Classrooms: Temple of Humanism

I am convinced that the battle for humankind’s future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith: a religion of humanity that recognizes and respects the spark of what theologians call divinity in every human being. These teachers must embody the same selfless dedication as the most rabid fundamentalist preacher, for they will be ministers of another sort, utilizing a classroom instead of a pulpit to convey humanistic values in whatever subject they teach, regardless of the educational level–preschool day care or a large state university. The classroom must become the arena of conflict between the old and the new–the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism! Humanist John Dunphy Comment: So you send your kids to public schools 40 hours per week and church one hour per week on Sunday! Then you realize one day that your kids are bringing home idea’s that are contrary to scriptures? Promotion of gays, lesbians and transgenders? Your children are questioned in school about their sexual identity? Then you wonder where have i gone wrong? The answer is sending your children to public schools the evangelists of evil! Harvard University takes one third of its freshman class from home schooled children! This explains the rise in popularity of home schoolers in America! The Democrats control public education! Through their teacher unions and legislature preventing competition in education! I have asked President Trump to begin issuing school vouchers in the amounts pubic education spends on one student which is about ten thousand dollars per year where the parents can choose the school of their choice! Freedom is about choices! The more choices the more freedom! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Monkey Buisness!

According to the Pew Research Center analysis (2013), 60% of Americans say that, “humans and other living things have evolved over time.” While 33% reject the idea of evolution, saying that “humans and other living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time.” There is also a sizable difference by party affiliation in beliefs about evolution, and the gap between Republicans and Democrats has grown! In 2009, 54% of Republicans and 64% of democrats said humans evolved over time a difference of 10 percentage points. In 2013 the same poll we have 43% of Republicans and 67% of Democrats say humans have evolved, a 24 point gap. Comment: Looks like the Creationists are winning this battle! But still why are so many Democrats and Republicans evolutionists? The reason is very simple! Whether a Republican or a Democrat you all attended public schools! That is a government school! Very few can afford a private school which I have asked President Trump to change with school vouchers! Government funded schools push Darwinism! I was a sophomore in high school back in 1965. Trouble then like here  today! We were in the middle of the Vietnam War! Kennedy had recently been assassinated! Race riots in the streets! Riots on college campuses! Military called out for civil unrest! But I was still thankful for life! My biology teacher gave us a disclaimer before his lecture on Evolution saying we do not have to believe this but I have to teach it! I doubt today there are anymore disclaimers? My first thought was does my teacher believe in evolution? So I asked him after class. He told me he could not tell me? Why would this teacher be fearful to say? I thought there is a hierarchy above him with a gun to his head! Later after Salvation I learned from my Bible that there are principalities and powers of darkness in this world! Jesus did not go the Cross to die for a monkey! He was not raised from the dead for a monkey! He did that for you! Darwin’s lie about our origin devalues man and devalues God! We were Created in the Image of God! You cannot devalue man without devaluing God! You cannot devalue God without devaluing man! Darwin has done both! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Greatest Myth in History!

More disquieting still is Professor D.M.S Watsons defense. “Evolution itself”, he wrote, “is accepted by zoologists not because it has been observed to occur or…can be proved by logical coherent evidence to be true, but because the only alternative, special creation, is clearly incredible.” Has it come to that? Does the whole vast structure of modern naturalism depend not on positive evidence but simply on a priori metaphysical prejudice? Was it derived not to get facts but to keep out God? C.S. Lewis, The Oxford Socratic Club 1944. Comment: Lewis saw through this whole phony scheme of evolution! Darwin was an atheist and saw his world through the lens of a world without God! He saw the possibility to present this lie in a disguise of science! Darwin had the motive to pull as many people away from God as possible! He wanted disciples to oppose God and to try to send him off into non-existence! Darwin wanted a world with no morality and promote a world of racial superiority as race wars against race! So who are some of Darwin’s disciples? Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler and Emperor Hirohito! The list goes on but you might recognize some of the names I have listed here! Darwin is the author of socialism! He is the author of the political and social divide in America! The war on God continues as the ideologies of men continue this war in every generation against the Holy scriptures!  James and Hamsa Sasse.


Joe had been a faithful choir member for over 30 years! Joe recently had hearing aids installed but still singing in the choir! About half the choir members went to the director of ministry and complained Joe was singing off key and could no longer carry a tune! It was a distraction for the choir! All problems in the church eventually end up on the Pastor’s desk! Pastor called in Joe for a meeting and explained to him half the choir wanted Joe to leave the choir! Joe you could join another ministry in this church like hospice! Joe looked at the pastor and explained to him something that had been on his heart for years! Pastor about half the congregation says you cannot preach! Should we both leave the church? Joe promised the pastor he would open his mouth in the choir but not sing! I will look like a song bird without the song! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn Georgia.

Confession & Profession!

1 John 1:9  Greek Translation: “If we confess the facts and truth with public praises of our forgiven sins, he is faithful worthy of our trust to be believed to forgive us dismissing our sin sending them away, and to cleanse us purifying us from the guilt and power of sin and from all unrighteousness with right justice according to the law.” Comment: Did you get all that? What do we walk away with according to this scripture? If the truth be known every time we profess Jesus to someone we are at the same time confessing our sin! Well I thought a one time confession to God was enough! Yes but when we confess we profess his name! When we profess the Gospel to other people we are also confessing our sin and redemption from it! How many times has Billy Graham confessed his sins? Every time he preached the Gospel! The more he did it the more confirmation he got of the truth! The truth of his redemption! The confirmation! What did Jesus tell the lunatic after he cast 2000 demons out of him? Remember he wanted to join Jesus ministry! Go back to your village and proclaim my name! What did he tell the woman who had five husbands and was living with another man? Go back to your village and profess my name! The disappointment with the nine lepers who did not return to him was their lack of a desire to proclaim his name after those miracles! They took the credit upon themselves! Jesus commanded us to go out into the whole world and profess the Gospel! The whole purpose of false religions is to establish a system of self works justifying themselves and no need of confession of any sin! I like the Greek word for forgive! Another meaning is to give up and leave sin alone as a ghost! Since it is near Halloween we can talk about ghosts! Any ghosts in your past? Any skeletons? Your unconfessed guilt from sin will bring them back to you! If you have confessed your sin you can remind those ghosts that their future is in hell and my future is in heaven because of the Cross! Your evidence of confession will be your profession of the Gospel! I have a problem with secret service Christians? When people ask me my profession I tell them my profession is my confession! That Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! Is he your Savior? Your evidence will be your confession of sin and the profession of his name to the world regardless of the cost!  James and Hamsa Sasse.

Tulsi Gabbard

I sent President Trump an E-mail about two or three weeks ago that none of the Democratic front runners are  any competition for your 2020 Presidential run! However I felt of all the candidates Tulsi Gabbard was the only competition you may have! She is a combat veteran and the brightest of the bunch! I told Trump the Democrats were not smart enough to recognize her! So what does Hillary Clinton do today! Takes a shot at Tulsi Gabbard to try to be sure she does not rise as a contender! This tips me off that Hillary might be planning to get into the race or they are trying to protect the Democratic sacred cow Joe Biden? My hunch is Hillary will be entering the race again! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Social Media & Values!

“What is called Western Civilization is an advanced state of decomposition, and another Dark Ages will soon be upon us, if, indeed, it has not already begun. With the Media, especially Television, governing all our lives, indubitably do, it is easily imaginable that this might happen without our noticing…by the accustoming us gradual deterioration of our values.” Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990). Journalist   Comment: Was Malcolm right? He passed on in 1990 so he was just before most of the internet and all the social media platforms of today! When a culture moves away from Christ one of the strongest indicators is lack of church attendance! I wish I could draw this graph for you but I will just have to give you the numbers. These statistics are from the Pew Research Center 2018/2019: Silent Generation Born 1928-1945. Christian 84% Non Christian Faiths 4% Unaffiliated 10%  Baby Boomers 1946-1964 Christian 76% Non Christian Faith 6% Unaffiliated 17%  Generation X 1965-1980 Christian 67% Non Christian Faith 6% Unaffiliated 25% Millennials 1981-1996 Christian 49% Non Christian Faith 9% Unaffiliated 40% Church Attendance meeting weekly or more; Silent Generation 50% Baby Boomers 35% Generation X  32% Millennials 22% How about Generation Z? They were born between Mid-1990’s the early 2000’s. The presently make up 25 percent of the American population and the oldest will be turning 18 years of age. This is the Data from the CDC: Suicide rates for people aged 10-24 increased 56% between 2007 and 2017. Children between 10-14, suicide rates tripled between 2007-2017. Suicide rates have increased among millennials but the data suggests Generation Z might be the most at risk for mental illness. What separated the Dark Ages from Light was Christ! All the social media platforms has really separated us from each other! Not much one on one anymore in personal relationships! You could attend a Mega Church and be there for 20 years and the Pastor would not know who you are! He could not recognize you from a stranger on the srteet! The big ministries have not bucked this trend! They may have contributed! The strong fabric of America was the small churches across America when a Pastor had about 30 members! The Congregation was accountable to him and personal problems were dealt with privately and personally! Another problem with the Mega Church is the resources are taken out of a local community to a central location and the local community has no say in distribution of resources! When you see the Mega Church Pastors living in million dollar mansions a sad tale of selfishness is exhibited! The mission field in America is the biggest mission field available to we the people of God! The unaffiliated in the Pew Research means people who profess atheism and agnostics. The atheism is acquired by the teaching of Evolution in our public schools across America! Jesus said look on the fields they are ripe for the harvest! Get busy for time is short before the return of Christ to earth! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Trump Leadership! Revelation 13:17

You cannot buy or sell unless you take the mark! Trump foreign policy has taken a play out of the Book of Revelation! Satan has meant it for evil but God made it for good! Trump is punishing the bad actors such as China, North Korea, Russia, Iran, Turkey and others with economic sanctions! Trump is preventing military conflicts with the power of the purse! This prevents bloodshed and the sacrifice of your young people and their families in the conflicts of war! Trump has been able to convince Mexico to help us stop the flow of illegal immigrants across our southern borders with the threat of economic sanctions! Trump is a genius! Why haven’t our previous leaders used these tools? Trump has brought jobs back to America! Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years! Lowest unemployment rates for Asians and African Americans in our history! The American middle class has found a champion for them! First time in a hundred years! I am 70 years old! When I was in high school a lot of my classmates died in the Vietnam war! Do not take Trump for granted for this kind of leadership comes around only once in many generations! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Endless Wars! Genesis 16:12

President Trump is right! Winston Churchill as a young military officer in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban back around the year 1905 wrote a book on his experiences there! He quoted in his book that as long as these people embrace Islam they can never come out of the darkness! Islam has been at war with humanity for about 1400 years! Every man against his brother as recorded in the Book of Genesis! There is no reconciliation in Islam! In fact the only way to heaven is martyrdom according to the Quran! During the eight years of the Obama administration over five hundred thousand civilians were killed in the Syrian civil war! The Kurds and the Turks have been waring for 200 years yet they are both Sunni Muslims! The truth is in Islam if they do not have a Christian or a Jew handy to kill they war against each other! My Bible says the offspring of Ishmael will constantly be at war! There is a big revival in Iran right now as many Muslims are coming to Christ! Everyone needs the Savior! In fact without him only war! We all need the Prince of Peace! We were introduced to Islam on 9-11. Now this venom is being spit out in the Halls of Congress! Over 7 trillion dollars spent on these wars since 9-11. Not to mention the sacrifice of our young people on the battle fields of Islamic wars! We will always defend ourselves! However it may be time to pull the plug on these endless wars as President Trump has promised to do!  James and Hamsa Sasse.