They can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of anyone I have ever met! Abraham Lincoln
Tag: 20
Sell the Swamp!
Dear President Trump, If you want to drain the swamp you need to sell the swamp! Our Federal government owns 1/3 of America! This is the average but let us look at some states! The Federal government owns 90 percent of Nevada? The Federal government owns 50 percent of California! No swamp bug can manage this much swamp! Our Federal government cannot manage itself much less all these swamp creatures! Use the funds to pay off our National debt caused by politicians making promises to get re-elected! Our greatest National security threat is our debt! The same applies to any American family! If I as an American citizen owed 20 Trillion dollars in debt and had 20 trillion dollars in assets what would I do to eliminate this debt? I would sell these assets to pay the debt! I would never want to see our government have to declare bankruptcy! You also may be able with the exception of military bases and National defense sites turn this property back to the States! If you would do this one simple thing no one would be able to challenge your re-election in 2020! Thankyou for your heart to help middle class American’s! In my lifetime none has done this with the only exception Ronald Reagan! Our government is for the people by the people! You have been the first President in a very long time that really believes this and lives out this Constitutional Blessing! God Bless You and America! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Stalin’s Welfare Program!
Those who do not work do not have the right to live! Joseph Stalin (1878-1953), Russian Dictator, Atheist who was responsible for the death of 20 million people during his rule!
Colorado Catholic Buisness Owners defeat ObamaCare but punished by Denver City Council?
Denver City Council stops good citizen award to this Denver Buisness who has served Denver over 50 years! Siding with Obama instead of doing the right thing contradicts all that America stands for? When you punish the righteous to reward the wicked our existence is threatened! Please read Isaiah Chapter 5, Verse 20. Thankyou. James Sasse.
Does God like taxes?
Is it lawful for us to give tribute to Caesar or not? Jesus perceived their craftiness, and said unto them, Why tempt me? Shew me a penny. Whose image and superscription is on it? They answered and said, Caesar’s. And Jesus said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s and unto God the things which be God’s. Source; Holy Bible, Book of Luke, Chapter 20, Verses 22-25.