Scientist Debunking Evolution!

The office of science is not to record possibilities; but to ascertain what nature does….. as far as Darwinism leads to mere arguments of possibilities or even probabilities, without a basis of fact, it departs from true scientific method and injures science, as most of the devotees of the new ism have already done! Louis Agassiz (1807-1873). Professor of Zoology and Geology,    Harvard University.

Creation Versus Evolution! Genesis 1:1

Meat left out too long will bear maggots or mold? These days we know the maggots hatch from fly eggs and the mold grows from spores that are carried in the air. However in the past the fuzzy growth and the wiggly bodies were believed proof that whole organisms could spontaneously arise from rotten meat or certain types of inanimate matter. In the early 1860’s French chemist Louis Pasteur proved that such spontaneous generation did not occur, but instead the air itself was full of bacteria, spores and other forms of reproducing life. In 1859 Charles Darwin promoted the notion that life forms were ever changing evolving into new species over time. Pasteur’s experiments and Darwin’s theory led to opposing conclusions regarding the origin of life here on the earth. Pasteur claimed that through his scientific experiments  that there was support for belief that God created life!  Just as life could not arise from spontaneously animate matter the first life on earth could not have arisen without the help of a Divine Creator! Source:   Comments: According to Genesis 1:1, God created the Heaven first. The word Heaven comes from the Hebrew word, “Shamayim.” The word means the sky, clouds and atmosphere or air. Air itself has life and sustains and produces life! Try living without it ! I will never belief any theory whether Darwin’s or any other unless backed up with facts! If you get the origin of life wrong your whole perspective on life will be wrong and your decisions throughout life will be based on error! If you get this one wrong you get everything wrong! A denial of our Creator will be a hard choice especially when one day you will have to face Him! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.