Creation or Evolution?

Genesis 1:2-3 “And the earth came to pass without form desolate and useless, and void; and darkness with misery and falsehood was upon the face of the deep waters and the Spirit the breath of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light and there was light.” Comment: Science teaches us that in order to have life we must have water air and light! All three elements introduced at Creation! Without these we perish! Without light no heat no plants and no food! These space craft that explore our universe are looking for three things! Water air and light! An adult body is about 65% water! A new born infant is about 78% water! Water without form is useless! The entire flood in the days of Noah was water without form! When you put water in a glass it takes form and is useful! The land under a river gives the water form! A dam gives water form and is useful for irrigation and electrical power! The water pipes in your house give the water form and is useful to you! When God moved upon the face of the waters he gave it form! Purpose! When God breathed upon the waters he gave it oxygen! He gave it life! When the Holy Spirit breathes upon you he gives you life! As a mighty rushing wind! There is a river of life flowing from the Throne of God right now in Heaven! Tree’s grow along the banks of this river giving fruit that is healing for the nations! The next important element at Creation is light! Jesus is the light of the world! Without light we would freeze to death! No food and no heat! God created light because he is light! It is interesting in the Book of Revelation that heaven has no need of the sun and moon for light! God is the light himself that illuminates the heavens! Hell has light but the fire of judgment! Science will always support the scriptures! Everything you see or do not see God created! Give him the glory due his name! Satan got to hell by calling God a liar and taking credit upon himself for what God had done for him! Satan’s voice echo’s across the ages from the Garden of Eden saying; “Surely God has not said?” The Word of God is true and to oppose him is to join the ranks of Satan! To deny the life he has given you to self or another source is blasphemy! When we acknowledge Jesus as our Savior we are giving God credit creator of everything! To endorse God is to win his favor! To deny him is stupid! Do not be a disciple of the atheist  Charles Darwin! To deny God is like a midget taking on a 10 ton elephant! Do not compare yourself to a monkey and insult them! He has his purpose and you have your purpose! Your purpose is to worship God the creator of heaven and earth and creator of you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Evolution Evolves into What?

Evolution is the root of atheism, communism, Nazism, behaviorism, racism, economic imperialism, militarism, libertinism, anarchism, and all manner of Anti-Christian systems of belief and practice. Henry Morris (1918-2006), Engineer, Christian Apologist and Creationist. Comment: Let us not forget what Marx said; “The next step from socialism is communism.” There is only one reason why the younger generations embrace socialism here in America! They are students of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution taught everyday in their public schools! It is a Godless religion and history has shown us the hundreds of millions of people who have perished under this destructive ideology! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is Evolution in your Bible?

Romans 1:20 “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, so they are without excuses.” Comment: Evolution is not in your Bible! You can try all the schemes to get it there like the gap theory but not Biblical! If you confess evolution and Christ you have divided yourself from God! You got your evolution ideology from another source! Like the Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution! You are banking your future on a theory! The Apostle Paul here in this scripture says we would be without excuse! The only way my sin could be judged with no redemption is to reject the Godhead! Reject the Trinity! The Trinity is responsible for creation and redemption! You cannot have it both ways! Either God is a liar or Darwin is a liar! Either your evolution teacher is a liar or God is a liar! Jesus is the truth? Why? He is God in the flesh! He did not evolve! He has existed forever before the creation of the world! Jesus will judge the world! Jesus witnessed and was active in Creation! Jesus will be active and will witness either your judgment or redemption! Which way it is for you he will be active in! You can follow Darwin to judgment or Christ to redemption! Two roads that lead to very different places! One road to heaven and one road to hell! Why not travel the road less traveled? Do not follow the road most traveled where the masses of humanity follow the road to the abyss rejecting the Savior! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Amazing Professor!

After listening to lecture on evolution by a science professor, a student in the class wrote a poem! The poem reads; Once I was a tadpole when I began to begin! Then I was a frog with my tail tucked in! Next I was a monkey on a coconut tree! Now I am a doctor with a Ph.D.!

Scientist Debunking Evolution!

The office of science is not to record possibilities; but to ascertain what nature does….. as far as Darwinism leads to mere arguments of possibilities or even probabilities, without a basis of fact, it departs from true scientific method and injures science, as most of the devotees of the new ism have already done! Louis Agassiz (1807-1873). Professor of Zoology and Geology,    Harvard University.

Emperor Hirohito was a Darwinist!

This completes the puzzle about the ideology that drove the most deadly war in history! Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito were all worshipers of Charles Darwin! I will quote a source here that may interest you! “Dr. Hattori often accompanied Hirohito on expeditions to collect marine specimens  in Sagami Bay, Tokyo Bay and elsewhere. Encouraging Hirohito’s interest in science he taught him about Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. It was not surprising that a bust of Charles Darwin would be found in the library of the Showa Emperor! Professor Adachi, another Japanese scholar who influenced the Emperor emphasized the necessity of giving “superior races” special support, including encouragement in increasing their populations. In this he was perfectly consistent with official government policy, in which he made it clear that in the final analysis the most superior race was the Japanese, and the “proper place” of the Japanese was one of absolute leadership.” Source: Dr. Terry Mortenson, Editor, Searching for Adam, Genesis and the Truth about Man’s Origin. Comment: When you study these destructive leaders of World War II you will see a pattern promoted by Darwin! Identity politics! The same thing that is going on in the Democratic Party today! Where the split comes between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party is a political war between Creation and Evolution! The clash between the same ideologies that existed during World War II. Young people that have been taught evolution all their lives in our public schools do not understand even the reason why they are attracted to the Democratic Party? Our Constitution claims all men are created equal! This is a Christian Doctrine! When one race tries to promote itself over another war will follow! Followers of Darwin will promote this ideology! Since there is no God we can do what we want and will not be answerable to anyone! This is what our law enforcement are facing in the streets across America! Anarchy! Sanctuary cities! Open borders! Christ will always be the answer to peace unless he is rejected! Then war will continue from generation to generation! The history about Darwin and his followers is available to anyone! I asked Dinesh D’Souza if he would consider promoting his next movie on the truth about Darwin and the Evolution ideology! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Transgenderism & Evolution

Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: male and female created he them.” Commentary: So what is behind the transgender movement? A rejection of God and man’s futile effort to replace God with themselves! Man becomes God! However there needs to be a theology based on a pseudo science to justify their rebellion against God! Man needs a reprobate mind to accomplice this! Abandoning God is the recipe for success! The teaching of evolution in our public school systems has everything to do with these abnormal ideologies! If you believe a dinosaur got feathers and became a bird and an ape became a man you are either on drugs or are insane! If this craziness were true then no problem a man can evolve into a woman and a woman can evolve into a man! This is a complete denial of reality and is no wonder the transgenders have a suicide rate many times above the national average! You are in denial of who God made you to be! Evolution and Charles Darwin has its founding in atheism! So when taught to your children they come out of public education as atheists! Can you understand what is happening to America today in the extremism in ideologies carried on in the political spectrum today? Promotion of crazy things that defy common sense? Like the Green New Deal? If young people believe there is no God then they must do God’s job all on themselves! That is what Hitler reasoned! We must speed up evolution by millions of years bringing it to its proper conclusion by getting rid of the undesirables! Killing the unborn and the elderly! Killing the handicapped and mentally retarded! Breeding a master race and eliminate all other races of people! Hitler wanted evolution on steroids! God is the creator of all life! Humans and animals! So we are responsible to God to protect life and do our best through science to preserve life! Life becomes of no value when we decide what value to put on it or not put on it and we then make God in our own image! That could be anything we want it to be! Either no God or millions of gods! Evolution is like a mad dog with no leash on its potential for destruction! Must we repeat the destruction of the 20th Century as followers of Darwin waged wars around the globe with hundreds of millions of casualties? If we would accept God for who he is and obey him with the authority he has then our lives could be preserved and peace will prevail over America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Warning on Evolution!

A Heavenly Master governs all the world as Sovereign of the universe! We are astonished at Him by reason of His perfection, we honor Him and fall down before Him because of His unlimited power. From blind physical necessity, which is always and everywhere the same, [no variety adhering to time and place could evolve], and all variety of created objects which represent order and life in the universe could happen only by the willful reasoning of its original Creator, Whom I call the Lord God. Isaac Newton (1643-1727). Physicist, Mathematician, Astronomer and Inventor.

Science & Faith

I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by men who were inspired. I study the Bible daily. Opposition to godlessness is atheism in profession and idolatry in practice. Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind that it has never had many professors. Isaac Newton (1642-1727). English physicist, mathematician, astronomer and inventor.  Comment: This is true about atheism however what Isaac did not see coming was Charles Darwin in the 1860’s selling his atheism as science! Darwin packaged his atheism as a pseudo science and then it was instituted into our American school public education! Now atheism through Darwin has many professors here and around the world! Taught as science in all our public education institutions! Evolution is the product of atheism and socialism is the product of atheism and Darwinism! Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and many more world leaders today are the product and followers of Darwinism or Evolution! The left wing of the Democratic party are Darwinists! The political battles going on in America are founded on the belief that there is either a God or there is no God and man has to determine is own destiny! If there is no God then man must chart his own destiny! God cannot figure out Global warming so we must intervene for God and tax the hell out of the inhabitants of the earth! Since God is not here were must re-distribute wealth to those too lazy to work for it and steal the wealth and ingenuity of smart people and pay the lazy the fruits of their labor! The better off must pay for the health insurance of the lazy who will not work! Life is so unfair since God does not exist we must intervene in the affairs of men and right every wrong! Never mind we are wrong just let us correct you! We have made ourselves God so now certainly everything will be better! Vote for us and we will right the wrongs created by those that believe in God! If we can just get rid of those who believe in God we will then have a perfect world and the utopia our past socialist founders through the destruction of the world could not achieve! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Prophetic Warning on Evolution!

Blind metaphysical necessity, which is certainly the same always and everywhere, could produce no variety of things. All that diversity of natural things which we find suited to different times and places could not arise from nothing but by the idea and will of a Being, necessarily existing. Isaac Newton (1643-1727), Physicist, Mathematician and Inventor.