Church Growth & Decline! II Chronicles Chapters 6-7

Mary pondered these things in her heart! Do we ponder the things of God? His House? A church that was once strong and powerful fades away into history? Solomon built the most beautiful Temple for God in history! Solomon had so much wealth given to him! The Queen of Sheba gave him 4 tons of gold for a gift! Solomon did not spend on himself but invested it into the building of the Temple! The Jews made sacrifices to construct the Temple! Solomon asked God for wisdom but God gave him both wisdom and riches! Riches outside the will and purpose of God will come to nothing! After Solomon and many years passed the Temple declined and was destroyed and the Jews went into captivity! Why do some churches fail while others prosper? What series of events cause these opposite outcomes? We must see life God’s way and not our own way! Solomon took the wealth God had given him and invested it into the Temple for worship! God gave the provisions! The church began and the people gave their best! We see from the recorded scriptures here the people prayed and God heard their requests and acted upon them! He bless their cause and work! At the end of Solomon’s prayer God was pleased and fire came down from Heaven and the sacrifice was consumed! What was going right in the Temple! People were obedient to leadership! It was more than just the ornaments of gold silver and jewels! Something was going on inside the Temple! Fire came down and the Lord’s House was filled with His Glory! His mercy endures forever! Solomon built a place where people could bring the sacrifices! God confirmed the blessings with his presence! God has chosen this place for himself! The power of faithfulness and obedience! God heard their prayers! If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves………! We will hear from Heaven! Revival! Times of refreshing! Heart’s right with God! Eyes opened! New revelation! Examine ourselves! Meet God! Who is your God? God is not the reason for a declining church! People have forgotten who they are in Christ! Lost favor of God! Lost sense of purpose! Focus on themselves! No witness of God to the community! Forsaken the God of our Father’s! Calamity follows! God moves out and the world moves in! Secularism! Return to the Lord! He will hear from heaven! He will heal with church growth! Now I must ask you a personal question? Have you given any sacrifice to God that he can consume? When God consumes your sacrifice his presence is manifested in his House! No sacrifice no consumption and no presence! No God in the House! Empty! Christ’s sacrifice caused God to consume Jesus completely with His manifested Glory! Miracles left and right! Are tithes and offerings too much sacrifice for you? Are ministries into your community too much for you? Prison ministry? Hospital and nursing home visits too much for you? Without your sacrifice he has nothing to work with! Do not waste your sacrifice on the world! Your effort will be lost forever! Have faith in God and trust him! You will never be disappointed! When the leadership and people stop sacrificing the ministry declines! When they begin to sacrifice the ministry grows! Pastor Ron Wilder, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.

Where Does Faith Come From?

The Bible says that God has given every man a measure of Faith! The Book of Romans Chapter 10, verse 17 says; So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. God’s word contains His Faith! So we use God’s Faith to get saved and to perform every miracle that follows in our lives! So Faith comes from God and we do not claim it as our own but use it or appropriate it and credit it back to God for His Glory! I would recommend to you to go on line and subscribe to Andrew Wommack Daily Devotionals. Go to AWMI.Net There are millions of good ministries out there but this is an excellent one for spiritual growth! Thankyou. James Sasse.

Remember the Alamo!

A Texas Revolution is in the making! Rick Perry has his pearl handled pistol’s blazing to try to make a last stand for his fellow American’s! As he rides his horse toward Washington to take back America he takes fire from every quarter! Carl Rove thinks he needs to be more polished like a lot of the cronies in Washington! Ben Bernanke wants to “go green” and print more money to save America! It is not counterfit but almost! Obama administration is trying to take credit for unsurpassed jobs growth in Texas. Rick Perry has fired the shot heard around the world! Ronald Reagan has been raised from the dead! American’s are sick and tired of the slick, fraudulent operatives in Washington! Rick will soon be crossing the Potomac to take back Washington for the American people! So what does this have to do with God? Christ is our only Hope! But the leaders we choose will either lead us to Heaven or Hell! The choice is yours! Take back America!