3 strikes and your out!

Strike one is the housing crash! Srike two will be the stock market crash! Strike three will be government default on debt! I hope the experts are wrong but this is their predictions. Dollar would then crash and then what? One world government with anti-christ as the leader? Rapure of the Church before the seven year tribulation period? Armies patroling streets because no police force? Rioting and looting as gangs go from house to house taking, looting and killing? How bad can it get? A government default would end all social security and federal retirement programs! How can we prepare for these events? Take our camper and C-rations and head for the hills? Our Trust in God and His provision for us must come above all else! Christ is Faithful to protect us from all evils! His promises to us are sure! We have a sure foundation that was established before the creation of the world! Before you or I came into this world He was and will be forever! Read your your Bibles and prepare to meet His Love over your life! In Christ’s Love! James

The American Dream?

Home ownership was at the center of the American dream for past decades! This foundation to our financial system is cracking and coming down fast! Our local municipality raised our property taxes 100% last year and 20% this year! Federal, state and local governments continue to increase taxes to make up for shortages in this failing economy! Sadly this will cause more Americans to vacate their homes! This will cause more shortages in revenue for government. This is a cycle that will continue. This trouble is all about fraud in our financial and political system. God is taking away from America what it Worships! Yes, Money! Christ’s Church is also being tested and removing those just in it for the money! God is testing His Church and I do not want to fail this test! Proverbs Chapter 10, Verse 25 says; “As the whirlwind passes, so the wicked are no more; but the righteous is an everlasting foundation!”

What is the church?

A very controversial question with many,many answers—— You know the text in Matthew 16 when Peter made his confession and Christ promised, I will build my church—– I decided that the church was whatever Christ meant when he used the word “church” and the church is what Christ is doing in history.Whatever Christ meant when he said “church”, whatever he is building in the world, that is my definition of the church. Begging the question? I think not. According to his own testimony, Jesus entered history to do the Father’s will— an agreement they had arranged before the foundation of the world. He said, “I will build my church!” I believe it! The church is the body of Christ!The church is the bride of Christ. It is what he is building in the world. He said something else—fundamental to understanding the church as He meant it: ‘The gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” In obedience to the Father’s will He is building something in history that is indestructible—the church! It is inconceivable that Jesus would refuse to do the Father’s will—and it is inconceivable that He could fail in what he is building! What humans build is temporal—vulnerable—perishable. That which Christ is building—whatever it is—is permanent and eternal. The Church is what Christ is building in the world. My desire is to be part of that. Matthew16:17-18 “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Source; Wisdom of the Church by Richard C. Halverson Published 1995.

Christmas Story will not save you!

It was around Christmas time in New York City. It was a cold night with light snow showers. Christmas carol’s were being sung around the city. An old man was walking down the street in Brooklyn. His mind was on his past and the mess he had made of his life! So many bad decisions and wrong choices. His thoughts were where will I go when I die? How do I get rid of my past? As he walked by a church he stopped turned around and knocked on the front door of the church. The Pastor opened the door and invited him in. The old man asked the Pastor if he could join the church? The Pastor said he could if he can answer one question correctly. The question is, “Where was Jesus Christ born?” The old man thought a minute and said, “I think it was Philadelphia?” The Pastor told him he was sorry and he should find another church. So the old man went down the street until he came to a Catholic Church. He knocked on the door and a Priest opened the door and invited him in. Old man asked Priest if he could join his Parish? Priest said he could if he could ask one question correctly. The Priest asked the old man where Jesus Christ was born? The old man said.” I think it was Pittsburg!” The Priest kindly asked him to join another Parish. Discouraged but not defeated he continued down the steets of Brooklyn. After a few blocks he came across a Synagogue. He knocked on the door and the Rabbi invited him in. He asked the Rabbi if he could join his congregation? The Rabbi said yes you can! The old man asked the Rabbi if he was going to ask him any questions? No said the Rabbi. We will take you just as you are! The old man was puzzled? Do you mind Rabbi if I ask you a question? The Rabbi said yes you can ask me any question you would like. The old man said,”I was just curious where was Jesus Christ born?” The Rabbi replied Bethehem! The old man just shook his head and said, “I knew it was in Pennsylvania some place?” The Christmas story cannot save us but Jesus Christ can! Merry Christmas!