Special Olympics?

When I see and hear the Democrat candidates for President I think about the Special Olympics! They are all handicapped in one way or another! Does it matter who crosses the finish line first? So one is a little less handicapped than the others? We should give them all a trophy so they do not feel bad! We cannot have the prisoners in charge of the prison! We cannot have the animals in charge of the zoo! Dummies cannot be in charge of our children’s education! The Godless cannot be in charge of our Spiritual training! Most of them have never really had a real job! They have been on the public support system all their lives! We need to pull the plug on more swamp bugs and stay with one of the most successful businessmen in history! Donald Trump! James and Hamsa Sasse, GodWhoisGod.com

Mission Impossible?

Luke 1:37  Greek Translation: “For with God no nothing at all never shall be unable, impotent or impossible with God.” Comment: God is unlimited! How about creating the world in six days we are living in right now! How about creating the heavens! The sun, the moon and the stars! How about creating you and me! It did not take millions of years to get here as the evolutionists assume! God did not evolve! He always was and always will be! If I have any assumptions then I am not living by faith! How about parting the Red sea for Moses! You can still find Egyptian chariot wheels under the Red Sea! How about the shepherd boy David slaying the giant Goliath! Then David becomes King of Israel! Even today God delivers Israel from their enemies! Mary asked a fair question to the Angel Gabriel. How can this be when I know no man? The Holy Spirit will come on you just like he did on the face of the waters at creation! Your cousin Elizabeth will bare a son in her old age named John the Baptist! Jesus walked on water! Raised the dead! Himself raised from the dead! Ascended to heaven and will return to earth at his second coming for those that trust him! There is only one thing God cannot do! He cannot sin! It comes easy for you and me and the mortals of the earth! Sin comes naturally for us! Jesus said we must be born again or have a second birth! A supernatural birth! So what is impossible with men is possible with God! Grace is God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself! Sin is possible for men living without God! It is guaranteed! Death, destruction, war, evil, wickedness and every evil device of Satan is possible for men without God! God has provided Salvation to men through his only Son Jesus Christ! You need faith to please God! Faith in Christ! Outside of God there is no Salvation for men! No miracles! No redemption! No life! No hope! No light! Only death and judgment! Everyone has to make a choice about Christ! Everyone will make a choice before entering eternity! Eternity is expressed here and now in the life you live here on earth today! The thief on the Cross changed his eternal destiny by receiving Christ as Savior! The other two thieves rejected Christ! One out of three! It is interesting that 1/3rd of the earth are Christian! One out of three!  The choice is yours and remember wise men still seek him! To play the fool is to risk your forever without Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Democtrat Playbook & Impeachment!

The despair is there, now it is up to us to go in and rub raw the sores of discontent, galvanize them for radial social change! Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, Community Organizer for Revolution.  Comment: The Democrat left do not come up with their own ideas but are borrowed from radicals such as Alinsky! Much of their playbook comes from the socialist/communist loving Alinsky who migrated from Russia to America! He set up shop in Chicago and trained disciples of his radical ideology! Two of his better known disciples are Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton! So where did Alinsky get his ideology that he has passed on to others? From Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin! This ideology is borrowed sin! Any idea you have is borrowed from someone else! Hitler is a good example! His ideology came from Charles Darwin! He believed according to his quotes that evolution could be speeded up by millions of years by getting rid of the undesirables! He wanted to get rid of the basket of deplorables and smelly Walmart shoppers! Get rid of guns and religion! You will borrow your ideology from either God or Satan! The Bible is the gold standard for a life of prosperity and peace! Jesus is the Prince of peace! You become who you serve! Who you follow! Life or death hangs in the balance! Rebellion is expressed through religion and politics! Who you vote for is who you submit to! An elected official becomes your slave master! A slave to God is freedom but to Satan death and destruction! You have probably made a choice already but never too late to change! Choose this day who you will serve! You will serve either God or Satan! The consequences of your choice have eternal consequences! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Fall & Rise of Many!

Luke 2:34  Greek Translation: “And Simeon (Priest) blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold this child (Jesus), is set as a foundation to be taken up and used fulfilling the law for the benefit of men for the fall and rising or resurrection of the body from the grave for many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against.” Comment: Everyone will be resurrected from the dead! Some to everlasting life and some to everlasting judgment! Jesus fulfilled the law by taking our sin and the judgment of death for it on a Cross taking the penalty for us! Jesus sacrificed himself for your benefit! Whether we fall or rise will be based upon what we do with Jesus! Accept his sacrifice or reject it! Salvation or judgment! If you take your own judgment there is no escape! Because he took your judgment he has the exclusive right to judge the living and the dead! Jesus is a sign that shall be spoken against? You would think everyone would be delighted to escape Hell! Why would people gamble with their soul and eternity? Life is short but eternity forever! What was true in the 1st Century is true in the 21st Century! If Jesus was just a myth concocted in the 1st Century why is he so vehemently opposed in the 21st Century? This confirms that Jesus is the way, truth and life and no man comes to the Father but by him! So which group do you belong? The falling or the rising? King Herod made his choice! Judas made his choice! Like Jesus spoke of Judas if you reject the Son of God it would be better you had not been born! In the 21st Century the progressive political left has joined King Herod and Judas! The political conservative right has embraced Jesus! Nothing has changed in twenty Centuries because Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Democrat Playbook & Targets!

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy! Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. This is cruel but necessary and very effective! Directly personalized criticism and ridicule their work! Saul Alinsky  Comment: The two better known disciples of Alinsky is Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton! Jesus said in this world you will have tribulation! Persecution! From who? Satan! The Democratic Party has rules taken right out of Alinsky’s Book  “Rules for Radicals!” So what are a few examples of his ideology? I cannot list them all but a few honorable mentions! The Obama administration goes after Franklin Graham with an audit of his tax returns! The Colorado baker and the Oregon baker who refused to bake a wedding cake to a gay couple were taken to court! Case for Colorado baker went to Supreme Court where he won! Then Colorado sued him again in State court! He spent thousands of dollars on legal fee’s defending his Faith and Constitutional rights! Then they find out where Christian conservatives dine and take their families to! Like Sara Huckabee Sanders and Mitch McConnell! Harassing their families with the mafia gangs while eating out with families! Then they plan and try to block Conservative speakers from college campuses such as Ben Shapiro and Dinesh D’Souza! The purpose for this is to single out individuals make examples of them so fear will prevail to shut up other conservatives from speaking out against evil! The ANTIFA youth are the black shirts of fascism and the brown shirts of Hitler youth! You have one life to live on this earth for Christ! Step up to the plate and be bold! Oppose this evil with all your strength! Follow your Holy Scriptures in this cultural war! Does your Pastor stand against the evil of gay marriage, homosexuality, transgenderism, lesbianism, open borders and illegal immigration! Does your Pastor oppose sanctuary cities protecting criminals? Stand up for your Bible and the Holy Scriptures! The attack on Trump over past 3 years is another example of the Alinsky model hoping to silence and divide Trump supporters! In realty it has united his supporters! My Bible says the law is just if used justly! Man is so wicked he can even use the law to hurt people! You defeat Satan with God’s word! Jesus told Satan it is written! If Jesus used the Word of God to defeat Satan then we need to do the same! His Word! Read them! Speak them! Live by them! Die by them! Join Christ with them! On earth and in heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Burial versus Cremation!

What prompted me to cover this hot button topic because I heard a Pastor on TBN say it does not matter which way you go! Let us look at some scriptures! Abraham purchased a burial site for himself and Sarah (Genesis 23:9). Joseph commanded his bones be carried out of Egypt (Genesis 50:25). The Lord himself provided for the burial of Moses (Deuteronomy 34:5-6). John the Baptist was buried (Mark 6:29). The rich man (Luke 16:22). Lazarus (John 11:17-19). Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:6-10). Then Jesus himself ((Mark 15:46). Was Jesus cremated? In India even at this time and for thousands of years the Hindus were cremating! During my 3 years in India I used to roll up our car windows even in the tropical heat as we drove through clouds of crematory smoke along the highways! That smell will cause you to throw up! The heathen cremate! What if Jesus would have been cremated? No body! No grave clothes! The tomb is empty but where is the tomb? No disciples running to the tomb! Can you imagine the conspiracy theories after his cremation? Where is the body dudes? No anointing his body with spices! The whole scripture narrative would have been turned on its head! Thomas you cannot see his scars we do not know where he is? He is in a pile of ashes! Fire in our scriptures represents judgment! Hitler cremated the Jews! The popular slogan back in the 1990’s among evangelicals was, “What would Jesus do?” The real question is “What did Jesus do?” I will live, die and be buried Biblically! I know families save money by cremating! However I cannot exchange principle for money! I understand that sometimes our service members in the military were lost at sea or in accidents from fiery aircraft or vehicle crashes! I get that! However if it is in your control be Biblical! The basis for your case or argument must be based on scriptures! When did the first argument start on earth? In the Garden of Eden! Satan told Eve surely God did not say? You will not die! Jesus told Satan for his defense it is written! That is also my defense! Here is the question? Is burial Biblical? Do we have scriptures? Yes! Everywhere in the Bible! Do we have scriptures to support cremation? None! Not one! The closest word we have to cremation in our Bible is the word fire! Judgment! Case closed! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Democratic Playbook & 2nd Amendment!

They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet! Saul Alinsky  Comment: Michelle Obama is quoted as saying you are not an educated person unless you read the works of Saul Alinsky! So I took her up on the challenge and guess what I discovered? It is the playbook of the Democratic party! They do not get their ideology from the Bible! In fact their ideology opposes the Bible! The push for gun control just like health care is not for your welfare! It is a plan and plot to take down democracy to be another Russia where Saul Alinsky is from! A Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Putin State controlled people! If you do not understand the ideology of who you vote for you can be in for a big surprise! Your best defense is to educate yourself before you vote for anyone running for office! Smart people read their Bible! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

World without End!

Luke 1:33  Greek Translation: “And he (Christ) shall reign over as King to predominate over the House and family lineage of David forever; and his kingdom with the royal dominion of Heaven there shall be no end.” Comment: I can remember the Doxology we would repeat and the end of every church service in that small Methodist Church in rural Nebraska! World without End! Amen! I remember the old movies when on the screen and at the end of the show the bold letters across the screen would say, “The End”. I do not know why they did this for everyone knew anyway? Our understanding of the word “End”, might be lacking in some ways! Let us look at the Greek word. It means no limit! That is Christ will never cease to be what he is and who he is! He will never be extinct or terminated! He will never be an endangered species! The grave is empty for him! No headstone at his head! He is the seed that produces righteousness! Christ is the conclusion of the written and spoken word of God! His kingdom is forever! Death has no grip on him! In fact he defeated death! The anti-Semitism we see in the world today has always been in an attempt for the enemy Satan to destroy the house and lineage of David! To try to destroy the Jews! This is what Iran is trying to do to Israel! This is what Hitler tried to do! This is what the left wing of the Democratic Party in America is trying to do! The persecution of Christians parallels this effort! Expressed in church shootings! The very last war on earth is when the armies of the nations surround Jerusalem! However God will intervene for them! You cannot destroy a forever Kingdom! You will destroy yourself trying! Nations will rise and fall but his Kingdom is forever! Remember all the way back at Genesis 1:1? God created the heavens and the earth! They belong to him! God your creator has no beginning and no end! He did not evolve! Christ is as infinite and eternal as anyone can get because he is God! Have you joined the Kingdom of God or are you at war with God? If at war you cannot win this one! Christ defeated death, hell and the grave for you! Do not be a victim but a victor! When I came to the end of myself I became born again and entered the Kingdom of God here on earth! Let your end be your new beginning! All things are passed away and all things become new! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Democrat Playbook!

Control healthcare and you control people! Saul Alinsky (1905-1972) Radical Jewish Revolutionary, Community Organizer of Division, Russian immigrant embracer of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.  His two better known disciples are Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama.  Comment: The Democrat push that they are concerned about your health is a fabrication! It is about controlling your life in every aspect! Taking choices away from you! When anything is run by the government bad things happen! The high cost of health care has everything to do with government control of it! When the private sector takes over in the free market system competition takes over and quality goes up and prices come down! Freedom is choices and the more freedom we have the more choices we have! You can keep your doctor? Ask the Russian people how many choices they have? None! The Democrats want to stay in political power and since they lack good idea’s the only way they can achieve power is for you to be dependent on them! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com