Lying Apostles! Revelation 2:2

Greek Translation: “I know thy works you have done for me, your labor and your patience and cannot stand them that are evil, evil retreating from the battle between good and evil and also endangering the lives of others. You have tried them and proven them evil who said they are Apostles and showed them to be liars.” Comment: The Church at Ephesus in the 1st Century was facing the same challenges the 21st Century in America is facing! There are exceptions as with the Church at Ephesus but a lot of the Church in America has retreated from the battle! I believe the 501c Tax Exemption is the biggest culprit! Even in the church the love of money is the root of all evil as Jesus said! The battle between good and evil in our culture is never or seldom mentioned from the pulpits across America! It is all about getting wealthy, famous and all the stuff your God can do for you! It is never about what you must do for your God! Selfishness sells! A lying Apostle will never call out evil but will look the other way! He will even endorse it by his neglect to call out what it is! It is as though their soul has been numbed by evil! They cannot feel the fires of Hell! Their soul is dead! So what sin are they dead unto? Homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, abortion, Darwinism, Islam and the list goes on! They retreat from the evil and the obvious! An Apostle is supposed to be an ambassador for Christ! That is he or she represents Christ before the people! An Apostle can never be greater than the one he represents! If I make myself greater than Christ then I will not speak up against evil! I will retreat from the fight! Jesus came to defeat evil! Not to write best selling books! Not to be popular! If we do not call sin sin then their blood is on our hands! We cannot be like Pilate who tried to wash his hands from the blood of Jesus! Love means nothing unless defined in the light of judgment! Judgment for evil! My evil and your evil that he took upon himself for our evil or sin! Those that retreat from Christ will have no hope in this life or the life afterwards! God Bless! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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