Kitchen Rebellion!

For past eight weeks we have stopped eating out due to reducing risks of getting the Coronavirus! Normally we would eat out every Sunday after church. My wife is 82 years old and i never wanted her to have to cook anymore especially on Sunday because over our 45 years of marriage she has cooked hundreds of thousands of meals for our family! So i volunteered to cook meals on Sunday! So for the past eight weeks i have prepared hot dogs and beans on Sundays! So this past Sunday i began to boil the water for the hot dogs and there was a sudden rebellion! Are you fixing hot dogs and beans again? This is not a POW camp! How about if i change the menu to beans and rice? Forget it! I have coupons for Captain D’s go out and bring us some real food! What about the risk of the virus? We think your cooking is more deadly than this virus! Here are the coupons and get moving now! Look cooking is not your calling! You can boil water but anything else is above your skill level! Just no appreciation anymore? Thankless people! Well i am really sick of hot dogs and beans myself for i was just putting up with my cooking to protect my family! WOW! This fish dinner tastes like heaven! Hell with the hot dogs and beans! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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