No Denial in Philadelphia! Revelation 3:7

“And to the angel (pastor) of the Church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth, and shutteth and no man openeth.” Commentary: If you are holy and true before God and men you will never deny the name of Jesus! You will always confess him and proclaim him before men! Peter had a denial problem but then confessed him even unto his martyrdom. Jesus hates political correctness! No Happy Holidays here but to proclaim the Christ in Christmas! The world will try to silence you about your Christ using intimidation tactics! I do not wear my religion on my sleeve? Jesus if you have him lives on your inside! I would be a Christian were it not for a Christian? Fact is only Jesus can save you no Christian can! Our job is to point people to the Savior! They must come the same way we have come! Whatever is on our inside comes out on the outside! Faith, love, hope, redemption, forgiveness, peace, faithfulness, prophecy, power, judgment and the resurrection from the dead! In America they will tell you he is a white man’s religion? Wrong! Jesus is from the Middle East! His message spread across Europe and finally to America! Jesus is a brown or olive skinned man! Jesus said I knock at the door! If you let me in I will commune with you! I will encourage you and save you from your sin! If you shut the door on me no man will be able to save you! You will be lost forever! Jesus is knocking at your door! Will you answer his call? Are you too busy? Did you hang up on God? If you answer his call your life will be changed in a way you could never do on your own! It is called grace! By grace you are saved and not of yourselves! James & Hamsa Sasse.

July 4, 1777 Philadelphia

“Yesterday the 4th of July, being the anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America, was celebrated in this city with demonstrations of joy and festivity, about noon all the armed ships and gallies in the river were drawn up before the city, dressed in the gayest manner, with the colours of the United States and streamers displayed, at one o’clock the yards being properly manned, they began celebration of the day by a discharge of thirteen cannon from each of the ships, and one from each of the thirteen gallies, in honor of the thirteen United States.” Source: Virginian Gazette. Commentary: Remember the Revolutionary War did not end until September 3, 1783. We were celebrating the victory in the midst of the conflict! So it is with Christ! We celebrate Christ in the midst of the conflict between good and evil knowing we will prevail with ultimate victory through Christ! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Christmas Story

It was Christmas Eve in Brooklyn New York in 1942. The war was on and a difficult time. It was snowing in New York. A cold night as Wilber was walking down the street thinking about his past. Wilber was 98 years old and his past troubled him? He had committed crimes and betrayed his family and many friends. He was most troubled about where he would go if he died? As he went by a church he heard Christmas Carols. Then he thought I know what I can do! I will join a church and this will throw me in with all the good folks. Then I can escape hell! Wilber went into this Lutheran Church and asked the Pastor if he could join the church? The Pastor told him if he could answer one question correctly. The question is where was Jesus Christ born? Wilber thought a minute and said Pittsburg. Sorry said the Pastor you need to find another place. Wilber went back out into the snow and cold and found a Catholic Church. He went in and asked the Priest if he could join? The Priest said he could only if you can answer one question correctly. Where was Jesus Christ born? Wilber strained his brain and said Philadelphia. The Priest told Wilber he was too far gone to make a good Catholic! Down but not out Wilber hit the streets once again. The he walked by a Synagogue but it looked closed. Then he saw a light in one of the back offices so he knocked on the door. A Rabbi opened the door and invited him in. Wilber asked if he could join the Synagogue? The Rabbi said sure you can! Wilbur was perplexed? Are you going to ask me any questions? No replied the Rabbi. Wilber asked the Rabbi if he would mind if he asked him a question? Please go right ahead said the Rabbi. Where was Jesus Christ born? The Rabbi responded Bethlehem of course! Wilber replied and said, ” I knew it was in Pennsylvania some place! ” Source; Unknown. Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Church at Philadelphia (Continued)

Revelation 3:12 Comment: The soul’s of the redeemed shall be part of the Temple of God in Heaven! On earth we as believer’s are the Temple of the Living God! God is our dwelling place! The Holy Spirit is our promise of redemption! A pillar is fixed, unshakeable and permanent! Names were inscribed in the pillars of antiquity! Pillars are still standing in the City of Philadelphia today even after many earthquakes! The name of God the Heavenly Jerusalem! The allusion here is the golden frontlet with the name of Jehovah inscribed on the breastplate of the High Priest! We will bear the token of Heavenly citizenship! No illegal’s here! We all had to come through the Blood of the Lamb! Christ! Scripture refuses to recognize any finality confined to a beginning or an end! Christ’s promise to us for faithfulness is not from but strength in and through the conflict! The Christian life is always a battle between good and evil. So what do we overcome to receive the reward? Is it abortion, drugs, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, atheism, Darwinism, socialism, communism, idoltry, adultery, gambling, robbery, theft, rape, murder, illegal immigrants, fascism, liars, fraud, assault, death, hell or the grave? We overcome the sin which is the foundation for all evil by what God has already done for us! Christ defeated sin for us at Calvary! If we confess our sin he is faithful to forgive our sin! If we reject Christ then we will trust ourselves and sin will continue! Overcoming is the product of redemption! We no longer need to go out from the Temple in Heaven because there is no need for Evangelism! We remain in Heaven stable, uninterrupted in communion with God! The writing of our name implies ownership! Complete visibility! Like your name written on a Deed of Trust! Is your name written down in the Book of Life? How do we possess one another? How do we belong to God? How does a Spirit possess a Spirit? By love! For God so loved the world……….. Through self surrender and practical obedience! Just as a man writes his name in a book or brands his cow on the farm so on the redeemed is written the name of God! Satan has branded his own! During the Tribulation period they have to take the Mark of the Beast! 666! All of us are destined for one of two places! Heaven or Hell! Yet we decide which place! Who will mark you? Will it be sin or redemption? The mark of redemption is the piercing of his hands and side! To reject Christ is to take the Mark of the Beast! Death without redemption! Who will you follow? Heaven is a place! Jesus said I go to prepare a place for you! Heaven is a city! Heaven is a country! Hell is also a city, place and country! We all will reside in one of these two places! Remember the rich man and Lazarus! There is a great border wall between Heaven and Hell. No one can cross these borders! These borders are forever sealed! If you belong to Hell you cannot claim asylum to Heaven! If you are living like the Devil you are oppressing and are also oppressed! Your citizens in Hell are just like you! You deserve each other! Citizens in Heaven are just like all other citizens! Righteous and Holy! Not by their own works but are forgiven sinners! The sinners in Hell are unforgiven sinners! Which are you? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Church at Philadelphia (Continued)

Revelation 3:10 Greek Translation “Because thou has kept my spoken word of my patience with endurance towards people not surrendering to circumstances, I also will keep you from the time and season of Satan trying to test you to fall, which shall come to the inhabitants of the earth trying and testing them to fail.” Comment: Volumes could be written on this one verse! In fact the Book of Revelation is a compilation of all scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments put together! Remember the Word of God as recorded in your Bible was first spoken before it was written down! Remember his spoken word created this world! The power of God comes from taking his written word and then speaking it! That is why in our Constitution so much value was placed on free speech! Satan will always work through any culture to suppress free speech! Political correctness in our culture is one example! It is designed to suppress free speech! Don’t wear your religion on your sleeve! In other words shut up! Do not take Jesus to the public places! Keep him in your own little corner in church on Sunday! Jesus said to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! There will always be an effort by Satan to silence the truth! To silence you! Notice what speaking the words of Jesus did for the Church at Philadelphia! It brought them endurance and patience towards people not surrendering to circumstances! Jesus said to them that since you have spoken the Word of God I will keep you from the wicked one Satan who wants to test you and cause you to fall! I will protect you from the second death or denial of me because you have chosen me! A rapture will come to everyone! Some to everlasting life and some to everlasting judgment! The coming future event of the rapture of his church from the earth will protect us from the seven year tribulation period led by the Anti-Christ! The greatest destruction in all the earth will happen during this period in history before Christ’s second coming! If you will confess the spoken word of God Jesus will come to you! He will rescue you! What will the tribulation prove? That Satan is real and evil! That God is true and righteous! That God’s word is accurate and the prophecies are true! That Salvation and judgment are a reality! That if you confess the Word of God with your mouth redemption and power will follow you all the days of your life! With your mouth you will either confess your way to Heaven or confess your way to Hell! Your confession is your destiny! Jesus said if you will confess your sin I will forgive you and I will confess your name to my Father in Heaven! The Church at Philadelphia understood this! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Church at Philadelphia (Continued)

Revelation 3:9 Comment: If you wanted to join an evil church you would stop by the one with the sign out front the read; “The Synagogue of Satan.” However Satan is much more masked than this! His Anti-God or Anti-Christ ideology will be carried out in the political, social, economic and religious systems of any culture! Why was Jesus upset with the Jews here in verse nine? Jesus himself is a Jew! All of Jesus disciples were Jews! The Jews are called the apple of God’s eye yet the Jews gave God a black eye! Why? They rejected their Messiah! The foundation of the rejection of God in any culture is the rejection of Jesus Christ! Remember the Anti-Christ will be a Jew! He will be gay! No natural affection for women! During the future 7 year tribulation period in history the Anti-Christ will rule the world from Jerusalem! The Temple will be rebuilt! The church will have been raptured at this time. During this seven year tribulation period just before Christ’s second coming God will raise up 144000 Jewish evangelists! More Jews will come to Christ during this time than any time in history! The rapture of the church will awaken them! Today here in American atheism is the core ideology to the rejection of Jesus Christ! This foundation has been developed by atheistic Jews! It began with Charles Darwin! His ideology was embraced by Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini and many more! Darwinism or evolution is taught to our children in Public schools! Christ has been thrown out! Socialism and communism has it’s core ideology in Darwinism! Darwin was able to twist science to fit his Godless ideology! The political divide in America is a divide between Christianity and atheism! The political left embraces atheism and the right endorses Christianity! One half the Jews in America vote Republican! They are orthodox Jews! The other half vote Democrat and they are atheists! The disaster of socialism is promoted by the left! Abortion is promoted by the left! Open borders is promoted by the left! Sanctuary cities is promoted by the left! The one world government is promoted by the socialists and the political left! So the Book of Revelation rings true in the 21st Century even though these words were uttered from the lips of Jesus in the 1st Century! Jesus words are prophetic and history verifies this! The 21st Century Church needs to look at these prophetic words from the perspective of the Gospel and the times that we live in today! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Church at Philadelphia (Continued)

Revelation 3:8 Greek translation: “I know your works and labor enjoined by you in spreading the Gospel to build my Church! I have opened a door of evangelism for you that no man can shut. You have a small strength yet you have kept speaking my intelligent words and have not denied and taken away my name which describes my character.” Comment: The 21st Century Church faces the same challenges the 1st Century Church did! We have the same God and the same Devil! Nothing has changed! People today like then will either follow God or the Devil! The Catholic High School in Kentucky got a taste of the Devil right in our own National capital! The political left controlled media through a lie to shame them and the Christ they follow! They tried to frame these children into looking like bad characters and attacking their faith! They did the same with Judge Kavanagh! To defame Jesus and try to get them to deny their faith in God! However Christ told the Church at Philadelphia and to us today that I have opened a door for you that no man can shut! The church was commended by Jesus for not denying his name! The 21 Coptic Christian’s that were beheaded about 3 years ago by their Muslim captors did not deny the name of Christ! Satan wanted to defame these children to defame the name of God! What the devil misses is that we are only saved by the name of Jesus! None of us are perfect yet Christ has made us perfect by his sacrifice on the Cross before God! Forgiven sinners! Unforgiven sinners have no hope! Jesus has taken our sin upon himself! That is why I will never deny his name! Children are the pawns of the left and  abortion is their biggest game to deny God and sanctity of life itself! When God has no value in any culture then life has no value!  James and Hamsa Sasse.

Church at Philadelphia! Revelation 3:7

Historical Background: This city was founded by King of Pergamum around 190 B.C. This King had a nickname Philadephus or brother lover! This King had a special devotion to his brother Eumenes II. Comment: So what is meant by the Key of David? It is found both in the Book of Revelation and Isaiah! It means to have control over or authority! King David had control and authority over Jerusalem and Israel. Jesus is the descendent of David and is the fulfillment of the Davidic covenant! Jesus has been given the keys to Heaven, Hell and the grave! He has complete authority over God’s Creation! Christ has authority over life and death! Remember in Revelation 1:18, Jesus said he has the keys of death! Jesus was raised from the dead! Jesus also raised mortals from the dead and has promised his followers the same rewards! What door Jesus closes no man can open! What door Jesus opens no man can close! Some people may try but will never succeed! What God has for you and his promises to you are sure and forever! This is the introduction Jesus has given of himself to the Church at Philadelphia! It is the same introduction Jesus gives to you and me in the 21st Century because he is the same yesterday, today and forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Interesting Facts About July 4, 1776

Three men that signed the Declaration of Independence were from Georgia. Three counties in Georgia are named after them. The average age of the 56 signers was 35. The American Revolution was started with guns and religion and has kept us safe thus far! What was the temperature in Philadelphia during the afternoon signing? It was 76 degrees! Franklin had a thermometer which in those days cost 300 dollars! The signers basically signed their death warrant! John Adams signed his name in the largest script because he wanted to let King George know it was him! Thomas Jefferson and John Adams separated for 14 years over politics! They both died on July 4th, 1826. Of the 56 men that signed the document 5 were captured and tortured before they died! Two lost their sons in the war. Another had 2 sons captured. Nine more died of wounds from the war. Carter Braxton of Virginia was a wealthy planter and saw his ships sunk by the British! He sold his home and property to pay debts and died in poverty! At the Battle of Yorktown, British General Cornwallis took over Thomas Nelson’s home for his headquarters. Nelson ordered George Washington to open canon fire on his home! Nelson died bankrupt! John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside while she was dying! Their 13 children had to flee! His fields and mill was destroyed. For a year he lived in caves and the forest! When he returned his wife had died and his children vanished! Weeks later he died from exhaustion. Fifty two of the 56 signers were Christian and some were Pastor’s! This same Congress formed the American Bible Society. The Continental Congress voted to import 20000 Bibles for the citizens of the New America! Remember Patrick Henry? All his famous speech has been deleted from text books except for one line! Here is the complete speech, “An appeal to arms and the God of Hosts is all that is left! But we shall not fight our Battle alone! There is a just God that presides over the destines of the Nations! The Battle Sir, is not for the strong alone! Is life so dear or peace so sweet to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God! What course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” Comment : What has been the biggest effort by the Obama administration over the past 8 years? Take away our guns and our religion! Our Founding Fathers saw him and others like him coming! God Bless our Constitution and the sacrifices made by them! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.