Your Calender & Political Correctness!

Our calendar is based upon the birth of Christ! All the years before the birth of Christ have traditionally been designated B. C. (Before Christ) and those after his birth as A. D., an abbreviation for the Latin term Ammo Domini which means “In the year of our Lord.” Some historians have adopted an alternative dating system, referring to B.C. as B.C.E. (Before Common Era). The change was made to mask the Christian basis for the dating system and presumably make it more palatable to non-Christians! The mere designation is unsatisfactory on several levels. In the first place no “Common Era” exists! It cannot be found in any history books or a dictionary! It is just made up! If there was a common era it did not begin in the Year One! It probably began around 1500 A. D. when ocean exploration connected the world into a global trading system. On the cognitive level, B.C.E. and C.E. repeat the same letters in the same order making the distinction harder for the eye and the mind to group them in the traditional system that uses all different letters. To understand the meaning of dates, the reader may have to stop and consciously translate the letters. They kept the Christian system but attempted to obscure its historical origin, a curiously anti-historical act. Now we have the competing dating systems. Source: Yahoo Answers. Comment: What is the point of this non-sense? To reduce the name of Christ to the word common! How many ways can a culture figure out how to reject Christ? Happy Holidays! More fake news! Some do not want the name of Christ uttered from the lips of the culture! They do not want to hear his name! His name is above all names! Every tongue must confess that Jesus is Lord and every knee must bow! The dilemma for man is you will either confess his name in heaven or hell depending on what you do with his name while on earth! You will bow to him from heaven or from hell! Which Kingdom you belong to depends on what you do with his name in the here and now! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Judah Territory! Joshua Chapter 15

Is history important? Without it we have no reference for the future and the promises of God given to us! Without history there is no basis for predicting the future. It has been said that the only thing man has learned from history is that he has not learned from history! Each generation repeats the same errors! History therefore repeats itself. If you go to the ancient Biblical maps of the territory occupied by the twelve tribes of Israel you will find many fascinating facts. Here is just a sampler. Our Savior Jesus Christ was born from the Tribe of Judah. Judah was given territory after the conquest of Canaan. If you study this ancient map some very obvious things are there! The Red Sea completely borders Judah territory. So when Moses crossed the Red Sea with the millions of Jews escaping Egypt they entered the future territory of the Tribe of Judah! The birth of Jesus was in Bethlehem which is in Judah! Now this where it gets even more interesting! Our complete atonement at Calvary or Golgotha was located east of the Road to Bethany and Jericho which is just east of the Kidron Valley. The Romans liked to crucify people along major highways so the conquered population would be able to witness executions so they would not get any idea’s about overthrowing them! Another fascinating fact is the Mount of Olives where Jesus ascended to Heaven and where He promised to return at His second coming is on the eastern side of the city and in Judean territory! These are places of great historical events in Judah territory! God is consistent like the sunrise and the sunset! You can set your clock by His Prophetic calendar and His promises to you are as sure as history itself! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

American Indians Confirm Biblical Event!

Joshua 10:13 “So the sun stood still in the midst of Heaven, and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.” Comment: American Indians, who would have been on the other side of the earth, have recorded in their culture about a “Long night”, that occurred at the same time in history! Research concludes we had a 48 hour Friday with one sunrise and one sunset. This Friday covers two days of time on the Gregorian-Hebrew calendar. In relation to the earth’s calendar this is one of eight days needed to line up 4096 Gregorian solar years and the 364 day calendar (4110 years) from the seven day creation week to the birth of Christ in 5 B.C. Can you imagine a North American screech owl hunting for a second night? Here are his thoughts, “Wow! Long night! I sure hope the sun comes up? I need some sleep! Really a drag out here tonight! I have eaten so many rabbits I can skip meals for a night! Thank God it is Friday! Is it?” Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sunday, December 7, 1941

On January 27, 1941 U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Joseph C. Grew, wired Washington that he had learned information that Japan, in the event of trouble with the U.S., was planning a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor! No one in Washington believed this information. Many thought war was possible but could never surprise us. Most of our military leaders thought they would attack us in Manila. However, U.S. Admiral Kimmel wanted to take our fleet out of Pearl Harbor and meet the enemy at sea. Washington wanted to paint a more secure political climate! Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto had lived in America several years and knew American culture. He knew on Sunday morning Christian’s would be worshipping in services on the Island and it would be a day off for military members. Also Christmas preparations would be a distraction. On Sunday, December 7, 1941, at 0750, Hawaiian time, the first wave of Japanese aircraft attacked American forces! At the end of the day 2403 American’s were killed and 1178 wounded! Eighteen ships were sunk and 77 aircraft destroyed! Today, please have a moment of silence and remember the American’s who sacrificed their lives for us! These American’s did not have a Christmas day in December of 1941. We are battling an old enemy today but relatively new to American’s which is Islam! They also want to take Christmas off your calendar! Christmas has not always been a time of peace for American’s but remember our only real peace comes from Christ who sacrificed Himself to bring us peace with God! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.