Satan uses Religion! Genesis 3:5

Well Pastor explain to me how Satan uses religion to promote his Kingdom? How does Satan attract people to Hell? What bait does he use to catch men in his net? Are there not some good benefits to all these religions of the world? Could they all be wrong? Let us go back to the Book of Genesis to look at the very first sin! We see that Satan offered Eve the farm if she would eat of the forbidden fruit and promised her she would be as gods knowing good and evil! Notice Satan promised her she would not be like God but like the little gods! Satan used the plural form with small case letters! Also notice Satan did not say she would know good from evil but rather would know good and evil! Do you see the deception here! It was as deceptive as a political debate! Eve make yourself God! Make a bunch of little gods and you can be God over them! Build your own Kingdom Eve! You will surely not die if you eat this fruit! God is a liar! The religions of the world make their own little gods! Make yourself God! The bait of pride brought down man! Man by his own efforts attempts to reach God! Climbing up different ways to reach the top! We have to work our way to Heaven! Your own efforts will work your way to Hell! It will never work! It never has! The truth is God came down from Heaven to earth to provide redemption to men through his Son Jesus Christ! He paid a heavy price of his own blood to redeem us! From our sin! He took upon himself who was sinless our sin and death! The Tower of Babel was all about reaching God and climbing up by their own efforts! Our own efforts lead to sin! Sin is the currency of our own works! When God flooded the earth in the days of Noah man had become so evil in promoting themselves over God he had to destroy them! The latest cultural little god here in America is to claim to God and the whole world there is no God! The first attempt to make God a little god was recorded in the Book of Genesis! The latest attempt is a repeat of the first attempt! God’s ways are higher than our ways! Adrian Rogers

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