Goliath was six cubits high! He wore six pieces of armor! The iron spear weighed six hundred shekels! Six is the number of man! God created man on the sixth day of creation! However he rested on the 7th day! He blessed the 7th day as a special day for observance of his work on our behalf! The Jews would not let Jesus remain on the Cross Saturday or the 6th day because they honored the Sabbath! Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week which for the Christian is Sunday or the 7th day! Our Sabbath is now Sunday! How many place holders in the Lotteries? Six places! The number “666” is a sacred number in Islam? The number 7 is the number of completion! God completed his redemption for man on the 7th day! Victory over death, hell and the grave! Jesus arose from the dead! On the 3rd day he arose from the dead and then concluded the victory which became our 7th day! Our day of rest from his completed work! It is not our work that saves us but the work of God on the Cross! Is it not surprising that during the coming “7” year tribulation period the Anti-Christ will make his followers take the mark of “666” on their foreheads where you cannot buy or sell without the mark! Who returns back to earth at the end of the 7th year of the Tribulation period and defeats the Anti-Christ the one world socialist leader? Christ at his second coming! The 7th year becomes the year of completion! Then begins the one thousand year reign of Christ with peace on earth the first time in history because Satan is bound for a thousand years! Only one can bind Satan in your life today! Do you want to be complete? Sin defeated in your life? Only one can do this! His name is Jesus Christ! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com
Tag: 666
Allah! 666! The Beast! Cannot Buy or Sell Without Mark!
Revelation 13:16-17 Commentary: I will recap to you from an earlier posting. The word “Beast” is the Greek Strong’s Number 2342. If you go to the Greek word it says it is of a Hebrew origin. This word is taken from another Hebrew word which is never used in the Old Testament. The Hebrew Strong’s number is 5927. The word is “Alah”. This word is only used in the New Testament in the Book of Revelation to describe the “Beast.” The word is used 37 times in the Book of Revelation! The Book of Revelation was written in the 1st Century 600 years before Islam and Mohammad ever come along! In Islam the number “666” is a sacred number! So are we living in the end times? Who could ever predicted that a major political part here in America would ever embrace and promote Islam? How is the Democratic Party ever going to promote LBGT rights with Islam? Islam will not change but the Democratic Party changes like the wind! Islam will take over the party and get rid of it! We cannot buy or sell is already here! A Christian ministry in the UK was shut down or their bank account closed because of their Biblical standard of opposing LBGT behavior! If you hold Biblical values and are vocal about them you will become a target! They want to shut you up! If you are a ministry I would suggest to you to open several bank accounts! I personally have four accounts! Not much money in them but able to shift money between them in case I am targeted! I am just not a big enough threat yet! What happens if the State comes down under the 501c in the future and says you have to sign a document denying your stand against homosexuality in order to continue your tax exempt status as a ministry? This is why the State controlled ministries are so dangerous to our liberties! Here is a scripture teaser for you! Will the Anti-Christ be a man or a woman? Take a look at Revelation 18:24! “In her was found the blood of the prophets and of God’s Holy people, of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.” I thought the Anti-Christ was a homosexual! A Jew! What if he is a transgender? Today we are in the church of the here and now but one day soon the church of the then and there! Between these times we have major prophetic events to take place here on the earth! They are described in your Bible before the second coming of Christ back to earth! Read them! They are front page news! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Arabic Gematrical Value System
So when we take an Arabic name such as the word “Allah”, what is the numerical value of this word? When we go to the Arabic language chart going from right to left we have: ALIF=1 LAM=30 LAM=30 HA=5 So we have 1+30+30+5=66 You can go to the chart yourself and look at this! This could be part of the 666 description in the Book of Revelation in our Bible! Remember I maintain that the False Prophet that co-rules with the Anti-Christ during the 7 year Tribulation period will represent Islam! That is after the Rapture of the Church! The number six represents man! Not God! So when man merges with the religion of Islam and Allah becomes your God then when you add Allah plus man you have 666! I will do more research here on some other crucial Arabic words and the numerology they represent! Source: GodProvenas1.com James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
A Jewish Guest
We had a Jew from Israel meet us in our home last week. He found something peculiar to him in our living room? He told us he had visited a lot of Christian homes here in America but had never seen a Manorah in their homes? Why do you have a portrait of the Last Supper and a Manorah on your fire place mantel? I told him that Judaism and Christianity are linked together eternally! You cannot have one without the other! You can only separate them with bad Theology! Judaism is the womb that birthed Christ and Christianity! You cannot have ice cream without milk! Even the Muslims understand this! The Quran commands them to kill Jews and Christians! He asked me why then in history have Christians persecuted the Jews! I told him that could only be explained by complete ignorance and by Christians who do not read their Bible! I shared with him that even in America often times the Bible is wrapped around popular culture rather than eternity. I shared with him that a lot of Churches in America have removed symbolism from their worship! Not only has the Manorah been removed but even the Cross? I shared with him that Moses was given instruction from God to construct the Marorah. The seven branched Manorah was made of gold! It is also used in the Book of Revelation in our Bible representing the seven churches! The six of the seven branches represent human knowledge and are inclined towards the central branch or Light of God. The seven branches also represent the six days of creation and the center branch represents the Sabbath or seventh day. The central light also represents the burning bush seen by Moses! The central light was never extinguished in the Tabernacle or the Temple. When you add up the total number of blosoming almond sets on the branches you get sixty six! This represents the sixty six Books of the Bible. My thoughts about the number 666 in the Book of Revelation is that the number of man is the number six added to sixty six represents man trying to live without the Word of God and becomes the Beast! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
The Beast and “666” Revelation 13:16-18
Before we can talk about 666 we need to discuss the “Beast.” The Strong’s number in the Greek for this word is 2342. If you go to this Greek root word it says this word has a Hebrew origin. If you go to that Hebrew origin it says this word was taken from another Hebrew word. The Hebrew Strong’s number for this word is 5927. This word is the word, “Alah”. Now this is where it gets interesting! This Hebrew word Alah is never used in the Old Testament scriptures! It is a Hebrew word never used in the Bible except to be translated into the New testament word “Beast” used in the Book of Revelation! The word is used 37 times in the Book of Revelation. So the word Beast used in Revelation can also be translated Alah! Remember the Book of Revelation was written about 600 years before Mohammad and Islam ever came along! In Islam the number 666 is a sacred number! We will discuss this in further detail on our next Blog posting. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Numerology in Islam
There are two numbers sacred in Islam. The numbers are 19 and 666. Muslims believe 19 is a miraculous number. That is one reason there were 19 hijackers on 9-11. They quote Quran 74:30 to support their belief but will not quote the following chapter and verse 74:31. Verse 31 explains the exact number of angels or demons in Hellfire! Here is the quote from Quran 74:31, “And we have set none but angels as Guardians of the fire; and we have fixed their number only as a trial for the Unbelievers, in order that the People of the Book may arrive at certainty, and the Believers may increase in Faith. The people of the book and unbelievers are Jews and Christians. The 19 hijackers sent 3000 Americans to hell on 9-11 so they could increase their faith? This is what they believe? On our next Blog we will discus the number 666 and the Quran. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Numerology in the Bible!
Moses built 12 pillars on Mount Sinai. Twelve spies were sent out. Twelve stones were set up as a Memorial after crossing the Jordon River. Twelve stones were attached to the breastplate of the Priest representing the 12 tribes of Israel. The Temple involved 12 measurements and furnishings. Jesus spoke his first recorded words when He was 12 years old. Jesus chose 12 disciples. Twelve baskets of fragments were left over by Jesus for the miracle of the feeding of the 5000. In the Book of Revelation there are 12 gates in the city and 12 angels guarding the gates. The gates have 12 pearls. The walls will be on 12 foundations. The 12 Apostles names will be on the 12 foundations. The measurement of the New Jerusalem will involve the number 12. Twelve people on a jury. Twelve months in a year. Twelve hours of daylight and 12 hours of night. Twelve time zones on each side of the hemisphere. What about 12 eggs in a carton? Even the chickens know! The Tree of Life will bear 12 kinds of fruit for 12 months for the healing of the nations. Every number in the Bible has purpose! We even have the Book of Numbers. The number 12 represents perfect government in Heaven and on the earth! You don’t even have to be good at math but still figure it out! God’s word’s and numbers are prophetic! How about the number 666? It is also prophetic! We will talk about this on another blog. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com