GPS Lost in Space!

It is reported that Joe Biden may have been infected by the Coronavirus from a cockroach in his basement! Joe got on the phone and called King Kong exterminating company! They asked Joe where he was? He told them he was in his basement! Where in your basement? In the corner room next to the bathroom! No sir your address please! I am in the White House! In the basement of the White House! Sir, is there an adult in the room we could talk to? Honey take the phone they do not know where they are? It is reported even with the roach infestation Joe will not come up to the ground floor of his home because a reporter might ask him a question through the window! More updates as they are available at

One God!

1 Corinthians 2:5 Commentary: We will look at the Greek word “Theos” used here. This is where we get our word theology! The study of God! There are other Greek words used in the New Testament for God but will just look at Theos used here. This word was used by the early Greeks to define their gods but was adapted to the New Testament. The early Greeks like many cultures thought there was a god for each character of God! Like the idol worshipers of Hinduism and the Egyptian culture. Idol worship comes about by believing each character of God is expressed by a separate god! Atheism is also idol worship because you make yourself God! You replace God in your unbelief! The Jews believed there is only one God with different manifestations of his character! Examples would be love, joy, peace, anger, judgment and redemption! We as humans love and hate from the same person! The problem with idol worship is we imagine or make God out of our own image rather than accepting that God has created us in his own image! The roles are reversed! You decide to make millions of gods representative of every character of creation! Of birds, animals and every creation of God! Confusion! You end up trying to make God! The Jews faced the same problem when it came to the law! First the 10 Commandments and then making laws on top of them to cover hundreds of laws! How funny when i hear politicians get caught breaking a law and then telling us we will make a new law so this never happens again? Then the cycle repeats over and over again! This is the plight of men! The lawless judge the law breakers! If we could do over the Garden of Eden we would do the same thing they did and listen to the voice of rebellion! Sin against God! Only God can fix his creation! He had to sacrifice himself on a Cross to pay the penalty for our rebellion against him! Stop trying to make God and just receive his love and forgiveness executed just for you! Then his character of forgiveness for you can be applied to people who have hurt you along the way! Apply his sacrificial blood to your sin and then receive his Holy Spirit indwelling to keep you until the day of your redemption! Jesus boiled the law down into two acts! Love God and love your neighbor! This is the love from God that overcomes the world! God loves you and has given you life to experience him and be with him forever! If you miss his love in this life you have missed everything! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Lone Ranger Fired!

With the Coronavirus even the Lone Ranger got laid off work because everyone wears a mask! He has lost his uniqueness! His partner went back to the Indian Reservation and his horse sweating it out that he could become cans of dog food!

The Whole Deal!

1 Corinthians 1:30 “But of him ye are in Christ Jesus, who of God is create us [wisdom], [righteousness], and [sanctification], and [redemption].” Commentary: When we are in Christ Jesus in relationship with us he gives us the gifts we need to navigate life here on earth! We need to look at the four words I have bracketed above. The first word is wisdom! The Greek word is Sophia. Wisdom comes from above! Wisdom is not something we can acquire by our own efforts but is a gift from God given to us in relationship to him! Solomon asked God for wisdom not silver or gold! Wisdom brings prudence in our relationships and enables us to properly navigate our circumstances! Joseph in Egypt used wisdom of God to benefit the Jews living there and the Pharaoh and the Egyptians! Job lost everything and his wife told him to curse God and die! Job knew better and ended up with much more than he lost! The fear or reverence of God is the beginning of wisdom! A fool has said in his heart there is no God! Wisdom and fools are opposite each other! Our second word righteousness is probably the most misunderstood word in your Bible! Most people think well this action is on me? The Greek word is Dikalosume. We get our English word justice from this word. Lately we hear the word social justice all the time! To the world this word means rioting, stealing, burning down buildings through criminal activity to right another crime! It is not the justice of men that makes us righteous for all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God but it is the justice of God that makes us righteous! Justice is a claim on a higher authority in which we adopt as our own! Justice had to be meeted out on one for us all for all have sinned! God took the penalty of death for our sin upon himself on the Cross! When we embrace his justice then we are forgiven and justified before him and our righteousness is based on what he has done for us! Not based on our own merit but on his eternal love! We do not deserve it or earn it but a gift from God! Our next word is sanctification. The Greek word is Hagiasmos. The word means to be separated unto God Holy recognizing the rights of God are on my life! Recognizing my life is not my own rendering ownership unto my creator! This is why Darwin and his theory of evolution gets it so wrong! The lies of Darwin saying we are getting better with time when history proves him wrong! That we are evolving into a better species that history refutes! Men without Christ are always getting worse! To their own destruction! When we recognize our rights come from God then our responsibility to God and men is paramount! We belong to God by virtue of creation itself! We are not our own but bought with a price! If we are to be made better then it is by the actions or influence of God over our submitted lives to him! The covenant is God first recognizing you and you recognizing him and his exclusive authority over your life! God makes us holy because he is holy! The unholy cannot make anyone holy! Sanctification benefits those who are also separated unto God abstaining from sin! You benefit others who are sanctified! This is the importance of the Body of Christ! The world will think your holiness is a weakness and you are a fool! They will benefit very little from your good works for they will mock you! Consider all the good works Jesus did while on earth and what did they do with him? They will do the same to you! Ask his 12 disciples! The last word is redemption! The Greek word is Apolutrosis. We get our word ransomed from this word. That is a price was paid by God to free you from your sin! He gave his own life on a cruel instrument of death called the Cross! To give these four words of hope and power to live a victorious life! God sent Jesus into the earth to redeem lost men! We receive him by faith and not by any of our works! The work of God is eternal! To receive this gift we have to receive him! Receive what God has done for you today! Time is running out for all of us! Heaven and Hell weighs in the balance! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Reject the Gift?

Religion says earn your life! Secular society says create your life! Jesus says, “My life for your life.” Pastor Timothy Keller (1950- ) American Pastor, Theologian and Apologist.


Jesus did not identify a person with his sin, but rather saw this as something alien, something that really did not belong to him, something that merely chained and mastered him and from which he would free him and bring him back to his real self. Jesus was able to love men because he loved them right through a layer of mud. Helmut Theilicke (1908-1986) German Theologian Comment: Sin is a spirit! An evil spirit! God is a spirit! Jesus being God had power over evil spirits that no mortal man possessed! Even though Jesus or God was not or ever had been evil he had to identify with our sin at death on a Cross to pay the penalty for our sin! Confessing our sin to Christ will free us or separate us from our sin and then this evil spirit will roam the earth looking for a soul to possess not covered by the blood of Christ! By the mention of Jesus name after conversion Christ gives you his power to defeat sin in others by his name! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Plagues & End of Age!

Leviticus 26:21 “And if you walk contrary unto me, I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sin.” Commentary: The affliction of epidemic diseases is often sent by God as punishment for sin! In Matthew chapter 24 Jesus disciples ask him what will be the signs of the end of the world? If you read chapter twenty four there is a long list given to us by Jesus! One of these signs is pestilences or plagues. So how would I walk contrary to God? Look at Leviticus chapter 21:2 and the following verses. By not keeping the Sabbaths! When living in Nebraska on a farm back in the 1950’s as a small child i remember my grandma saying we must get groceries today Saturday for tomorrow Sunday all the stores will be closed! Not respecting my sanctuary! Not walking in his statutes and keeping his Commandments! However if you walk keeping my word then blessings follow you! Rain and abundant crops! Your enemies will flee from you! Peace in the land and not turmoil! If America continues to walk contrary legislatively, judicially and socially how much time do we have? If God did not spare Israel how about us? One family survived the world flood! One family survived Sodom and Gomorrah! If you walk according to his word even thought plagues and destruction is all around you he will protect you! A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand yet the Lord will stay you! We are sadly witnessing the destruction of America! An America that wants no part of God! Rebellion against God that a fool can never win! Jesus in Matthew 24 closed out the signs of the end by listing the last sign! He said he that will endure until the end shall be saved! Endurance in the midst of wickedness is a gift from God! Jesus closes out by listing the last sign! The Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations, and then shall the end come! What is the climax of the end of the world? Christ’s second coming back to earth to rule and reign for a thousand years at the end of the 7 year Tribulation! Walk not contrary to Christ now and you will be part of his Millennium Kingdom later! If saved you reign with Christ now here on earth and you will also reign with him at his second coming! However at his second coming Satan is bound for a thousand years and the peace on earth and good will towards men will be a reality! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Christian Progressives!

Nothing that results in human progress is achieved with unanimous consent! Those that are enlightened before the others are condemned to pursue that light in spite of the others! Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) Comment: The darkness hates the light! The darkness wants to extinguish the light of Christ! This truth explains the pursuit by the progressive political in America today to take down statues of great people that were foundational in making America the greatest Nation on earth! They want success without Christ! They are at war with God! They hate Christ but the only way to get to him is to persecute his followers! Remember they hate you because they hate him! We still have to show the love of God because Christ went to the Cross for his enemies! James and Hamsa Sasse.

On Riots!

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself! Rumi, 13th Century Islamic Theologian. Comment: We lack the power and ability to change ourselves! If we could do it on our own Christ was unnecessary! To be born again is a spiritual transformation that only God can do in us! This change is an inside job from an outside source! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Promise Land!

Joshua 1:14 “Your wives and your little ones and your cattle, shall remain in the land which Moses gave you on this side of the Jordon river: but you shall pass over the Jordan before your brethren armed, all the majority men of valour, and help them.” Commentary: Moses, Joshua and Caleb were 2nd Amendment guys! Why do we need a promise land? Because this world is failing! I have my job, food, housing, money, retirement and things are looking good and then a plague hits us! Law enforcement fails and wickedness abounds! No security and no safety! Famines follow pandemics! Governments fail! Wars follow! Stock markets crash and money fails! This is why you need a Promise Land! Whether Israel to the Jew or America we had to fight to keep the Promise Land because Satan wants it to fail! Satan wants you to miss Heaven by trusting in this fallen world! Bad guys will always have guns but our Founding Father’s recognized than the only way America could keep her Constitutional freedom was for good guys to also have guns! To prevent a government coup and takeover! The political left has been working hard over decades to disarm citizens! To disarm our police force! Over two hundred thousand Americans died last year from medical mistakes by doctors! Does that mean we get rid of medical doctors and stop seeing physicians? We have a few bad cops but does that mean we get rid of all eight hundred thousand law enforcement officers across America ? That would be insane! Most African Americans are murdered by other African Americans! Yet to the political left no big deal! You see that does not fit their political agenda or narrative to try to convince us they are not racist but you are! To shame us into submission to their failed policies! The Democrats have a long well documented history of racism! Slavery! Jim Crow laws! Poverty in inner cities with slavery plantations controlled by the Democrats! Their socialist system cannot come to pass unless Constitutional America fails! Our enemies domestic and abroad cannot succeed unless America fails! The Jews had to push out through war their enemies in the Promise Land! My promise land is not North Korea, Russia, China, Cuba or Venezuela, or a Blue State! It is America! Why does everyone want to flee their countries and come to America? The left hates America but i will not hate myself! I love America! Not perfect but freedom and opportunity for all! Mr. George Floyd had a criminal record! However excessive use of force by police is also criminal! We have the law and courts to prosecute offenders! We have prisons for criminals! However if we continue down the current path then everyone will travel with a weapon on their side and i do not think we want to go there! The Promise Land for the believer in Christ is Heaven! The Promise Land for the followers of Satan is Hell! Which land will you chose? Who are you following? Christ or the world? James & Hamsa Sasse.