
Many Jewish commentators believe the secret of Judah’s blessings are implicit in the Hebrew meaning of his name. When Lea, his mother gave birth to him she said, “This time I will give thanksgiving unto the Lord.” Therefore she called his name Judah! See Genesis 29:35 Judah is taken from the Hebrew word Hodah which means giving thanks. The Jews gave the world two important things; An awareness of God and the concept of gratitude! Aldous Huxley wrote, ” Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted.” Jewish life fights against this. The Talmud says, “if someone lacks this trait of thankfulness this person is not in fact a Jew!” The hardest math for most Christians is for us to count our Blessings! It is interesting that in Israel today the only two tribes left out of ten is Judah and Benjamin! The priest tribe of Levites is still there also. The other 10 tribes were lost through persecutions and the exiles from Israel. Why? Why did Judah survive to this day?Could have it been their attitude that bore their name? Judah. Thankyou. Source; Rabbi Benjamin Blech

White House Shooter

Really sad to hear about Mr. Ortega and his troubled mind to think that President Obama is the Anti-Christ? Also that Mr. Ortega was Christ himself? This man has some mental issues and needs help! We are sorry for his family that has to go through this now. Someone should have noticed that he needed help? Our prayers are that Mr. Ortega finds Jesus Christ as his Saviour and Lord! Once he finds the real Christ he will understand he is not Christ but needs Christ! Thankyou. James Sasse.

Beat Obama with a CAIN!

The lastest fight song for the Christian conservatives as they look to replace our President with someone who holds Biblical values! Anti-abortion President is needed and also a candidate who believes small buisness can rebuild American! Also Obama has a big government plan that will not and has not worked! Our government has to be down-sized and live on its budget. We are headed to problems like the euro-zone is facing because of debt! Herman Cain is the most conservative minded man with buisness experience and success in buisness! Our prayers are with him as we try to give America back to the people! Thankyou. James Sasse.

Police Cadet!

A young man decided to join the police force. He began his career by enrolling in a police academy for his training. He completed his training and prepared for his final examination! The examiner asked him if he would be able to arrest a relative if he had to? The young cadet paused and then the examiner said let me give you an example. Let us say you had to arrest your mother-in-law? The young cadet responded no not by myself! I would have to call for back-up! Source; Pastor Joel Osteen.