Climate Myth! Luke 21:25

“Evidence that CO2 is not the principle driver of warming on the planet is provided by the simultaneous warming of other planets and moons in our solar system, despite the fact that they obviously have no anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases! Mars, Triton, Pluto and Jupiter all show global warming, points to the sun as the dominant influence in determining climate throughout the solar system!” Mr. Ian McClintock Comment: Take a look at some of these temperature anomaly charts for these planets over past decades even some charts going back more than 100 years! Even though these planets are different distances from the sun and their orbits take longer to circle the sun their temperatures are like earth also rising! If you look at the facts the political science myth of what is causing this rise in temperatures is debunked! Why is the temperature on our moon rising? Guess what the political correct scientists are saying? Because man went to the moon! This is material for a science fiction novel! So what is the motive behind this myth? Money! The Democrats are trying to shame you into believing a lie and then tax you, your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren into paying billions or even trillions of dollars in taxes to support their false premise about the cause of global warming! Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil! Democrats with try to shame you with race, sex, religion and have added a fourth card to their deck! Climate! They claim the higher moral ground yet have been most responsible for the sins of men  trying to hang them on you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Salvation & Grace! 1 Peter 1:13

“Wherefore gird up your procreative power of your mind with imagination, understanding and deep thought, be sober and hope to the end complete without wavering for the grace with divine influence, benefit and gratification that is to be brought unto you at the revelation with the appearing and disclosure of Jesus Christ.” Comment: Salvation and grace! You cannot have one without the other! All of our benefits are found within Jesus Christ! That is in relationship to him! Just like in a marriage! His love and power overshadow all of my sin! No one else can offer you eternal life! No one else can raise you from the dead! No one else can heal my soul, mind and body! He washes me white as snow! When Christ appeared unto me the door of grace was opened unto me! I did not deserve it but he gave it to me as a gift! The world always demands you earn what you get! However God earned this gift for you and paid the price for it! Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved! When Jesus found Peter the fisherman he was an emotional wreck! He pulled out a knife and whacked a guy’s ear off! When the rooster crowed thrice Peter had denied Jesus twice! At Jesus crucifixion Peter fled and went back to fishing! After his resurrection Jesus found Peter along the shore! Jesus told Peter I will make you fishers of men! Peter became the leader of the Jerusalem church! He was later martyred in Rome and asked to be crucified upside down not to be considered equal to Christ! Jesus told Peter upon this rock I will build my church! Centuries later Rome became the headquarters of the Christian Empire and Peter designated as the first Pope of Rome! After Peter got a revelation of Jesus Christ he became bold as a lion yet willing to suffer and sacrifice himself to further the Gospel! Without faith it is impossible to please God! Trust Christ whether in the palace or in the lion’s den! Your position right now will not determine your outcome! Your position in Christ will bring an outcome greater than anything you could ever achieve on your own! By grace you are saved and not of yourself! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Great Mystery! 1 Peter 1:12

Greek Translation: “Unto who it was revealed removing the veil but not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister and wait on us, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the Gospel unto you with the Holy breath of God sent down from heaven above, which things the angels the messengers of God desire to peer within.” Comment: The Holy scriptures are not for any private interpretation! The angels have delivered messages to the prophets over Biblical history when they themselves did not understand the message! Angels are not redeemed yet they try to understand redemption but not fully yet they deliver the messages in obedience to God! When the Holy Spirit gives us revelation confirmed by “His Word”, it is not for yourself! When you  received Christ as Savior the veil was removed from your eyes and now you are able to see into the Spirit world! You see God and the deceptions of Satan operating in the world!. When we preach the Gospel or evangelize often the hearers will see things from the same scriptures that you the messenger may not see! I often see more from the scriptural message than I do from the messenger! This is the Holy Spirit confirming his word! This is the way the Gospel works! It is about miracles! If you just preach the Word of God people will get saved! Some of those same people will have a bigger ministry than you do! We have to be humble to receive this revelation! God’s revelation is not for me who is already saved but for the unsaved! The Apostle Peter preached this message for me and for you! What we do with the message determines if fruit is produced! If we sow the seeds into others a crop will be produced! Often what we preach is better understood than what we understand! This is the power of the Gospel! Then they take their understanding and pass it unto others! Jesus said go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! Just like me an ordinary evangelist who is obedient and passes the Gospel unto others can do great things for the Kingdom of God! The power of the Word of God cannot be measured! Can you trust Jesus enough to take him at his word and scatter seed over then earth for a harvest? His word will never return void! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Rapture! Celebration! 2nd Coming! Revelation Chapter 19

The rapture of who from where? The bride of Christ is his church taken from the earth to Heaven! Once his church is taken to Heaven the marriage is complete and the celebration begins! The Marriage Supper of the Lamb! All of heaven rejoices together! The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy! Another prophecy completed! So what is going on down on earth as this celebration is going on in heaven? The 7 year tribulation is going on with God unleashing his judgments upon those who have rejected his Son! Then at the end of the tribulation period Christ returns from heaven with the Saints and the angels to war against Anti-Christ, the false prophet and their followers in the last battle on earth called Armageddon! So the celebration in heaven is concluded with another celebration on earth as the foes of God are defeated and cast into the Lake of Fire! Even the ravens celebrate as they are filled with the flesh of men on earth! Then the one thousand year reign of Christ begins on the earth! This is the basic eschatology as outlined in your Bible about the end times! There are many more details found in your Bible in both the Old and New Testament but I am trying to present the big picture to help us understand the end times! The push today in the 21st Century is to try to get you to deny Christ and His Word! These events may not come to pass in your lifetime however you will receive the promises of the resurrection from the dead and living in Heaven to one day receive the completed church rapture! God’s Word is true whether in heaven or on earth! The only thing that would keep you out of Heaven is to deny His Word as presented in the Holy Scriptures of your Bible! James and Hamsa Sasse.

George Washington on Islam!

Let me ask you, my dear marquis, in such an enlightened, in such a liberal age, how is it possible that the great powers of Europe should submit to pay an annual tribute to the little piratical states of Barbary? Would to Heaven we had a navy able to reform those enemies to mankind or crush them into non-existence. George Washington, Letter to Lafayette, August 15, 1786.

End of Your Faith? 1 Peter 1:9

Greek Translation: “Receiving the end, goal or completion not the extinction of your faith, even the Salvation with spiritual eternal deliverance of the soul the immaterial part of men.” Comment: So what is your end game? If you have the wrong goal you end up with the wrong outcome as in the case of Mr. Epstein! Who is your faith in? Who do you trust? The world? Men? Money? Politicians? Government? Google? Media? Military? Science? Religion? Yourself? If you put your trust in the promises of God he will make good on his promises detailed in your Bible! Remember everything will perish one day! Only time will prove what is eternal! God has power over the flesh because he created all flesh! What God creates like the Heaven and the earth are under his authority! God loves and cares for his creation and is best expressed by his personal sacrifice for the redemption of men! God’s goal is to save men! Satan’s goal is to destroy men! There is a competition for the soul’s of men! So which one are you going to trust? The one that loves you or the one that hates you? Your eternity began at your first breath but will not end at your last breath! What you do with Jesus Christ determines where you spend eternity! What are you going to do with the God that became flesh and sacrificed himself for you? What are you going to do with the one who conquered death for you? If you reject the God who created you then you play into the hands of Satan who wants to destroy you! God has delivered us from ourselves! The history of this world whether past, present or future shows men trying to destroy each other through violence and war! The Prince of Peace has rid men of the murderous desire to kill each other and transformed them into loving and caring for each other! This transformation is the evidence of your completeness in Christ! God has expressed his love to men through his Son Jesus Christ! Can you express this same love to your neighbor? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Who Supplied the Slaves to America?

African slaves brought to America were purchased at Muslim slave markets. Over the 1400 years of Islam conquest, Muslims enslaved an estimated 180 million Africans. Source: How John Quincey Adams thought about Muslims, Bill Federer, February 20, 2017. Comment: The slavery continues as the Muslims enslave them in their religion! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Patriot on Redemption!

My most cherished possession I wish I could leave you is my faith in Jesus Christ, for with him and nothing else you can be happy, but without him and with all else you will never be happy! Patrick Henry (1736-1799), American Revolution War Hero, Founding Father and Governor of Virginia.