Credit Card Praise! John 5:43

Jesus did not come in his own name! He came from Heaven to earth in his Father’s name! Jesus told the crowd that you receive me not? However if another shall come in his own name you will receive him? Jesus whole walk on this earth was to give his Father the glory! What much of the world cannot stand is for you to come to them in Jesus name! If you tell the world my name is Frank, Sally or George they have no problem! But if you come to them in the name of Jesus all Hell breaks loose! Most people have a Visa or credit card. The bank that has given you the card has given you a loan or some credit! If you took the name of the bank off the credit card it would be worthless! You purchase by credit in the name of the bank! Your name on the card by itself would not even buy you a can of beans! Our power and authority does not come from our own name but from the name that is above all names! When we call on Jesus name it gets the attention of the Father just as a charge on your Visa gets the attention of the bank! Without the recognition of the bank or the recognition of the Father your request will be denied! The Father listens for the name of Jesus from your lips! Some people curse rather than praise Jesus! Do people go around cursing their bank? Your credit rating is all about you honoring your bank by paying back the loan! How much credit do you give Jesus for your life? How is your spiritual credit rating? Have you refused to give the credit for which he has paid out to you on the Cross for your sin? The debt was paid by him! Your debt! You did not even have to pay it back! Just thank him with your breath! The breath he gave you! What fool would refuse this offer? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Imagination! Genesis 1:26

Imagination rules the world! Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) Comment: Why did Donald Trump win the presidency? Imagination! He had a bigger imagination for America than all his opponents! It is interesting that Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory known as the Louisiana Purchase to the United States for 15 million dollars! He used this money to fund his military exploits! During Napoleon’s final years in exile on Saint Helena he devised escape plans involving balloons, submarines and ships with collapsible masts! He was still using his imagination! Have you tried using the imagination God has given you? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Do American’s Trust Obama?

Since Obama has taken office American’s have purchased a total of 65.4 million weapons! This is 91 percent more than President Bush first term total. Have you tried to buy a weapon lately? Our Constitutional rights in America give law abiding citizens right to own a weapon. However this right is being eroded in a back door way by President Obama. The first red flag I saw was when Obama wanted a civilian defense force during his first term. My first question then was why compete with our regular military? Then my history memory about Hitler and his brown shirts came to mind. These armed youth of Germany became the S.S. troops who worked independent of the regular military forces. The brown shirts got rid of any who opposed Hitler. When any high ranking regular military officer opposed what Hitler was doing they were assassinated by the S.S. The Department of Home Land Security has purchased 1.5 Billion rounds of ammunition. Why? This is more ammo than our military requires. These are not target practice rounds but killer rounds. Other federal agencies that have never been armed in our history are being armed by Obama? This is Obama’s growing civil defense force! Why? America has been weakened by Obama since taking office in almost every category. It does not matter whether health care, employment,income,ect. We are viewed by the world as weak and indecisive! When you go on-line to purchase a weapon you will notice a thirty five dollar pistol just a few years ago is going for six hundred dollars. You will notice that hundreds of ads for handguns are listed as; “Out of Stock.” Go to your local Walmart and notice the empty shelves in the ammunition department? If your government is buying up all the ammunition you may have the right to own but no ammo or guns to buy? This is the back door policy of Obama to disarm civilians. His gun control efforts are also producing the opposite effect. Has Obama planned a takeover? I saw moves early in his first term for planned failures of America. If you have not read history you may think it cannot happen here. I hope I am wrong but next three years will prove or disprove me. I see the hand writing on the wall! I trust my God and He has always given me discernment to coming future events. I had a vision of 9-11 months before the event. In the vision I was walking down a street in New York city and this white powder was everywhere? When I told my Pastor in Macon Georgia he thought I was crazy? After 9-11 he looked the other way when I passed him. Prepare your hearts for very difficult things coming to America. Your faith in God will be tested beyond all your imaginations! When you have a leader who wants us to fail only Christ can rescue you from the disaster to come! God Bless! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.