Wisdom Produces Humility!

Proverbs 24:3-4   Hebrew Translation: “Through wisdom or an intelligent humble attitude towards your experiences both good and bad trusting the all knowing all powerful God is a home or dwelling place built, and by understanding with insight, prudence, reason, skillfulness and a teachable attitude is it established standing firm and steadfast. And by knowledge knowing with awareness observation and a God conscious shall thy chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”   Comment: Like all of us Joseph had some bad experiences! Innocent yet jail time and family betrayal! However wisdom and understanding ruled the day for him becoming a Jew head of Egypt! Jesus has some bad experiences! Betrayal and the Cross! However as being man and God wisdom ruled over his life with a great victory over sin and death! As for me and my house we will serve the Lord! You have to trust God in the good times and especially in the bad times for he will prove himself faithful to you! God’s purpose is to show you his love! To make provision for you! The hardest thing is to love someone and yet they do not trust you? Jesus deals with this everyday as many inhabitants in the earth reject him! Most of the time development comes faster when we walk through the hard times! Learning to trust God! On the other side of the Red Sea Moses gained confidence and trust in God! Our final goal is to be with Christ on earth and in heaven! We cannot miss the mark! When our enemies see the victory God has given us they also have a glimpse of the light! You cannot understand life until you understand God! His ways are higher than our ways! Jesus is the way! To miss God is Babylon or confusion! Pride will never find God but oppose him! This is what happened to Satan! God’s character is humility! We normally do not search for God unless troubles overwhelm us! Wisdom is to understand only God can deliver me! We will sooner or later face a Goliath! No amount of your own effort will deliver you from the jaws of the lion or the fiery furnace! You cannot escape the flood unless you are in the ark! Solomon realized after hundreds of wives and all the riches in the world that he was not the answer but only God! Solomon said in the end it was all vanity or to no purpose! Our real purpose is found in God in relationship to him! Jesus cried on the Cross, “Why have you forsaken me?” Jesus biggest threat was not the death on the Cross or what Satan could do to him it was being forsaken by God! That is what hell is all about! Jesus came to deliver us from hell! He had to go there to complete his mission! To save you! Many forsake Jesus today! They reject his Salvation and the heaven he has prepared for them! A fool has said in his heart there is no God! Only fool’s are in hell! The wise in heaven! Which do you choose? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com