socialist/communist old man who went to Russia for his honeymoon 60 years ago? Will the governor of Virginia run for President? How about the other pervert? We have the Green New Deal lady that knows nothing about American or World history? The Democratic party has moved so far to the left that poor Joe is in right field! Right field? Yes he is in politics! Joe swam naked in front of the secret service women guards frequently! Poor Joe has a more serious problem with his party because of identity politics! There are only three cards in their deck now! They are race, sex and religion! Joe they have pulled the race card on you! You are a white male! You do not count anymore! It is over for you Joe! We need a leader that fights for the American middle class to improve their lives! More jobs and less unemployment! Higher wages! Security of our communities by not flooding the zone with illegals! Socialism wants equal outcome! History has proved equal outcome means poverty and death! The Catholic church will not serve Joe communion! Joe does not need religion! Religion only brings condemnation! Joe needs the Savior Jesus Christ! We all need him for even King Solomon after having 700 wives and 300 girl friends said it was all vanity! Vanity? That is to no purpose! You can find your only real purpose in life with a relationship with Jesus Christ! Everything else is vanity! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com