Independence Day July 4th, 2017

Without moral and intellectual independence there is no anchor for national independence! David Ben-Gurion Comment: When any government decides what is moral and what and how we should think we will become dependent on it. God through His scriptures has already decided what is moral and what is not! Any government that will last has to hold these values close to itself and the people they serve! Political correctness or policed thoughts are contrary to our Constitution and our Founding Father’s framework for our government. We thank every American who is or has served in our military and have made the sacrifices to preserve our Union! We thank our law enforcement officers for protecting us from anarchy and preserving law and order in our land! To our clergy who everyday remind us that without the Blessings of God we will fail. To you and everyday citizens who work and raise their families and have made America great! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Would You. Have Voted For Him?

“My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter!” (1922) “We are people of different faiths, but we are one! Which faith conquers the other is not the question; rather, the question is whether Christianity stands or falls! We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity, in fact our movement is Christian!” (1928) “May God Almighty take our work into His grace, give true form to our work, Bless our insight, and endow us with the trust of the people!” (1933) “The National Government regards Christianity as the foundation of our National morality, and the family as the basis of National life!” (1933) Comment; These are excerpts taken from Adolf Hitler’s speeches as he ran for public office in Germany. So what should have been the red flags to Christian’s in Germany that something was wrong with his theology? He hated the Jews! Jesus Christ was a Jew! All His disciples were Jews! The entire Old and New Testaments were written by Jews! In Hitler’s mind he thought Jesus had intended to destroy the Jews but they crucified Him and He was not able to finish the job! So Hitler believed it was providence that he finish the job! Salvation has come through the Jews! Hitler had a twisted theology and proves what you believe about God determines your destiny and will either bring construction or destruction to the world! James and Hamsa Sasse.

What is Going On?

Those who know our Bible need not be blind sided by current events! That is if you believe the Bible? Some choose to believe some of the Bible but not all of it? Remember the Jefferson Bible? After World War 1 & 2, America kept her identity! A Christian Nation that lead the world in prosperity and success over all nations! Blessed by God and a people who honored God by a majority who took their family to church every Sunday! The Jews were the leaders of our private business enterprise and Christians here understood their value to our nation! Gradually over time through many forces the American model of success has been eroded away by values that oppose the very foundation that made America great! Why? Why would we trash success? The removal of our identity like no borders, sexual miss-identity, Christian identity, secularism, and government dependence. If you lose your God given identity then you become a ward of the state! Then you will worship the government and the world will be coralled into a one world order! America and National identity is being demoted by our government funded public education system. You can take your children one hour a week to Sunday school but they will get 40 hours a week in the public school system that will oppose everything they learned in church! Who will win out? Don’t panic these are Biblical prophetic things that are coming to pass! Our redeemer Jesus is near! We know from the scriptures that the Anti-Christ will be the world political leader for a short 7 years during the tribulation period of history. He will rule from Jerusalem and be gay and a Jew! Just as our Christ is a Jew so the Anti-Christ. His False Prophet will be the religious ruler of the world and will reign in Rome! What is the fastest growing religion in the world? Islam! If you think you can stash your gold and money away and avoid this you are wrong! The world currencies will become worthless overnight! You can only buy or sell by taking the Mark of the Beast! Why is Donald Trump so trashed and Hillary adored? Donald represents the old order of private enterprise and personal success and opposes the one world coming world order! He believes in America and personal responsibility! Hillary while Secretary of State took millions of dollars in bribes from Nations that hate America! Hillary represents government dependency and control of everything! During the tribulation period it will cost you your life to receive Jesus Christ! Right now in America no but other parts of the world yes! Soon the same price will be paid here in America! Still better than Hell but the price will increase as time closes in Bible prophecy! What kind of eternity do you want to choose? With Christ or a Christless eternity separated from His love forever? The choice is yours! James and Hamsa Sasse.