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Tag: coming
Climax to Christ’s Second Coming!
Jesus Warned Us of Coming Plagues! Matthew 24:7
“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.” Commentary: Jesus said that these signs precede his second coming along with many other signs! The word pestilence is a plague killing many by disease! Our longest lasting plague was the Black Death plague which lasted 300 years from 1347-1665 coming back every ten years! We have so many plagues listed in our Bible from the Old to New Testament but why are the pulpits silent on this important subject! We cannot pretend they do not exist or have never happened? They are a lesson for us to learn of the frailty of man and the importance of receiving Christ as Savior! Yet so silent on so many scriptures warning us to help prepare us for Christ’s second coming! Remember Jesus healed the woman with the issue of blood! She had the plague! Do what you can to be responsible during this pandemic! Isolate yourself as best you can! Trust Jesus for only he holds your eternity! This life is very short if you have not figured that out! Eternity is forever! Do not trust political science! Trust God to deliver you out of all your troubles! If you do he will! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com
Calamities Before Jesus 2nd Coming!
Second Civil War Coming to America?
Signs Of His Second Coming!
Many false Christ’s! Wars and rumors of wars! Famines! Plagues! Earthquakes! Beginning of sorrows! Persecution of Christians! Betrayal of family! False prophets deceiving many! Violence grows! Love waxes cold! Why Lord? These signs listed in Matthew 24 by Jesus show us the signs of the return of Christ back to earth to rescue his followers, take charge of the earth to rule and reign over it for a thousand years and to punish the wicked who have rejected him with judgment and condemnation to an eternal hell! I want us to look at Matthew 24:13-14. I have taken the original translation in the Greek and translated it back into the English. “Jesus said, But he that shall endure suffering with a load of miseries staying behind with patience towards your persecutors unto the end or the completion of your goal and conclusion you shall be saved through your spiritual and eternal salvation granted immediately by God through your belief in Christ and the Gospel the good news of salvation through Christ and the preaching of the Kingdom of God out of your moral and personal necessity to the entire world and where you are living for a witness unto all nations: and then shall the end or completion of your mission on earth shall come.” Commentary: So how do I know I am saved? By preaching the Gospel to those that have rejected Christ and hate you for following Jesus! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Jesus Second Coming!
Every end in history necessarily contains a new beginning! Hannah Arendt
Rapture! Celebration! 2nd Coming! Revelation Chapter 19
The rapture of who from where? The bride of Christ is his church taken from the earth to Heaven! Once his church is taken to Heaven the marriage is complete and the celebration begins! The Marriage Supper of the Lamb! All of heaven rejoices together! The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy! Another prophecy completed! So what is going on down on earth as this celebration is going on in heaven? The 7 year tribulation is going on with God unleashing his judgments upon those who have rejected his Son! Then at the end of the tribulation period Christ returns from heaven with the Saints and the angels to war against Anti-Christ, the false prophet and their followers in the last battle on earth called Armageddon! So the celebration in heaven is concluded with another celebration on earth as the foes of God are defeated and cast into the Lake of Fire! Even the ravens celebrate as they are filled with the flesh of men on earth! Then the one thousand year reign of Christ begins on the earth! This is the basic eschatology as outlined in your Bible about the end times! There are many more details found in your Bible in both the Old and New Testament but I am trying to present the big picture to help us understand the end times! The push today in the 21st Century is to try to get you to deny Christ and His Word! These events may not come to pass in your lifetime however you will receive the promises of the resurrection from the dead and living in Heaven to one day receive the completed church rapture! God’s Word is true whether in heaven or on earth! The only thing that would keep you out of Heaven is to deny His Word as presented in the Holy Scriptures of your Bible! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Jesus Second Coming! Matthew 24:40-41
“Then shall two be in the field, the one “be taken”, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall “be taken” the other left.” Comment: What we have here is a description of Jesus second coming to earth. The Greek word, Strong’s #3880 for our English word “be taken”, means to receive oneself to who you are associated with. Remember the rapture of the church has already occurred and the seven year tribulation period has concluded with the second coming of Christ back to earth! The ones left behind that have not been martyred during the tribulation period are kept for Christ and his millennium reign on earth! The ones taken are those reserved for judgment! Pastor Robert Jeffress, First Baptist Church, Dallas Texas
Praise or Wail? Revelation 1:7
Just as Jesus ascended into the clouds from earth to heaven so Jesus at his second coming will descend back to earth through the clouds from heaven! There are many instances of clouds in the Old Testament! The cloud over the Tabernacle! The cloud over Mount Sinai! These clouds represent the presence of God! These clouds at his second coming will not hide Jesus from the world but will show Jesus to the world where no one will have any doubts it is him! Remember the dark cloud over Calvary? The Father could not look on the terrible fate of his only Son on the Cross! Jesus cried why have you forsaken me? Many had forsaken Christ that day including his disciples! Have I ever forsaken Christ? Yes! The disciples repented and Jesus enlisted them again to continue his work here on earth! The most difficult day for those who have not repented of their sin is to witness Jesus second coming! It says in this scripture that they will wail! They will cry and mourn! Why could they not rejoice at his coming? Because they rejected Christ and he comes to the earth a second time not as Savior but as Judge! Those that pierced him will wail! We have all pierced him but then some have repented and let Jesus take our sin upon himself! So when he comes back will you be able to rejoice or will you wail? Which group will you be in? Remember wailing always begins with a mockery of Christ! A mockery on those that follow Christ! In pride you know more than God? You are bigger than God? Mockery of Christ and his followers is a sign of no repentance towards God! Of all the kindreds of the earth which group will you be in? While you still have the breath God has given you consider turning your mockery of Christ into Praise of Christ! There is only one King of Kings and only one Lord of Lords! Who is your King? Yourself? Mortal men? If you have chosen God his Christ your King then you mourning will be turned into dancing joy! Our choice is between one of two places in eternity! Heaven or Hell! It is all up to you! It is your choice! We can make a bad choice while on earth and still recover but to make this choice about eternity an error there is no room for repentance when you witness Jesus at his second coming! This time for repentance is right now! The opportunity will pass by you only once! Do not trash God and throw this opportunity away! Eternity is forever and this life is very short! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com