Darwinism, Atheism, Socialism & WWII

The issues today which confront the nation are clearly defined and so fundamental as to directly involve the very survival of the Republic. Are we going to preserve a religious base to our origin, our growth and our progress, or yield to the devious assaults of atheistic and other anti-religious forces? Are we going to maintain our present course towards State Socialism with Communism just beyond or reverse our present trend and regain our hold upon our heritage of liberty and freedom? General Douglas MacArthur, Allied Commander Pacific Region WWII.

Christmas Story

It was Christmas Eve in Brooklyn New York in 1942. The war was on and a difficult time. It was snowing in New York. A cold night as Wilber was walking down the street thinking about his past. Wilber was 98 years old and his past troubled him? He had committed crimes and betrayed his family and many friends. He was most troubled about where he would go if he died? As he went by a church he heard Christmas Carols. Then he thought I know what I can do! I will join a church and this will throw me in with all the good folks. Then I can escape hell! Wilber went into this Lutheran Church and asked the Pastor if he could join the church? The Pastor told him if he could answer one question correctly. The question is where was Jesus Christ born? Wilber thought a minute and said Pittsburg. Sorry said the Pastor you need to find another place. Wilber went back out into the snow and cold and found a Catholic Church. He went in and asked the Priest if he could join? The Priest said he could only if you can answer one question correctly. Where was Jesus Christ born? Wilber strained his brain and said Philadelphia. The Priest told Wilber he was too far gone to make a good Catholic! Down but not out Wilber hit the streets once again. The he walked by a Synagogue but it looked closed. Then he saw a light in one of the back offices so he knocked on the door. A Rabbi opened the door and invited him in. Wilber asked if he could join the Synagogue? The Rabbi said sure you can! Wilbur was perplexed? Are you going to ask me any questions? No replied the Rabbi. Wilber asked the Rabbi if he would mind if he asked him a question? Please go right ahead said the Rabbi. Where was Jesus Christ born? The Rabbi responded Bethlehem of course! Wilber replied and said, ” I knew it was in Pennsylvania some place! ” Source; Unknown. Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Godly or Godless?

You are not called to believe in your love to God, but in God’s love to you. Do not argue, ‘I cannot love God! I have striven to my uttermost to do so, but I have failed in all my endeavors, until in despair I have abandoned the thought and have relinquished the attempt’. But it is so–no effort of your own can strike a spark of love to God from your heart. Nor does God demand the task at your hand. All that He requires of you is faith in His love, as embodied and expressed in Jesus Christ to you the poor sinner. Octavius Winslow (1808-1878), Famous Evangelical Baptist Pastor to England and the United States. Comment: Do not try to be God! Let God be God in you! Let His Word, His blood and His Holy Spirit live in you! Let him take residence in you! Then His eternal love not your failing human love will be expressed to you and others! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Double Credit!

1 John 1:9 Greek Translation: “If we confess consenting together with God and coming into agreement with God giving credit to another about our sins, he is faithful and trustworthy with justice as the law giver to forgiving or dismissing our sin sending us away legally clean from all unrighteousness or what is not conformed to justice and what is not right.” Comment: All disagreement with God is sin! Remember when your teacher gave you extra credit for doing more assignments? Yes it was a bribe! However it was not enough bribe for me! I could not give up fishing and hunting after school and on week-ends! I could not give up chasing down rabbits with my dog Jigs! I could not give up shooting down ducks and geese out of the sky! I could not give up pheasant and quail hunting! I could not give up deer hunting! My summer vacation was year round! Why did not my teacher just give me extra credit for coming to school? It was a sacrifice for me! I could not do these things without giving up homework! I used to tell my mom I was too smart for homework! Only stupid people have to do homework! Then she asked me why my grades were so bad? I told her these teachers cannot recognize talent! They are too dumb to see my greatness! When we confess our sins we are coming into agreement with God about our sin! Confession is a double edge sword! It is double credit! We through confession are giving credit to another! Credit to Satan author of our sin and credit to God who has redeemed us from sin! Redeem means to purchase back with a price! The price of the blood of Christ! Your credit card probably gives you redemption points or reward points. You get these rewards by paying the price of purchases on your card. You paid the price but God has paid the price for you! What is sin? Sin means to miss the true purpose of your life! Your true purpose is to worship God in whatever you do! In all that you do! Sin blocks worship! Your guilt of sin will separate you from God! No desire to worship him? No desire to be in church on Sunday? No desire to read and study your Bible? Do you even mock those who do worship God? No peace? No joy? Tithes and offerings foolish to you? No prayer life? Is there always something more important than worship? Sin produces darkness! You are overcome and restrained from worship! Are you blinded to the light? If we say we have no sin the truth is not in us! In fact God says we are a liar! Give credit where credit is due! How is your credit rating with God? Have your debts been cleared by the blood of the Lamb? When we confess our sin Satan is defeated God is glorified and you are free from guilt and shame! Free at last and free to worship God! Now acceptable to him! Confession moves you to heaven and Satan to hell! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Veteran Salute!

Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for another! Jesus Christ   Comment: How much is your life worth to a American veteran? His life! How much is the life of an American veteran worth to you? You cannot get any closer to the Cross than laying down your life for another! That is what God did for you!   James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com


Everything is foreseen, yet freedom of choice is granted! Rabbi Akiva (50-135 A.D.) He was executed by the Romans! Comment: He was twenty years old when Jerusalem fell to the Romans in 70 A.D. He saw Jesus prophecy about Jerusalem! He saw the temple desecrated with not one stone left standing on the foundation of the Temple! He saw Jerusalem burned and sacked by the Romans! He saw thousands of Jews killed and one hundred thousand Jewish slaves taken back to Rome to build the Roman Coliseum! He saw the treasury of the Temple taken back to Rome to build construction projects there! The prophecies made by Jesus have still not all come to pass yet! The prophecies about Jesus made by the Jewish Rabbi’s hundreds of years before his birth are still alive today! The prophecies about the end times made by Jesus will come to pass! You still have to make a choice about Jesus! To receive him or reject him will still confirm his prophecies! Be on the right side of redemption rather on the wrong side of judgment! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

The Political Divide!

38 percent of U.S. adults accept creation, while 57 percent believe in evolution saying man developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life. Source: News.gallup.com/poll/210956/belief-creationist-view-humans-new low, ASPX  May 22 2017   Comment: What you really believe about God or do not believe about God is expressed in your character and how you vote! God does not judge anyone based on race or gender but on character! The marginal Christian will try to have it both ways! He will try to hang on to his old faith while embracing his new faith in Darwinism or atheism! This same divide is represented in the Jewish community here in America! The orthodox Jews vote Republican and the atheistic Jews vote Democrat. They are evenly divided among their vote! If we hate what God loves and love what God hates we are in trouble as a people and a nation! God’s character is expressed in his scriptures! It defines what he loves and what he hates! The Bible expresses the fall of man and his sin against God and then his redemptive plan for man! God loves you but hates your sin! Repent while there is still a window of time to do so! Your public school system has taught you a lie that there is no God! Darwin has infiltrated his lies into your mind to draw you away from the living God! Reject this evil and embrace the Christ who died and rose again from the dead for your eternal redemption! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Coup against Christ!

They say of us we are an anti-Christian movement. They even say I am an outspoken paganist… I solemnly declare here, before the German public, that I stand on the basis of Christianity, but I declare just as solemnly that I will put down every attempt to introduce confessional matters into our Hitler youth! Baldur Von Schirach (1907-1974), Nazi Party National Youth Leader, Sentenced to 20 years in prison at Nuremburg Trials.  Comment: He claimed Christian yet he wanted none of the youth to have anything to do with Christ? A contradiction! He was saying we must have separation of church and state! No prayer or Bible studies for our youth! No Christian values allowed in our education system! Sounds like our public education system today here in America! Sadly history repeats itself with lessons of the past forgotten! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Creation or Evolution?

Genesis 1:2-3 “And the earth came to pass without form desolate and useless, and void; and darkness with misery and falsehood was upon the face of the deep waters and the Spirit the breath of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light and there was light.” Comment: Science teaches us that in order to have life we must have water air and light! All three elements introduced at Creation! Without these we perish! Without light no heat no plants and no food! These space craft that explore our universe are looking for three things! Water air and light! An adult body is about 65% water! A new born infant is about 78% water! Water without form is useless! The entire flood in the days of Noah was water without form! When you put water in a glass it takes form and is useful! The land under a river gives the water form! A dam gives water form and is useful for irrigation and electrical power! The water pipes in your house give the water form and is useful to you! When God moved upon the face of the waters he gave it form! Purpose! When God breathed upon the waters he gave it oxygen! He gave it life! When the Holy Spirit breathes upon you he gives you life! As a mighty rushing wind! There is a river of life flowing from the Throne of God right now in Heaven! Tree’s grow along the banks of this river giving fruit that is healing for the nations! The next important element at Creation is light! Jesus is the light of the world! Without light we would freeze to death! No food and no heat! God created light because he is light! It is interesting in the Book of Revelation that heaven has no need of the sun and moon for light! God is the light himself that illuminates the heavens! Hell has light but the fire of judgment! Science will always support the scriptures! Everything you see or do not see God created! Give him the glory due his name! Satan got to hell by calling God a liar and taking credit upon himself for what God had done for him! Satan’s voice echo’s across the ages from the Garden of Eden saying; “Surely God has not said?” The Word of God is true and to oppose him is to join the ranks of Satan! To deny the life he has given you to self or another source is blasphemy! When we acknowledge Jesus as our Savior we are giving God credit creator of everything! To endorse God is to win his favor! To deny him is stupid! Do not be a disciple of the atheist  Charles Darwin! To deny God is like a midget taking on a 10 ton elephant! Do not compare yourself to a monkey and insult them! He has his purpose and you have your purpose! Your purpose is to worship God the creator of heaven and earth and creator of you! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Jesus & Money! Luke 6:38

Jesus talked more about money than he did heaven and hell combined! Jesus talked more about money than anything else except the Kingdom of God! Facts; In 11 out of 39 parables Jesus talked about money. In one out of every seven verses in the Gospel of Luke he talked about money. Jesus said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven! Jesus instructed the rich young ruler to sell all he had and give to the poor and then to follow him! Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil! Notice Jesus did not say money was the root of all evil but the love of it! What does the love of money produce? Drugs, abortion, theft, bribes, prostitution, child exploitation, robbery, murder, extortion, kidnapping and separation from God! Do you tithe or give ten percent of all your income to your local church or synagogue? Are offerings a problem for you? Do you trust money more than God? If you tell me you trust Jesus for your salvation and eternal life but not for ten percent of your income you are blowing smoke up you know where! Jesus did not want your money to own you! If you really believe God has given you everything you need then giving back a small portion is no problem! If you believe God is your source then giving back to the source is no problem! If you believe God is owner or creator of heaven and earth giving back is no problem! Your level of trust in God is displayed before him in tithes and offerings! Trust him and try him and he will show himself faithful to you! Give and it shall be given unto you pressed down and overflowing! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com