Copy Cat Religion!

Matthew 9:35 “For Jesus went about the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” Comment: Notice Jesus did not social distance with those that had the plague! He was not afraid of sickness and death because he conquered them! The Great physician! He did not run away from trouble he ran to it! Like our leader we are commanded to preach the Gospel and heal the sick in His name! Who we follow is very important! Mohammad had nine wives! He married a nine year old girl! He murdered and plundered others to get wealth! He kidnapped women and sold them as sex slaves! One of his wives poisoned him! Being an arab he was a caucasian or white guy who owned black slaves! He forced people to worship him through threat of death! Convert or die! He was evil! Islam has hidden under the mask of religion for centuries while carrying out wholesale murder! When you read the Quran and other Muslim sources you see his real character! Violence was his calling card! Jesus went around doing good! What a contrast! Jesus was more than a good man! He was God! God in the flesh! Sinless but became the perfect sacrifice for our sin! He healed our sin! If you follow God or copycat God rather than the Godless you will have a good outcome! We are to sacrifice for others as Jesus sacrificed for us! I want to choose to follow the best here on earth and in heaven! When we leave earth and step off into eternity you will meet Jesus face to face! He then as right now in time will be either your Savior or your judge! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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