Goliath & 666

Goliath was six cubits high! He wore six pieces of armor! The iron spear weighed six hundred shekels! Six is the number of man! God created man on the sixth day of creation! However he rested on the 7th day! He blessed the 7th day as a special day for observance of his work on our behalf! The Jews would not let Jesus remain on the Cross Saturday or the 6th day because they honored the Sabbath! Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week which for the Christian is Sunday or the 7th day! Our Sabbath is now Sunday! How many place holders in the Lotteries? Six places! The number “666” is a sacred number in Islam? The number 7 is the number of completion! God completed his redemption for man on the 7th day! Victory over death, hell and the grave! Jesus arose from the dead! On the 3rd day he arose from the dead and then concluded the victory which became our 7th day! Our day of rest from his completed work! It is not our work that saves us but the work of God on the Cross! Is it not surprising that during the coming “7” year tribulation period the Anti-Christ will make his followers take the mark of “666” on their foreheads where you cannot buy or sell without the mark! Who returns back to earth at the end of the 7th year of the Tribulation period and defeats the Anti-Christ the one world socialist leader? Christ at his second coming! The 7th year becomes the year of completion! Then begins the one thousand year reign of Christ with peace on earth the first time in history because Satan is bound for a thousand years! Only one can bind Satan in your life today! Do you want to be complete? Sin defeated in your life? Only one can do this! His name is Jesus Christ! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

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