Church at Philadelphia (Continued)

Revelation 3:9 Comment: If you wanted to join an evil church you would stop by the one with the sign out front the read; “The Synagogue of Satan.” However Satan is much more masked than this! His Anti-God or Anti-Christ ideology will be carried out in the political, social, economic and religious systems of any culture! Why was Jesus upset with the Jews here in verse nine? Jesus himself is a Jew! All of Jesus disciples were Jews! The Jews are called the apple of God’s eye yet the Jews gave God a black eye! Why? They rejected their Messiah! The foundation of the rejection of God in any culture is the rejection of Jesus Christ! Remember the Anti-Christ will be a Jew! He will be gay! No natural affection for women! During the future 7 year tribulation period in history the Anti-Christ will rule the world from Jerusalem! The Temple will be rebuilt! The church will have been raptured at this time. During this seven year tribulation period just before Christ’s second coming God will raise up 144000 Jewish evangelists! More Jews will come to Christ during this time than any time in history! The rapture of the church will awaken them! Today here in American atheism is the core ideology to the rejection of Jesus Christ! This foundation has been developed by atheistic Jews! It began with Charles Darwin! His ideology was embraced by Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini and many more! Darwinism or evolution is taught to our children in Public schools! Christ has been thrown out! Socialism and communism has it’s core ideology in Darwinism! Darwin was able to twist science to fit his Godless ideology! The political divide in America is a divide between Christianity and atheism! The political left embraces atheism and the right endorses Christianity! One half the Jews in America vote Republican! They are orthodox Jews! The other half vote Democrat and they are atheists! The disaster of socialism is promoted by the left! Abortion is promoted by the left! Open borders is promoted by the left! Sanctuary cities is promoted by the left! The one world government is promoted by the socialists and the political left! So the Book of Revelation rings true in the 21st Century even though these words were uttered from the lips of Jesus in the 1st Century! Jesus words are prophetic and history verifies this! The 21st Century Church needs to look at these prophetic words from the perspective of the Gospel and the times that we live in today! James and Hamsa Sasse.