Majority in Heaven?

Matthew 7: 13-14 Commentary: Jesus made it clear that a majority will not make it to heaven! Jesus said stait is the gate that leads to eternal life and that few will find it! Let us examine the word “stait” in the Greek! We get our word stenographer from this Greek word! When the trial is going on the stenographer listens to every word that is spoken and records every word! Do you listen to every word God has spoken in your Bible? Do you know every word? The word stenos in the Greek means to abide and continue to be established in his word! This word is closely linked to the word covenant! Do you listen and obey his word or do you like some cherry pick the scriptures to be popular with the majority? Are you going to follow the majority to hell or be one of the few in heaven? The choice today you have already made! Like the thief on the Cross you can repent and change! Today by numbers the earth is one third Christian. This is not a majority! After the rapture of the church to heaven the majority will follow the Anti-Christ during the seven year tribulation period! When i was a teenager about 60 years ago my grandfather spoke some wisdom into me! He said, “Jimmy never follow the crowd! They crucified our Lord!” I have a funny quote made by a famous writer and statesman who lived over 200 years ago! His name is Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe. Quote: “Nothing is more disgusting than the majority; because it consists of a few powerful predecessors, of rogues who adapt themselves, of weak who assimilate themselves, and the masses who imitate them without knowing at all what they want.” When Israel did not have a King they all did what was right in their own eyes! This is America today! I have a King and his name is Jesus! I listen to him and follow him and no other! Hitler was elected into power by the majority! Who are you following? James and Hamsa Sasse.

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