Family Reunion!

Revelation 21:3  Greek Translation; “And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle or habitation of the true God is with men who were always looking up to the heavens but now I will dwell with them, and they shall be my community of people joined together, my people, my church and my bride and the true God himself shall be with them and be their God.”  Comment: Men seek God and God has always sought men! We have always looked up for him and he has always looked down to us with favor! No more separation! It is interesting that the Greek word for people has another similar word for people which is a synonym from which we get our word democracy! God has already cast his vote for you! You are a chosen generation a Royal Priesthood! The question now is have you cast your vote for him? He chose you on the Cross as he died for your sin! He was raised from the dead for you promising to raise you from the dead! He gave his life for you will you give your life to him serving him all the days of your life? The family reunion is soon so why not join the family of God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

New Heaven! New Earth!

Revelation 21:1 “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: and a new earth and the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.” Comment: So why a new heaven and a new earth? What was wrong with the old heaven and the old earth? Sin! War started in heaven! Then it was cast down to the earth! Lucifer rebelled against God in heaven and one third of the angels joined him in this betrayal! Did you ever ask God questions? It does not mean a lack of faith but to qualify our faith! Ask and you shall receive! Lord did you create earth as a place or prison where Satan could dwell to get him out of your neighborhood? Did you put Satan on probation hoping he will change? All your questions you will ever have about God are in your Bible! I have searched and studied the scriptures for 45 years yet everyday I find a new answer to an old question! During the millennium rule of Christ here on earth there will be perfect peace because Satan is bound for a thousand years! He can no longer influence men and women to do evil. Jesus defeated Satan on the Cross! If you call out on the name of Jesus Satan will have to flee! After the 1000 year reign of Christ Satan is loosed for a season! Why? For his final judgment into the Lake of Fire! Remember reading in Second Peter the earth will also be destroyed by fire! Things are heating up like global warming! Did you notice the sea will also be dried up! Extreme heat! The sea separates people! What about the New Jerusalem? The old Jerusalem has a history of war just like the old earth! Right now rockets are flying into Israel! Armies wait at her borders to attack her! When heaven and earth become one all things will be new! Jesus prayer was on earth as it is in heaven! We will all have the same address! Jesus said we must be born again! New! The old passed away! Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to re-new your life! To quicken your mortal body while here on earth! After Jesus sent his comforter to me I have peace in the midst of the storm! You cannot find peace in drugs, money, sex or any other earthly pleasure! Jesus dwells in those that call on his name! Once you experience his love and power you cannot be silent! We want the same benefits for others that Christ has given to me! God created the old heaven and earth and he is willing and able to create them both new for you! Are you born again with the new birth? If not ask Christ to send the Holy Spirit into your life after your Salvation cleansed by his blood! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Why Does Time Continue?

2 Peter 3:9 “The word is not slack slow and delayed concerning his promise supported by law as some men count a slow delay; But in long suffering delaying judgment and punishment towards us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance having a change of mind from evil to good.” Comment: The word time in the Greek means to honor! Time is the only currency we have to honor God! So are we wasting our time? What are we chasing? Fortune? Fame? Pleasures? Notice God’s promise is backed by law! God’s laws are legally binding! We are guilty he is innocent! He took our guilt and sin upon himself and took our judgment and death upon himself! God extends time to sweep in the lost! Time buys you a decision you will have to make! We will all run out of time one day! No longer able to honor God here on earth. What we have done with Christ while on earth will determine what Christ does with us in eternity! Accept him or reject him! We cannot be good unless God makes us good! His transforming power overcomes the flesh! How long can God delay my judgment? Long enough for me to repent of my sin! The thieves on the Cross had just a few hours! One repented the other not! How long do you have before sickness or death removes your opportunity? We cannot rewind or fast forward life! We live one day at a time! However God’s Mercy endures forever! We have to knock on the door! Jesus said if you knock I will open! The bankruptcy of the soul is the attitude I do not need God! Wisdom recognizes I need the Savior! Take a ‘time out’ in your life and go to Jesus! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Millennium Kingdom!

2 Peter 3:8 “But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” Comment: We need to go back to the Book of Genesis! Did you know Jesus quoted out of the Book of Genesis more than any other Book in the Old Testament! So how many days for creation? Six days! Most Bible scholars believe the earth is about six thousand years old. One day is equal to a thousand years so how old is he earth? Never believe the lie by Darwin and his theory of evolution that the earth is over 13 billion years old! He came along to try to deceive people drawing them away from God! Carbon dating is also junk science! After the eruption of Mount Saint Helen’s here is the U.S., the newly formed rock after about two years was carbon dated using both methods. It was found the rocks were anywhere between three hundred thousand and a million years old when in fact they were two years old! They did this with other active volcano’s including the one in Sicily. Science is not science if it is exponentially off on dates! History is more accurate than a phony science! We know Moses wrote the Book of Genesis in his wilderness crossing between 1450-1410 B.C. Abraham was born in 1973 B.C. Noah was born in 2948 B.C. So how many years between the creation of Adam and Eve and the flood? Again plus one or a thousand years as most scholars believe. So what happens after the sixth day or six thousand years? We enter into the 7th day of rest! The Sabbath! We enter into the Millennium reign of Christ here on earth! His second coming! Satan is bound for a thousand years and perfect peace on earth! No more war! The lion lays down with the lamb! The Apostle Peter was a prophet! Jesus told us all the signs that would precede his second coming! When we look at all the signs in our scriptures both Old and New Testament his coming is soon! Those that see Christ will be those that are looking for him! Are you looking for him? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Wisdom Produces Humility!

Proverbs 24:3-4   Hebrew Translation: “Through wisdom or an intelligent humble attitude towards your experiences both good and bad trusting the all knowing all powerful God is a home or dwelling place built, and by understanding with insight, prudence, reason, skillfulness and a teachable attitude is it established standing firm and steadfast. And by knowledge knowing with awareness observation and a God conscious shall thy chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”   Comment: Like all of us Joseph had some bad experiences! Innocent yet jail time and family betrayal! However wisdom and understanding ruled the day for him becoming a Jew head of Egypt! Jesus has some bad experiences! Betrayal and the Cross! However as being man and God wisdom ruled over his life with a great victory over sin and death! As for me and my house we will serve the Lord! You have to trust God in the good times and especially in the bad times for he will prove himself faithful to you! God’s purpose is to show you his love! To make provision for you! The hardest thing is to love someone and yet they do not trust you? Jesus deals with this everyday as many inhabitants in the earth reject him! Most of the time development comes faster when we walk through the hard times! Learning to trust God! On the other side of the Red Sea Moses gained confidence and trust in God! Our final goal is to be with Christ on earth and in heaven! We cannot miss the mark! When our enemies see the victory God has given us they also have a glimpse of the light! You cannot understand life until you understand God! His ways are higher than our ways! Jesus is the way! To miss God is Babylon or confusion! Pride will never find God but oppose him! This is what happened to Satan! God’s character is humility! We normally do not search for God unless troubles overwhelm us! Wisdom is to understand only God can deliver me! We will sooner or later face a Goliath! No amount of your own effort will deliver you from the jaws of the lion or the fiery furnace! You cannot escape the flood unless you are in the ark! Solomon realized after hundreds of wives and all the riches in the world that he was not the answer but only God! Solomon said in the end it was all vanity or to no purpose! Our real purpose is found in God in relationship to him! Jesus cried on the Cross, “Why have you forsaken me?” Jesus biggest threat was not the death on the Cross or what Satan could do to him it was being forsaken by God! That is what hell is all about! Jesus came to deliver us from hell! He had to go there to complete his mission! To save you! Many forsake Jesus today! They reject his Salvation and the heaven he has prepared for them! A fool has said in his heart there is no God! Only fool’s are in hell! The wise in heaven! Which do you choose? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Global Warming & End Times!

2 Peter 3:7   Greek Translation: “But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved and kept watch over unto fire against the day and night over a duration of time of judgment separating good from evil and the perdition or ruinous state after death of ungodly men with no reverence for God opposed to God.” Comment: Global warming is real but not for the reasons men think! You may not be old enough to remember but back in the 1960’s the presumed threat was global cooling! On the front of Time Magazine and Newsweek you had pictures of walls of ice crushing dinosaurs! Then proclamations that the earth is going to be destroyed by the return of the ice age! The politicians were all running around with their proposed solutions! Just the opposite of today claiming the ice is melting too much! Actually we know the dinosaurs were destroyed during the world wide flood in the day’s of Noah! The earth has cooling and heating cycles according to sun spot activity! If the global warming today is the beginning of the end then repent of your sin! If not still repent! Heat and fire represent judgment! God will separate the lambs from the goats! Sheep follow a shepherd! The goats go out on their own and are consumed by the enemy! I believe we are in the end times and if you read and study your Bible you will see it! The end of your life here on earth will be our end times! Are you prepared? James and Hamsa Sasse.