Psalm 119:89-91 Hebrew Translation: “Forever, hidden, concealed, perpetual, without end, O’ Lord, thy word is settled firm and healthy, planted established with boundaries (borders) in the earth, and it abideth forever. They continue this day in the present time and in every point in time in the sphere of time according to their ordinance with judicial decisions with a verdict rendered for everyone either favorable or unfavorable; for all are thy servants, worshippers laboring in his harvest field.”
Tag: his
Jesus Makes a Confession About You? Revelation 3:5
“He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white rainment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.” Commentary: Some Saints at the Church at Sardis get their names mentioned as honorable mention to the Father by Jesus! Some get their names blotted out of the book of life! Do you confess Jesus daily from your lips at work or at home? In the market place where you go? Are you ashamed of him? If his name is never on your lips your name will never be on his lips! Jesus has to be more than a cuss word to you! Do you hear his words once a week but never speak his words? In any church some will go to heaven and some will not! When the Saints go marching in I want to be in that number! How about you? Surely my church membership is enough? No organization or denomination can save you! No Pastor can save you! His job and your job is to point people to the Savior! No amount of money given to a ministry can save you! Only Jesus can save you! There is only one road into heaven but many roads out of heaven! I have decided to follow Jesus as the old hymn says written in India! Everyone will follow someone but only the name of one will lead you to heaven! Eternal life comes under only one name! A name above every name! Jesus Christ! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Christ Loves His Church! Revelation 1:20
“The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches; and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.” Commentary: Biblical scholars for the most part in commentaries over hundreds of years believe the seven angels are the seven pastors of the seven churches in Asia Minor! The Greek word “angel” can be translated Pastor! The Apostle John imprisoned in a slave labor camp by the Romans on Patmos was given this vision for those churches to communicate to them his will, direction, correction and encouragement to the Body of Christ! Jesus does not name these pastors or churches because Caesar would arrest and imprison them! His letter had to be coded so that the churches would be protected! God by his spirit communicates with those he loves in visions and dreams so that our enemies are confounded! These messages are also to those congregations! Church leaders are very important to God! Whether leading small or large congregations! Pastors are the shepherds of the sheep! Not perfect and neither are we but appointed by God and anointed by God to build his kingdom down here on earth! I want to share a personal experience with you when back in 1983 we were commissioned as missionaries to India for 3 years by the world’s largest church located in Seoul Korea. The Pastor was Paul Yongi Cho and we spent 10 days there in Korea with him and his church which then was about 500 hundred thousand members and today over 1 million members! I was then really green behind the ears and we had our own idea’s how to do the work in India! However after spending about 15 minutes in his office everything changed! Cho told us our primary mission to India was to help local pastors across all denominational lines with our time, money, prayers, encouraging, correcting when necessary, preaching, evangelizing and coming under the authority of those pastors! Why? He told us the way Satan tries to destroy the church is to attack the head or pastors of those local churches! Cho understood the importance of God’s plan of the church to reach the entire world with the Gospel! No lone rangers in the Kingdom of God! Our mission today is still the same! Those who never come under authority God will never put in authority! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Revelation is to His Church! Revelation 1:18
“I am he that liveth, and was dead, and behold I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and death.” Commentary: These are the words of Jesus given to the Apostle John. This scripture is in red letters! John is in prison on a slave labor camp on Patmos! A stone quarry! The rock pile! Jesus has given John these revelations to his church! Jesus was telling us he was separated from God in the heart of the earth preaching to the captives between the crucifixion and his resurrection from the dead! He is alive by the quickening of his spirit by his Father! Quickened forever continuing eternally forever! Jesus says he also has the keys to hell of the departed souls separated from God! He also has the keys to death that accompanies their condition and position of separation from me! I can with my keys release you from eternal judgment but you must receive me as Savior in this life now! Jesus is whether in heaven, earth or hell his message is the same! If you will receive the revelation of his Salvation everything else will work out! Then as part of his church revelation will continue to flow to you! All things become new! Old things are passed away! His word en-powers you to do ministry in the earth to reach the lost! His purpose of your life is released in relationship to him! He will give you the power and authority to release the captives that are destined for hell and death! Then you do what Jesus did here while on earth! His purpose is released through his church! Are you involved in the harvest? Are bringing in the sheaves? You are either bringing people to God or you are driving them away! Your life reflects either redemption or judgment! Time is short! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Signs Of His Second Coming!
Many false Christ’s! Wars and rumors of wars! Famines! Plagues! Earthquakes! Beginning of sorrows! Persecution of Christians! Betrayal of family! False prophets deceiving many! Violence grows! Love waxes cold! Why Lord? These signs listed in Matthew 24 by Jesus show us the signs of the return of Christ back to earth to rescue his followers, take charge of the earth to rule and reign over it for a thousand years and to punish the wicked who have rejected him with judgment and condemnation to an eternal hell! I want us to look at Matthew 24:13-14. I have taken the original translation in the Greek and translated it back into the English. “Jesus said, But he that shall endure suffering with a load of miseries staying behind with patience towards your persecutors unto the end or the completion of your goal and conclusion you shall be saved through your spiritual and eternal salvation granted immediately by God through your belief in Christ and the Gospel the good news of salvation through Christ and the preaching of the Kingdom of God out of your moral and personal necessity to the entire world and where you are living for a witness unto all nations: and then shall the end or completion of your mission on earth shall come.” Commentary: So how do I know I am saved? By preaching the Gospel to those that have rejected Christ and hate you for following Jesus! James & Hamsa Sasse.
His New Commandment!
1 John 3:23 “And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the [name] of his [Son] Jesus Christ, and [love] one another.” Commentary: Jesus was born in Bethlehem so that we would have the power to love one another! Did you know you could keep the ten commandments and not love one single person! That is what religion does! The word ‘name’ is significant! It means a name attributed to the character of a person. Jesus means savior and Christ means anointed one! An anointed savior! The word ‘Son’ in the Greek is a special word reserved only for the Son of God! Out of the four Greek words for ‘love’, agape used is the highest form of love! Why? Because it is a sacrificial love! People may say they love you and words can be cheap but would anyone go to a bloody Cross for you for your crimes against God and man? I have met a lot of people including family that want to sacrifice you for their gain! There is only one Jesus but if you have not figured that out yet you will one day! No greater love than a man lay down his life for his brother! President Lincoln laid down his life for you! Between 2006 and 2020 we have had 17645 active duty American military members lay down their lives for our freedom! Thousands wounded! Missing limbs! How do you think they feel around this Christmas season? How about the over 250 thousand lost to the Coronavirus? A spouse losing her husband or wife with children? Do you suppose we could make a sacrifice for them this Christmas? Only love cures sorrow! That is why Jesus came! Only you can represent Jesus on this earth! Do not let him down to fulfill the new commandment! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Meditate on His Word!
Just as one spoils the stomach by overfeeding and thereby impairs the whole body, so can one overload and choke the mind by giving it too much nourishment! For the more one reads the fewer are the traces left of what one has read; the mind is like a tablet that has been written over and over. However it is impossible to reflect; and it is only by reflection that one can assimilate what one has read. If one reads straight ahead without pondering over it later, what has been read does not take root, but is for the most part lost. Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) Commentary: College was the best example! I would cram for the final exams then move on to the next semester! However I could not recall anything I had learned? There was no time to reflect and contemplate the material! The cow chews his cud and tastes the food twice! We are to study and show ourselves approved unto God! Study his word! Recall, review and recite his word! Reflect on what has been said to you through his word! One of the signs of the end times according to Jesus is that knowledge shall increase! Without God the more people know the dumber they get! Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world! James & Hamsa Sasse.
Love His Appearing?
II Timothy 4:8 (Please Read) Commentary: Do you love his appearing? In an earlier post we discussed another scripture where Jesus said he would appear to those that are looking for him! Not everyone is looking for Jesus! In fact much of the world will weep and cry when he shows up! Their wicked schemes will come to an end! Those that hate Jesus promote unrighteousness in the earth! Abortion! Gay marriage! Homosexuality! Transgenderism! Promote every wicked imagination of the heart! We are created in the image of God not the image of sin! Those that hate God promote removing Bibles and prayer from schools! Deprive our children of truth! Promote evolution! Remove crosses and the commandments from our land! Remove nativity scenes! They do not love his appearing! Just the opposite! Hate his appearing! So how do we promote Jesus appearing? Get Bibles into schools and government! Get Bibles into prisons, motels and hotels! Distribute Gospel Tracts! Encourage and support your church pastor! Financially support the work of your church! Much of the world will fight against God and are fools enough to think they can win? Did you know when you pray for your enemies you are promoting Jesus into their lives! Your enemies cannot stop you for praying for them! This is how you love your enemies! What is the crown of righteousness used in this verse? There is none righteous but God alone so how do we receive this righteousness? The righteousness of God is the right God has on men his creation! Yes we did not evolve! Righteousness is the state commanded by God and is judged by his standard! We do not achieve righteousness but receive it! A gift from God! We live by faith and not by law! No mortal flesh can keep the law! This is why God had to become flesh! To pay the penalty for our sinful flesh! Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God! That is why all of us will go to the grave then he will raise us up! Jesus wore a crown of thorns so we could wear a crown of righteousness! At the Cross Jesus established our righteousness forever! Paying the penalty for our sin! This is why we look for his appearing again! He accomplished for us what we could never do on our own! Without faith it is impossible to please God! Not faith in ourselves but in him! We receive the righteousness God has provided for us in trusting that his way is the way back to heaven and no other way will work! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Live by His Word!
Psalm 119: 8-9 “I will keep thy statutes, O forsake be not utterly. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to his word.” Commentary: All of us has probably been forsaken by someone! It means to be abandoned, put aside or left behind. You have seen the dog along the highway looking at each car thinking his owner is coming back for him! Eventually he gets hit by a vehicle! We have all been forsaken by someone! Whether a parent, spouse, friend, pastor, Rabbi, Priest, politician or any combination of mortal men! Remember Jesus words on the Cross! Why have you forsaken me? God did not abandon his Son but Jesus had to suffer for our sin on the Cross alone because we all had abandoned God! God has not abandoned you but Satan with his lies will try to convince you he has! Jesus is only one breath away from you calling on his name! He will never leave you or forsake you! How shall a young man cleanse his way? The same way an old man has to cleanse his way! God’s word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path! To follow God’s pathway he will light your way with his word! The other pathway is darkness! Stumbling in the dark! Word used here means God’s prophetic revelation to man! It is God’s spoken word recorded in your Bible! The Ten Commandments are God’s declaration to man as to how to live! To keep his word releases his promises to you! To reject his word is to release his judgment on us! Blessings or curses depending on what you do with his word! To be rejected by men will come but to be rejected by God only a fool would promote! Jesus was rejected and despised of men by the very people that he went to the Cross for! You and me! The love of God can never be better displayed than God dying on a Cross for his enemies! For you and me! Jesus said to love your enemies! This is not humanely possible but only to those that have discovered personally the love of God! His love to us is expressed through his word! Read it and discover it for yourself! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Observe & Follow Him!
How many observe Christ’s birthday! How few, His precepts! Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), American Founding Father.