The End of the World?

As a young kid in high school back in the 1960’s I saw a picture on the front of Time Magazine that showed this bum carrying a sign walking in Times Square in New York City saying the end of the world has come! I thought maybe for him? I would say today maybe we are much closer? Certainly some in this world might think so with the world wide pandemic! Sadly for about 350 thousand Americans over this past year it has come to an end! At least in this life! I saw watching an NFL playoff game last night that the NFL players are supporters of Criminal Social Justice Reform! I hope I got that right? The words sound good but what does it mean? In the political correct world we live in today you have to translate these things! What is social justice? For everyone? Who would be the poster boy for a Criminal Reformed Justice Warrior? Charles Manson? You could send money to his cell block but he passed on in 2017. The Lord help his soul! And his victims! Now the banning of Christian conservative content on social media platforms is moving forward at warp speed since the Democrats are taking control! Trump is building his own platform and as conservative content moves to other platforms great efforts by Twitter, Facebook, Google and YouTube are trying to shut these down! Do you see where this is going? America has been best known separated from other countries by freedom of speech and the debate of all idea’s! If the left has their platforms and the right has their platforms then they just become echo chambers for their own ideology! No debate can happen! There are no debates in Communist China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba and the list goes on! Will the day come to America where their are no debates? Right now people in America are being fired from their jobs for holding a particular political ideology? No promotions for you unless you hold the party line? You must carry water for the Democrats! Will they go after 75 million Trump supporters over the next four years? Will you not be able to buy a home or open a checking account or get a VISA card unless you hold a particular political ideology? This used to only happen in communist countries! Will you be shamed because you love Christ? If this same old bum back in the 1960’s were carrying this same sign in Times Square today he would get a lot of encouragement from the few that dare to walk the streets there! He would get a high five and an amen! Sorry not an amen but awoman! Sorry there! Please do not ban me! So where is all this going? Bible prophecy my friend being played out before your very eyes! In the Book of Revelation it says during the 7 year tribulation period ruled by the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet you will not be able to buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast! This world is coming to an end much sooner than even most Christians think! The Rapture of the Church is close at hand! The martyr of the Saints is increasing across the earth! I have said all that to say this! You will have to make a choice or you most likely already have between Christ and the Anti-Christ! Today it is not too late to choose Christ but tomorrow who knows? Our time is short! Choose this day who you will serve! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Overcome the World!

1 John 4:4 “Ye are of God, little children, and overcome them: because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.” Commentary: So what are we to overcome? The world! Sin in me and you! Overcome means to succeed, defeat, overpower and conquer! Has sin conquered you? Conquer in his name! The Apostle Paul says we are more than conquerors in Romans 8:37. What needed to be conquered in the 1st Century is the same foe in the 21st Century! God does not change and neither does Satan! Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! My Bible is just as powerful today as the day it was written! The technology I studied 30 years ago is in the museum today! God’s word never changes! The 16th Century Bible of Martin Luther is the same Bible we have today! New discoveries in science make old science obsolete! However the same sciences have always been around since God created the world but we have just discovered some of them! When you make a discovery in your Bible through reading and studying that discovery will power you to seek more truth! Time and history will not change your Bible it will only reinforce it! The ‘he’ that is in you is Christ! The ‘he’ that is in the world is Satan! Man made ideologies that oppose the word of God! What are some? Cancel culture, political correctness, socialism, Marxism, Communism, abortion, drugs, homosexuality, transgenderism, lesbianism, witchcraft, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, religion, Darwinism, atheism, Nazism, Fascism, BLM, ANTIFA, open borders, sanctuary cities, globalism, global warming, plagues and the list goes on! The Christ that lives in you is greater than these evils! Be a victor rather than a victim! Christ has defeated your every foe! Conquer in his name! Words that oppose Christ are foes of Christ! Happy Holidays! Sorry! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse.

World without End!

Luke 1:33  Greek Translation: “And he (Christ) shall reign over as King to predominate over the House and family lineage of David forever; and his kingdom with the royal dominion of Heaven there shall be no end.” Comment: I can remember the Doxology we would repeat and the end of every church service in that small Methodist Church in rural Nebraska! World without End! Amen! I remember the old movies when on the screen and at the end of the show the bold letters across the screen would say, “The End”. I do not know why they did this for everyone knew anyway? Our understanding of the word “End”, might be lacking in some ways! Let us look at the Greek word. It means no limit! That is Christ will never cease to be what he is and who he is! He will never be extinct or terminated! He will never be an endangered species! The grave is empty for him! No headstone at his head! He is the seed that produces righteousness! Christ is the conclusion of the written and spoken word of God! His kingdom is forever! Death has no grip on him! In fact he defeated death! The anti-Semitism we see in the world today has always been in an attempt for the enemy Satan to destroy the house and lineage of David! To try to destroy the Jews! This is what Iran is trying to do to Israel! This is what Hitler tried to do! This is what the left wing of the Democratic Party in America is trying to do! The persecution of Christians parallels this effort! Expressed in church shootings! The very last war on earth is when the armies of the nations surround Jerusalem! However God will intervene for them! You cannot destroy a forever Kingdom! You will destroy yourself trying! Nations will rise and fall but his Kingdom is forever! Remember all the way back at Genesis 1:1? God created the heavens and the earth! They belong to him! God your creator has no beginning and no end! He did not evolve! Christ is as infinite and eternal as anyone can get because he is God! Have you joined the Kingdom of God or are you at war with God? If at war you cannot win this one! Christ defeated death, hell and the grave for you! Do not be a victim but a victor! When I came to the end of myself I became born again and entered the Kingdom of God here on earth! Let your end be your new beginning! All things are passed away and all things become new! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Why is 1492 A.D. Important? Esdras 6:42 (Apocrypha)

This same year the last of the Muslims were forced out of Spain by the Crusaders! Christopher Columbus set sail for America! This same year the Spanish Inquisition began! Why is all this significant? First Christopher Columbus was a Jew! Throughout his life Columbus showed a keen interest in the Bible and Bible Prophecy! He would often quote Biblical texts in his letters and in his ship logs. Part of the argument that a Book he submitted to the Spanish Monarchs when he sought for his support for his proposed expedition to reach the Indies by sailing west was based on his reading of the Second Book of Esdras 6:42. Columbus interpreted this scripture from the Bible to mean that the earth is made up of six parts of land and one of water. The then world maps showed only 5 continents so Christopher reasoned from the scriptures  there was another continent missing on the world maps! So he thought traveling west he would discover this missing continent! If you read the quotes of Columbus he said he did not use science, navigation or mathematics but the scriptures as his guide! The Catholics got a hundred years start on evangelism of South and Central America because they did not reject the Apocrypha from the scriptures as the Protestants did! Towards the end of his life Columbus produced a Book of Prophecies in which his career as an explorer is interpreted in the light of Christian Eschatology and Apocalypticism. On August 3, 1492 the Edict of Expulsion was executed requiring all Jews to leave Spain! On August 2nd Columbus and his crew boarded their ships before midnight and left harbor 1/2 hour before sunrise. His historic journey was also financed with the help of some wealthy Jewish merchants! Spain had been a 2nd home for Jews since 200 A.D. Remember Paul wanted to travel there! There were 800000 Jews living in Spain when the Inquisition began! The Catholic Church in Spain wanted all Jews to convert to Catholicism! Also King Fernando and Isabella wanted to seize the Jewish wealth of Spain! History has shown us that if the Muslims are not around to persecute the Jews the Church is! Christopher was also searching for a land where the Jews could escape persecution! That happened to be America and a land which has always supported Israel! The Apocryphya was a collection of Books published in the original King James Bible of 1611. They were part of the King James Bible for 274 years until they were removed in 1885 A.D. They were inserted between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Here is what Esdras 6:42 says, “Upon the third day thou did command that the waters should be gathered in the seventh part of the earth; six parts thou dried up, and kept them, to the intent that of these some being planted of God and tilled that might serve thee.” KJV 1611 A.D.–1885 A.D. The parts of the Bible that were later thrown out were the GPS navigator’s for Columbus voyage to the New World in 1492! Maybe we should revisit the Apocrypha? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

One World Government! Daniel 2:44

What is one of the most recent signs here in America of the coming one world government? The case is before the Supreme Court right now! The fight over the question asked in our 2020 census! We have a census every 10 years! The battle is the political left does not want the most important question on the census asked? Are you a United States citizen? The number of citizens in each State is used for many important purposes determined by our government! The value of each electorate college numbers allotted to each State is determined by the number of legal U.S. citizens! If the Democrats can get all illegal immigrants counted as citizens they can hold on to political power! Remember Trump beat Hillary in the rust belt States only by one hundred thousand votes! The Democratic Party has become the Anti-American Party! The one world Anti-Christ government leader is on the horizon! The promotions of sanctuary cities, open borders, gay rights is all about preparations for the one world order soon set up after the Rapture of the Church! What are you promoting? Christ or the Anti-Christ? One day after the Rapture of the Church every citizen of every nation will get the chance to vote the Anti-Christ into power along with the False Prophet! However you are either voting for him or against him with your vote today here in America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

This Present Evil World!

Galatians 1:4  Greek Translation: “Who gave himself for our sins who we missing the mark or missing God with our offensive behavior towards God ignorant of God’s expectations of us. He has delivered us from this present evil world and has given us an eternal future according to the will and purpose of God our Father.” Comment: Present evil world? Whether the first Century or the twenty first Century good and evil transcend time! Heaven and Hell are past, present and future! Jesus said the closer we get to his second coming the worse the evil would get! So what did God do about this present evil world the Apostle Paul is speaking about? Evil has to be judged so God gave himself as a sacrifice for our redemption taking the judgment of death upon himself! So good has overcome evil! The good suffering for the evil! The good taking the guilt and punishment for the evil doers! This is really beyond our comprehension? In my natural mind the evil should get evil for their deeds! This would be fair! If I follow this line of thinking then we are all condemned! We could by ourselves could never meet God’s expectation of righteousness by our works! Therefore God had to do it for us! The Cross! Every generation has the same opportunity to receive Salvation through Christ! We have all chosen evil but we can chose our way out of it! Everyone will make a choice for or against Christ! Everyone has the freedom to chose life or death! So why would some chose death over life? Because they are deceived into believing there is no God! There is no Satan! There is no Heaven or Hell! There is no judgment! The biggest lie of deception in the 20th and 21st Century has been the teaching of our children in public schools the Theory of Evolution! This atheistic ideology was foundational to Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Hitler with a list of followers too long to describe here! However sadly this big lie is not challenged by the Church much and even accepted as some how reconcilable with Creation? If we are to save America we have to save our children from the public schools and get government out of the schools and privatize our school system! Take the five thousand dollars every tax payer pays to public schools and give that money to the parents to choose their own school! James and Hamsa Sasse.