Sanctuary District?

Washington D.C., is a parcel of land twelve square miles bordered by reality! President Andrew Johnson (1808-1875) Comment: So how can we make D.C., a happy place? To please the Democrats we can move the Executive branch to Russia! We can move the Congress along with Nancy to California! We can move Mitch along with the Senate to Kentucky! Then most important we can put up this twelve square mile plot of land up for sale to the highest bidder and take the sale proceeds and pay off our National Debt created by dishonest politicians! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Judicial Watch! Revelation 11:18

Greek translation: “And the nations were angry, and thy wrath with the purpose of revenge is come, and the time of opportunity for the spiritual dead should be judged to divide and separate by a judicial decision based upon evidence and you shall give a reward to the Saints set apart for you the prophets who have predicted the future beforehand. To those that fear revenge of the name of the one that saves them both small and great and will destroy those who destroy the earth.” Comment: Here we see God having judicially tried all cases of men who have lived or ever will live! What a case load! You say well God has to hire more judges! No! He only has one judge! His name is Jesus Christ! Does Jesus have a strong case against us? All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God! So could I hire a smart attorney and get off the hook? The problem is your attorney is also on trial! Certainly my good works will save me! Your righteousness is as filthy rags! Like the rich young ruler we cannot give up what keeps us from Jesus! The evidence is overwhelming against us and that is what the world is so angry about! So what evidence if any could possibly save me from this judgment of death? Who could go in my place? God only has one substitute! His Son Jesus Christ who went to the Cross to take your judgment! To take your place! The world is angry because they have rejected their substitute sacrifice and no sacrifice remains for them so they receive their own judgment! God is only looking for the evidence that you repented of your sin and walked away from your sin! Repented through Jesus Christ! All judgment is left unto the Son! He knows where everyone stands! Where do you stand right now? You could step off into eternity anytime at any place! My Bible says after death the judgment! You or anyone cannot stand naked before God and live! No second death for those who are covered by the Blood of the Lamb! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Squeaky Clean?

It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues! Abraham Lincoln   Comment: Jesus warned the religious leaders the Pharisees of their cold hearts! The Apostle Paul was a Pharisee who also had a cold heart until his Damascus Road experience with Christ himself! What leads to this cold heart towards the world and others by religious leaders and followers is the false theology that by my good works I can be saved and I am better than others because of my good works! It is a false pride and deception which even Lucifer fell into the same trap! I will exalt myself above God! This same deception continues from generation to generation! Until we move ourselves off the throne and place Christ there no other remedy can be found! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Trade Deficiets & Illegal Immigration!

The measure of the wealth of a nation is indicated by the measure of its protection of its industry; the measure of the poverty of a nation is marked by the degree in which it neglects and abandons the care of its own industry, leaving it exposed to the action of foreign powers! Henry Clay (1777-1852), Kentucky Senator, Speaker of House of Representatives and Secretary of State.

Meet the Press!

I hate newspapermen! They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts! I regard them as spies, which in truth, they are! If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world! However I am sure we would be getting reports from Hell before breakfast! General William T. Sherman, Union Army. 1864.

Big Buisness?

So what private company does the most business in the Washington D.C. area of our nation? The name of the company is; “Reputation Restoration!” It is equivalent to getting a good Car Fax report on a junked vehicle that has just gone through the crusher! My Bible says a good name is better than silver and gold!

Love of Money! 1 Timothy 6:10

The money power preys on the nation in time of peace, and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolvent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes! Abraham Lincoln  Comment: The Apostle Paul did not say money was evil but if you love it then you become evil! We are to love God! Anything less is sin! President Lincoln was identifying the root cause of slavery in America! The love of money! The love of money keeps abortion going today in America just as it did for slavery! The love of money keeps the drugs flowing across our southern border! Sin continues from generation to generation only because man is in love with himself and not God and will sacrifice anything or anyone to acquire wealth! Would you sell out or betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver? Wealth can also be acquired honestly! Our capitalistic system is based upon through work and creating products and services that people need and want! The failed socialist states around the world take the earned wealth of the workers and give it to those that will not work! That is theft! God works and did that to create this world and he expects us to do the same and work to maintain the Blessings he has given us! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Without Vision? Proverbs 29:18

You cannot accomplish great things without vision! You do not make the vision, the vision makes you! The Holy Spirit specializes in giving vision! Vision produces faith! Without vision there is no faith! Pastor David Yonggi Cho.  Comment: Make America great again! A vision given to a man by God to return America to the great God who established her! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Progressive Revelation! John 1:1

I turned into our church parking lot yesterday morning and God gave me a Revelation preparing me for what the Pastor was going to say! This has happened before at this church over past three years! I had not received the church bulletin yet and had no idea what our Pastor was going to preach on? It is like this church is standing on Holy ground! My Christian progression over this past 70 years has much to do with this Bible I have been carrying around most of my life! When I was a child in Sunday school it was just a bunch of stories like any other story! Then as I grew it just became a book like any other book! Something to read, forget and move on with your life just like any other school book! Then my Bible became to me a list of Books! Sixty six books all in one Book! Then these books became chapters to me! Distinct and unique yet in unity with each other! Then these chapters had paragraphs! These paragraphs had sentences! These sentences had words! Today my Bible has become the Word of God to me! So powerful! One word can part the sea or calm the storm! Can heal the sick or raise the dead! Can pluck the flaming soul out of Hell! Can call angels down from Heaven! Can deliver you out of the lion’s mouth! Can flood the earth but save you by the same water! Can speak to you in an unknown language! Can slay a giant with a small stone! In the beginning was the Word——–. His word is more precious than silver or gold! It is eternal and immortal for Jesus is the one and only expression of God’s word! No wonder they ban this Book from our schools! Our Pastor Cope brought the message to us out of the Book of Revelation Chapter Ten. In this scripture a “Little Book” is mentioned! This angel or evangelist asked the Apostle John to take this little book and eat it! It was sweet as honey when he put it in his mouth but became bitter when it reached his stomach! When we come to Christ there is no sweeter experience found on earth for it is a Heavenly experience! His love and affection shown to us will last for an eternity! Unconditional love and forgiveness! We experience God’s acceptance to us and for us! Then we carry this love to others for we cannot keep this a secret! It would be selfish! Then we discover over time that this world is not in love with God like God is in love with us? In fact the world is at war with God! This is the bitterness John experienced in this Revelation! John they will boil you in oil! They will intern you in a slave labor camp on the Island of Patmos! The world hates God and the only way to get to him is to attack his followers or disciples! We are defamed, persecuted and killed for his name! Like the recent attack on the Sri Lanka Christian’s! This is the sweet bitter of redemption! What puzzles me most is that God still loves them? Stranger than fiction! Two sides to God’s love! Redemption and judgment! You can have one without the other but you cannot have it both ways! The worst sin on earth is to reject the love of God! In fact the Book of Revelation during the seven year tribulation period is all about God venting his anger on those on the earth that have rejected his love! To reject his word and his son is to reject him! The only news you can trust today is in your Bible! We have a political party who call themselves progressives? Progress towards what? Who? Progress towards Heaven or Hell? Your Bible will lead you towards God because he authored it! There is only one way to Heaven! All other roads lead to Hell! Follow the navigation or GPS which God has given you and it will lead you to Heaven! Follow His Word! I was lost but now I am found! God is looking for you! Are you looking for him? What road are you on? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Want to be Loved?

There are many who want me to tell them of secret ways of becoming perfect and I can only tell them that the sole secret is a hearty love for God, and the only way of attaining that love is by loving! You learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to work by working; and just as you learn to love God and man by loving. Begin as a mere apprentice and the very power of love will lead you to be a master of the art! Francis de Sales (1567-1622), French Theologian.  Comment: My Bible tells me you reap what you sow! My Bible tells me he first loved us! God who loves us more than any human was rejected and despised of men! So much he went to the Cross for us! Twenty one centuries later his love is still rejected by the majority! So understand that your love and the love of God living in you may be rejected by men! Still it is worth the investment to love because there will be a harvest of souls for your investment! Satan may discourage you as he did to Jesus through his own disciples before and after the Cross but Jesus never gave up on them and he will never give up on you regardless of what men do to you! James and Hamsa Sasse.