Let Freedom Ring!

The true meaning of America, you ask? It is in a Texas rodeo, in a policeman’s badge, in the sound of laughing children, in a political rally, in a newspaper… In all these things, and many more, you will find America. In all these things you will find freedom, and freedom is what America means to the world! And to me! Audie Murphy (1925-1971), Most decorated combat soldier in WWII. Actor, song writer and rancher.

Cross Dressing!

Deuteronomy 22:5 “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are an abomination unto the Lord thy God.” Commentary: So what is an abomination? The word appears about 60 times in scriptures in both the old and new testaments! Yet word is seldom heard from pulpits? This is why reading and studying your Bible is so important! Any preacher that becomes politically correct will not tell you the truth! The whole truth and nothing but the truth! An abomination is anything morally disgusting to God! So what are some examples? Human sacrifice! Christ was God! Only God sacrificing himself for our sin is adequate! Human sacrifices are counterfeit sacrifices! Eating forbidden foods such as the bat! Many others! Demonic idol worship! Self-worship! You making God and then you worshiping yourself! Occult activities. Cultic prostitution. Dishonest business practices. Physically repulsive appearances. Any practice that is destructive to the family and society! Remember the Anti-Christ during the 7 year tribulation period will set himself up in the Jewish Temple at Jerusalem and demand worship from the world! Any action that turns men away from the worship of God unto a counterfeit worship of men! These actions encompass an abomination! Violence against Houses of Worship is another example! The attack on Creation itself is the promotion of gender confusion! To deny the God and the sex he has given you! To turn God into something he is not and then to turn yourself into something you are not! This is abomination against God and his creation! Our job is to point people towards Christ and his redemption! How are you doing? However if any man believes he is not a sinner in need of redemption then who needs a Savior? This is why we cannot disregard the law because it convicts us that we need a Savior! Jesus is not optional? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com


Affliction doth not rise out of the dust or come to men by chance; but it is the Lord that sends it, and we should own and reverence His hand in it! Thomas Boston (1676-1732), Scottish Theologian Comment: Without my death bed experience i would never had come to Christ! I was simply too stubborn and rebellious to do it on my own! At the end of myself I found Christ waiting for me! God would not remove the thorn in the side of the Apostle Paul even though he prayed three times to remove it! The thorn kept Paul humbled so God could use him to build his Kingdom here on earth! James Sasse.

Speaking the Truth!

Ephesians 4:5 Commentary: “Speaking the Truth”, are three English words used to express one Greek word. It means to express the actual truth in the reality of God’s love! Not a counterfeit love where with words we appear to love but the real love of God! There are two kinds of money. Real and counterfeit! One has value and the other worthless! The worthless Satan tries to pass himself off to you as real! Deception! The counterfeit will fool a lot of people but not the government who made the money! Our creator created love and expressed it to us here on earth! However his love and his Christ existed before time! Satan tries to counterfeit God’s love! He will give you a deceptive appearance like he cares for you yet wants to destroy you and separate you from the love of God! My Bible says anyone who tries to climb up to God in anyway except through Christ is a thief and a liar! Only Christ the Son of God can lead you to God! God sacrificed himself for your gain! Satan and his followers will try to sacrifice you for their gain! You are expendable to Satan! Satan’s only perceived gain is to drag you away from the love of God! So you can accompany him in hell! All ideologies are either based on truth or a lie! Jesus said i am the truth! The reality of truth is base in the God/man Christ! The spirit that dwells in you depends on who you are following! Life or death! Light or darkness! Love or hate! Redemption or judgment! Jesus said to pick up your Cross and follow me! The Cross represents suffering and sacrifice! Go and suffer and sacrifice yourself so others might understand the love of God! To comprehend the truth! Be the suffering servant to go to those that have no hope! God’s love was expressed in creation for you and then to a Cross! Your debt for your sin has been paid for! Truth and love were nailed to a Cross! Two things happen to you when your read your Bible! You discern the truth and then you can detect the counterfeit! Why is the Bible the number one best seller book in all of history yet it is the most banned book in all of history? Why? Because it is truth! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

2020 Prophetic Year!

Take your age and add it to the year you were born! Everyone on earth comes up with the same number! 2020! This year is significant on God’s prophetic calendar! When time is gone we all become the same age! When we stand before Christ only one thing matters! What did we do with Christ while living here on earth? Bless him or curse him? Honor him or dishonor him? Christ holds your future so you might want to hold him up in admiration! Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Science tells us the earth and the planets are all the same age. If all our ages point to the year 2020 what does this mean? The year of redemption and judgment or good and bad news for those that have embraced Christ good news and those that have rejected him bad news! This is the year to get serious with God! Your eternity hangs in the balance of Lady Justice! When redemption is complete judgment begins! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Creation Groans For Redemption!

Revelation 4:11 “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” Commentary: We need to examine the word ‘created’ used in this passage. We will look at two Greek foundational words. Words have creative power! God created everything by his word! Words are like pieces of a puzzle! You put the pieces all together and you get the big picture! A picture of God’s glory, power and his majesty! We marvel at his creation! His words speak of more than we can comprehend! He causes us to wonder and awe! Who can compare to him? The word ‘created’ has two root words with two different meanings depending where the word is used in scripture! This word can also mean two different things at the same time. The first meaning is created means God made something out of nothing! This is the opposite of evolution and Darwinism where this crazy man tries to link one form after another to try to prove his theory! What evolves out of nothing? Nothing! This first meaning is in reference to the creation of the earth! Now what about the creation of man? If you follow the six days of creation in Genesis Chapter one God creates the earth and all creatures before the 6th day when he makes man. So God created man out of the dust of the earth joined man to the Spirit of God! So Adam here was created out of pre-existent matter joined with God! Very different from other creatures and the earth! We are created in the Image of God! This gives us value! So funny Darwin digging through the dust yet he was dust! Just call ancestry.com or call 1-800-DUST! Our dust or flesh will perish but our Spirit is eternal! Jesus will give us a new body when he raises us from the dead! God through his word encourages to pursue life in the Spirit! Born again! Another interesting meaning for the word ‘created’ means the one who owns us! Possesses us and acquired us and purchased us! It is the idea of proprietorship through manufacture! We were bought with a price! With his blood on a Cross! Born again is a spiritual birth! Not a reincarnation as in Hinduism but a new creation through the incarnation of God becoming man! God took our dust or mortality and gave us immortality! Eternal! Immortal the only wise God! Time does not change us! Evolution is powerless to change us! Any evidence through history man is getting better? Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! You were created for God’s pleasure! When will we stop giving him anymore pain? The Cross was enough! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Politics & Faith!

The question is not if the candidate’s heart is favorable to Christianity, but if he has Christ as his starting point even for politics, and will speak out His name! Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920) Theologian, Prime Minister of the Netherlands.